Western Kansas World from WaKeeney, Kansas (2024)

State Historical Society vv IE. li jyiM -J- 41st YearNniabcr 27 WA-KEENEY, KANSAS, AUGUST 28, 1919 Print3 All Official County News WANTED GOOD TIME GOT $25 AND COSTS MARGARET SWIGGETT At a late hour Saturday evening just after deputy Sheriff Fox had re Store Up for Future Needs turned to town after a long drive in Bonded Abstracter INSURANCE FARM LOANS Wa-Keeney, (Register of Deeds of Trego County Eight Consecutive Years) to the country, he noticed that a young man, a stranger here, was "fol lowing up" a couple of young ladies who were then on their way home. By a turn in direction by both the ladies and Mr. Fox, they met near the cor Happiness is Life's Autumn harvest if you're banked a surplus the, seed of thrift; and the history of nine-tenths of all successes is one of slow and steady accumulation, then wise investment. Your Bank, Your Storehouse ner at F.

C. WollnerV store. The Blotice To Fairmeirs ladies told him they were being fol lowed by the man and that they want ed to go home but were afraid to for fear of what might happen to them. Mr. Fox told them to go on home and that he would see they got through nil TT- i-.

4-1. aii iiguu jviiii-vj. tu iuiiuvt and when the ladies were in the shade of the trees north of the park ih( The WaKewicV State Eaimti WHEAT BARLEY OATS We are in the market for your Wheat, Barley and Oats. Give us a trial and be assured of a square deal and top prices. John F.

Jones Elevator VODA, KANSAS man stepped tip to them, took hold ot their arms and said "come with me -l A i very pretty wedding took place at the home of Mr. J. J. Drummond in this city Thursday evening, August 21st, 6:30 o'clock when his daughter, Miss Lois Amelia was united in taarriage with Mr. Leo Allen Myerly, Rev.

Dr. S. L. Allison officiating. The wedding was very simple, only members of the two families and' immediate friends being present.

Before the ceremony Miss Anna Hastings sang "I Love You Truly" accompanied by Mrs. Ed Heyl on the piano who played "Melody of Love" during the ceremony. i The house was decorated with ferns and golden glow and the impressive ring ceremony took place under an arch banked with ferns, The bride's gown was of white organdie and lace and she carried a shower boquet of ferns and The bride and groom are both most excellent young people of this cif and are graduates of -Trego County High SchooL Since graduating Mr. Myerly has been employed in the Trego Mercantile Company store with the exception of tw years in which he was in the service of the U. S.

part of the time overseas with the 40th division. After the ceremony a light luncheon was served in the dining room. The happy couple left on train 103 for points in Colorado, and will be at home to. their friends in Wa-Keeney after September 15th. Those in attendance at the wedding were: Mr.

and Mrs. L. S. Myerly, Mr. J.

J. Drummond, Rev. and Mrs. All son, Mr. and Mrs.

Roy Downie and Master Ross Downie, of Collyer, Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Heyl, Miss Nellie Horan, of Kansas City, Mr.

Ed Myerly, of Kansas City, Miss Anna Hastings, Mr! Louis McFarland, of Lincoln, Kansas. Just then Mr. Fox laid his stroag hand of the law upon the young man and said "You corn with and "I will show, you a better time." Tha would- be masher drew up his fist with the the intention of giving the sheriff a Jess Willard punch in the jaw but be Early fore he could get into proper action Mr. f'ox landed a Jack Dempsey blow in the fellows stomach with his Colts fire arm and invited him to quiet down or he would get his digestive organs blown to atoms and they scattered by the four winds of heaven. The mash er yielded to the pressing invitation of the sheriff and.

accompanied him to the jail. When he was arrainged be fore Judge Acre he gave his name as Oliver Engler, of Peabody, Kansas. He plead guilty to the charge and was assessed a fine of $25 and costs which he Engler is a transient and with his brother have camped in the OF FALL CLOTHING IS ADVISABLE Owing to the Scarcity of Merchandise It Will Be a Wise Plan to Buy Early in order to get the best THE MARKET AFFORDS We Have a Few of the Advance Styles For Fall In Mens and Boys Suits. A Complete Line of Furnishings. A Fine Assortment of Fall Dress Shirts.

The Newest and -Best in -Walkover Dress Shoes. A Complete Line of Dress Hats. An Assortment of Stetsons Staples. A New Assortment of Mens Dress Caps. It Is Worth Your While To Investigate ALWAYS AT YOUR SERVICE Complete your vacation equipment by taking your Kodak and a good supply of Eastman Films with you.

Be prepared for the picture story of your vacation. A Kodak adds sport to every outing. At the shore, hunting, fishing, camping there are always pictures that are worth whilepictures you will be glad you have next winter. 'i W. GIBSON north part of town for some time.

Since the incident Saturday night he V. C. T. U. COUNTY' CONVENTION has been advised that the best thing for him to do is to leave town and be quick about it.

It is not infrequent M. Church, Friday, August 29th At Wa-Keeney, Kansas PROGRAM young girls are out late at night with no particular business being there but JO: 45 Opening of Convention, it was4 different in the case of the two (A) Roll Call. mentioned in this story. ii i in i i I I i m- (B) Appointment of Commit CITY SCHOOLS OPEN MONDAY tees. Monday, September 1st, is the date 11:15 Greetings.

11:25 Reports of Officers; 12:00 Noontide Prayer. for opening the ity schools of Wa- Men's CletMiM Basket Dinner. Keeney. 1:30 Devotions -Mrs. Yetter.

We hope every pupil has had a good vacation and is now ready to enroll :4 uiscussion and vote on pro EXCLUSIVE CLOTHIERS Wa-Keeney, Kansas on the first day of school posed County Constitution. 2:15 What the W. C. T. U.

is doing Beginners should be six years old, but if their birthdays are onor before net January they should start for Christian -Citizenship Abetter Rev. Wade Hi 2:45 Report of Key Woman on Jub DICTAGRAMS to school ak the first of the school term; for if they are late in starting it will be impossible for them to get Monday morning Mr. and Mrs. W. F.

Hanco*ck "who live on the Saline ilee Drive. 3:00 Election of Officers. the work. 3:30 Discussion The New Program north of town, receive word 1 from their son, Glen, that he was in the States and headed for Camp Dodge, of Work. We ask the hearty co-operation of 3:45 Paper The Well Equipped W.

every parent and guardian in keep expecting to be at home in a few days. C. T. U. WomanMrs.

Munson mg up perfect attendance and all The same evening after the family 4:00 White Ribbon Recruit service. other phases of school work. There are three new teachers this had retired for the night they receiv 4:15 Report of Executive Committee Diamonds have continually advanced for many years and authorative reports indicate that they will go even higher within the next six months. It will, therefore, prove to all the BETTER IN VESTMENT to buy the little "spark of everlasting beauty" at once. We are offering some gems of very satisfying size within the next ten days at the special price of $50 to $250.

The Reliable Jewelry Store ed a telephone call to come to town 4:45 Unfinished Business. year: namely, Miss Gladys Morrison, 4:50 Reading of Convention Minutes. and get an arrival on" the passenger train who would be a visitor at their Talk about carrying coals to Newcastle: What would you think of woman who would take "the trouble to plant sunflowers in Kansas. Just now, Golden Belt travel seems homeward bound and in a hurry to get there. School days are right behind the door, already, and the children should start the very first day.

Many are the little feet which have been naked all summer but next week or the week after they will "lose the freedom of the sod, and like a colt's for work be shod." But of course the work of and "one, two, three," is not the kind of work Whit-tier had in mind when he wrote the 5:00 Adjournment. of Hays, first grade; Miss Edna Walker, of Wa-Keeney, second grade and Mrs. Lucy DeBoer, of Wa-Keeney, the home The guest proved to be Glen Word has been received here of the who had received his discharge from fourth doath of Mrs. G. C.

R. Piersee at her army service at Camp Dodge at The other teachers will have the home near Minneapolis, which about 5 -o'clock Sunday evening and occurred on August 16th. Mrs. Pier- same positions as they had last year; namely, Miss the third grade; Miss Grace Robards, the fifth KANSAS. WA-KEENEY, see had not been in very good health had lost no time in getting home.

Glen was one of the younger boys who volunteered for service from this vicinity and served with the Third for sometime but her conditon was Miss Grace Hanco*ck, the sixth grade; Miss Beatrice Kirkman and not considered serious. The immediate cause of -death was heart failure, she being sick only a few minutes. Mrs. JAMES MARKEL-HIT BY FORD Division of the Seventh infantry, reg- 1 Mr. Hemphill, the seventh and eighth uiar army, aunng tne activities in grades, doing departmental work.

Piersee was Carrie Sweet jbefore her France. His coming home was a sur "It is better to be born lucky than marriage and Jboth she and Mr. Pier prise to him as well as his parents Miss Kirkman will look after the musie in the same manner as last year. to be bojrn rich" but James L. Markel, see taught school for a number of been crossing the street at that time.

He placed the blame for the accident upon his own confusion. Have you seen -the latest Pyrex glass lining, casseroles and pie at The Reliable Jewelry Store? 2 2t. For Sale -blouse ajxd lots, corner. Terms OP part. Inquire of Giyler Shrenkler.

20 J2tp. years in -this section of the country. whose home is seyeral miles south of for while yet over seas he had volunteered for four months service in Poland and was expecting to go there in The text books for the different Since moving from Trego county she grades can be seen at Gibson's Drug Uown; is debating in his mind whether has visited iier relatives here fre store. he is a lucky man or an unlucky man. Saturday afternoon lie was crossing stead of getting home.

PEORIA TRACTOR quently. Three children, Chester An the street north of F. C. Wollner's Yours truly, D. O.

Hemphill, Principal. drew, Emma Elizabeth and Theodore, are "at home with their father while Amber Cisco lives in Ponca City, Oklahoma; Mary Scott in Cleveland; The repairs for your Peoria Trac store when Wm. Truan came.aIong: that way in his automobile. The chances were good for a close meeting and confusion prevailed. Mr.

Mar-kle could not decide just which way tors are here. Have lost duplicate or Go To College der and forgotten names. Please re line. The poet was looking backward regretfully, but next week hundreds of boys and some girls, will be looking forward longing for the hour of 4 p. when they can get their feet out of hot imprisonment and feci the cool breeres play about their unclad ankles.

"From my heart I give thee joy, I was once a-barefoot boy!" There are forty more persons of school age in the Wa-Keeney district this year than last year, which would make it appear that we are not losing in population. And there are forty more boys than girls in the district, which would make it appear that we are to have another war or a whole lot of old bachelors in the years to come. If you believe in signs, take your choice if there is any. choice. J.

F. Meserve, from Riverside township, was a caller at this office Saturday forenoon. He was on his way home from Wallace where he had attended the Guilbert fpure bred Galloway cattle sale. Mr. Meserve is a port to Col.

W. A. Eppler, Ellis, Kan and Aurel Piersee in Topeka, Kansas. All were, present at the funeral, which was held in Miltonvale, Kansas, followed by interment at that September First sas, and he will send them to you. SIGNS to go and Mr.

Truan could not decide just' which he was going. The result was that when the car reached the place, the afternoon of August 19th. If you want cloth signs or show I cards for the Fair put in your order While doing the family washing Attend an Accredited School last Monday morning and while Mrs. walk Mr. Markel was directly in front of it and was knocked over forward and fell under the machine in such a way that his clothing was caught and now, as we will be too busy during Harlan was absent from the wash Fair week for sign writing.

Adv. 26. J. If. Heckman.

house, a fire got started in the build The Salt City Business College of he was dragged several feet before the ing which burned very rapidly and Hutchison, Kansas, is the only ac- car could be stopped. When he was Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Rodgers, of before it was seen the building credited school of the Central West, released from under the car he was a Wa-Keeney, were guests at the Steve enveloped in flames. A strong wind You can gave 20 to 40 per cent on hard looker.

The combining of blood, Beason home Sunday of the past week. was blowing from the northeast carry COLIE'S RESTAURANT "Enough Said" Harvey returned to Wa-Keeney Sun ing the heat directly to the residence, I your tuition, and receive 25 to 50 per dust and torn clothing do npt make a cent higher salary by attending this person appear very presentable. He school. Courses of study approved by was taken to Dr. Burnett for examin- day evening and Mrs.

Rodgers re but the timely arrival of the" hose mained until Friday. They both ex United States Bureau of Education. I ation and care but no bones were company and the application of two streams of water put the flames but pect to go to Lawrence in a short time as they are students in K. U. of business in a short time.

-The Board and room reasonable. Places to broken and no serious damage was work your way if you desire. Pos- done. There was a bad cut on the itions paying $150 a month are head and parts of his body were bruis- For Sale A modern 6-room cottage building, clothing and fixtures was a total loss which will amount to about three hundred dollars. commoa.

In new $80,000 college home, ed and the skin knocked off which breeder of Galloways and exhibited some fine ones at the fair last fall. He did not buy anything at the Guilbert sale but says the cattle lacked a little of bringing as much as they should have brought or would have brought had they been in better condition. PI(JS FOR SALE 3 miles south of Ogallah. Adv. 25 2tp.

Nelse Hendricks. with a half block of ground, good garage, chicken house and yard, fruit and other trees. E. D. Wheeler, Wa- Fall term opens September 1st.

You caused annoyance and inconveyance. LUTHERAN CHURCH NOTES Services Sunday in the English lan Keeney, Kansas. Adv. 25 tf. 1 will be under no obligation by writ- He was lucky to get out of it without ing or full information to The Salt greater damage, but Mr.

Ma'rkle, is City Business College, Hutchison, also wondering ifhe was not some-Kansas. Adv. 20 2t what of an unlucky fellow to have guage a. m. Sunday School at Ed Cass made a business trip south Of Quinter Monday.

11:30 a. m..

Western Kansas World from WaKeeney, Kansas (2024)


What is the famous Kansas western town? ›

Dodge City is located 150 miles west of Wichita in Southwest Kansas. This historic community of 28,159 is the seat of Ford county. Dodge City is famous for its rich history as a frontier cow town.

What is the newspaper in Wakeeney Kansas? ›

Western Kansas World. Published by Mainstreet Media.

What is the richest town in Kansas? ›

Mission Hills

What is the oldest town in Kansas? ›

In 1854, the City of Leavenworth was founded as the very first city of Kansas. Leavenworth became nationally-known as the "jumping-off point" for the opening of the West.

What is the largest newspaper in Kansas? ›

The Wichita Eagle is a daily newspaper published in Wichita, Kansas. It is the largest newspaper in Kansas.

Does Kansas City Kansas have a newspaper? ›


Does Olathe KS have a newspaper? ›

The Olathe News is a newspaper based in Olathe, Kansas, in the United States.

What Kansas town is called the cowboy capital of the world? ›

Dodge City, Kansas - Wikipedia.

What is the western town of Kansas City? ›

Now, Dodge City carries a reputation for preserving that famous Old West history. It's cowboy country. A visit to Dodge City will put you on the streets that were walked by Wyatt Earp and Doc Holliday.

What is the biggest city in western Kansas? ›

Garden City - Largest town in Western Kansas and home to Garden City Community College. Goodland - Seat of Sherman County, in the Mountain Time Zone.


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Author: Wyatt Volkman LLD

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Author information

Name: Wyatt Volkman LLD

Birthday: 1992-02-16

Address: Suite 851 78549 Lubowitz Well, Wardside, TX 98080-8615

Phone: +67618977178100

Job: Manufacturing Director

Hobby: Running, Mountaineering, Inline skating, Writing, Baton twirling, Computer programming, Stone skipping

Introduction: My name is Wyatt Volkman LLD, I am a handsome, rich, comfortable, lively, zealous, graceful, gifted person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.