Chattanooga Daily Times from Chattanooga, Tennessee (2024)

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Chattanooga Daily Timesi

Chattanooga, Tennessee

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ti at I I $12 388009 111E39866 totitt years l'autatnik eanal' alt4 pvtlite itebt trulla-ararsrato 7 Wri gb-lAsql PrPOUCL10111 Fat" abagalLi4 puittic ono 1P ALL0 (3Ktil 111 SI tret The oufzut of sitser was 63766800 fine gtriCr 1 II 1 11 ounces uctd at $32107600 au lacrellNe or CIIICArrO Sept export -sales of wheat at the seaboard put backvhauged boas toally Into the SPerket Closing Priee were lirm at 146P4-to 14e over -last night Cora llatidonl Write up and oats wits a gain oLe to 114ptp-4e yrovislons closed -COFF DAILY TD CHATT p0q4 Fi3IT311711Fill 1'79 1913 I and the lowest call 419ductIOIS glace- The output of leiteer- Wns'''' illti66iiiki- fine ounce ti valued at 321firtb011szt lacrease of 13137400 ounces over 1911 t- vAN i tohnhte lannll laof caused because Nevada's output lost $4- 1- L24200 a compared with 1911 tieorge Roberts director of the mint said today that while the output of gold had decreased ta the United States and lig export -sales of In 1 Pitr oo et ittu At- there ca to a a Cu ak1 fe le 1 1 influences rid's pro- aboard Put back' ductiou of gold for LW greater than In Let Closing prices 1911 le over last night Amontit* of gold and sliver produced by and oats wit) a states during 19'13 include: Gold Silver Provisions closed state Value (fine oz) IRREGULAR I ISave'Youi Mthiey' 'Traveling to -West No: No No RAILWAY' TIM5 TABLE TERMINAL SCHED171014114H SENPAIre tigeree lool fvuelcr)as informattoa and are siot Knoxville Divistell Pepam I No 35 nt ti 00 a No 25 5-zu a-- No 3' 1056 sro No IS 5 00 ILI116 No 41 5 45 pm No 42 15:25 Lin- NO: 17 335 pni: No- 4 25 pm No 25 1000 pm No 16 IQ 03 pM 13 10:15 a No I 12-15 pn No 15 8 48 pm No 6 9:85 pm Nth bopoot DIV1111011- Departs I MI Lat C30 Las16 COO pm 14 pm DAILY -TDIES CHATT OOG 4 TENN- AVF413NESDAY SEPTE3nEtEll 17 191a IGHT A V2 314009 against S1353986t USE' year tax'-' lid the 'lowest imlr1P' eali iir9duct104 01- nee- i kitisiive of l'atuttna eanal- aitti publie -debt 0 00 onin'heeesouytealutiodt aft II Save Your Money arHIC" vet 1911-' -th TERASIN RAILWAY TIM5 TABLE AL tTATIOPL 7 1 COFFtt The figures were-made public tntla3' in a so A loin statement -by ttto mMt bu 7rm and El PH- l' A cTiva $tairalt EcnEurrix tvw i the tgeological snrivey -The -deCrelitte was A I REILUIlLtill AllsZ 70119j a 1) AZ (N LtFollowing true I'l --al -agoll caused because Nevada's output lost $4- 'klartkvehal a to 'West est h214200 a compared with 1911 5 1 soeo gp Elv Roberts director of the mint( fished wily as latormation and ar guaranteed) said today that while the output of goi --r-- had deereatted in the United States and Division: en Auptralie there was 'efficient infitiences lin-w SePt 16-I31'g export iele9 et in South' Africa to make the world's pro- No to Alrooveg--ag No to a' Itatattobayrbeat at the seaboard put back- duetiou of gold for 1913 greater than la No 8 am No 19 hone fealty lute the Market Closing prices 191a having- were firm at 144( 4c over -lest eight 4to 1 Amontita of gold and silver produced by states during 19'13 itte Gold Sil Include: NN 41 17 45 DP: 1U n2- NNO 0 424 :4 25 6 liiPlinf: Nos 25 1000 pm No 16 IQ 00 Cora ei with Asyut gatu of 10 1 llaisbet1 Viclwacryse up Itovist ad oat ons dolm a a state 4 Division- 1 (tine oz) Arrives-- Devine-0 No 7 12:11 pn No 4 t-30 it-re- 13 a Tn Ne-- I i--i at- No 15 11-45 pm No 16 400 pm No 5 1 0:35 pm No 14' 4 545 P-re- I 'NEW Y148 11C ttlept 36--Righer European onblos of firmer ost' and market reused -an 411tening advance of 7 to It) points In the coffee market uI day: ''Prteas easel tiff later antler realtz 4 jug r4eelotte vtas barely steady net tw 5 points lower October 3 CI: Ifetvatttee 341 January 84 Igareb3ni IMay 343' Only 34 tthAt steatil Na I Itto Vie: No 4 Ettit-Ins 4ze- Mild- dui 'Cordova' 13W44416c" 1 Itavre iffLli franc kigher Hamburg 141 Iles prg- higher' lito unchanged $autua bpott uachitugedfuturva ZO to 100 it 1 btghot Brazil reeelpts PrC00 bags 71010 beg last wear Jundiaby we ceipts 59000 bags against 68000 tags METAL MARKETS liar: Pricas easel tiff later under realls- tag'W3ef4oSe was barely steady net un- tl 3 lawhata lower October 3 CI: Ifetvaitter 311 January84 Mar Ch3t3: May 3-I3- Jittr 331 1 bpat steatil No I Rub Vic: zuk EMI- tini a2e Mild dal l't-w 1tfic NEW Yekilif t4ept 36--Iligher European victille3 andNzePetr8 at a Brume and elleight market vassea-en opening stvauee of 7 to 10 points in the coffee market te- i 'rrleea eased off htter under realls -1- leirTileflotte was barely steady net fehtinged t3 5 points tower oelober 3 cl: tutiist tieconthee 3r1 Jetwary84 IdarCia-0-M i I Ma" 319 (fete 3ii steady No nu' $10 4 Eau- --tOs- 412e- Mild did Cortiovii'121444164- Itavre Valli franc kigher Hautharg lg high er io unchanged Pt AA i R' Sz nPofil -54) to 100 'rata higher Brazil reeelpts 1 1 Wel la- at year 1dl ztby 71tatie- 3-9'nsi ba kir ceipts 59000 bags sgainst 68000 tags A lot of money 'sviteted traVeling just because people don't "know the repels" Now I am paid by the Railroad Company to be of service to you I can tell you about cheap special tickets about the most comfortable Way to go and how to see most on your trip I will give you maps and pictures of the country without cost and I cau tell you anything you want to know about the trip or the country That's what I'm here for Why not make use of me? Just call at the office or write and let me know what is wanted It makes a whole lot of difference if you start right and a little friendly help is worth while Vardaman A 16 Pryor Street Atlanta Ga A lot of money is Wasted trarel- thine reueptesbecause people don't "know I am paid by the Railroad company to be ot service to you I can tell you about cheap ape- fortable Way to go an cial tickets' about thde hmoow st to corn- I will give you maps 4uad pictures Most 'on your trip Of the country without cost and I can tell you anything you want to know about the trip or the country That's what I'm here tor Why not make use of me? Just call at Alabama 4 410400000 200000 Alaska 17198600 539700 California 20008000 1384800 Celer100 18741 NO 7933100 -Georgia 10900 200 Nevada 13755700 13951400 New Alexido 754600 1460800 North Carolina 156000 2300 South Carolina 15400 South Dakots 7823700 206800 Tennessee 11500 112000 Taxa- 2200 879800 Utah 4812600 13076700 Virginia 300 700 Alabama 2004)00 Alaska 0 siVg400alu000e California 1384633:7133800 ig741V)0 7933100 Georgia 10900 200 Nevada 13755700 13951400 New meilee North carotins 16 704600 1460800 000 2300 0-- A 4 --a 1 5011theramMOMP11111 DIVISIOIL Arrives- Departs- I 28 8:05 am No 15 am 42 10 IS am No iit '15 pm 36 9:00 pan No 25 '1014 pFisC ot I s- No No No SAL le-Operatione ea' the were resuluell ii the steer' Mat 1' ay' They inet with- Indifferent suer The pesitioti- of the Market litteing -2rengthened 'by the realizieg'yeatert lowing' last- week's advance: bulls i- to bring about ceutinuation ot the -torward The prouounted rise tewrieaders failed to atouse entbu1 and- tradmg lacked -the breadtu of ag- apparently was selected by font- cusent att the leader in attempt to i ttIc list --leopper shares -too were by reason tit the turtner tiecrease ropeert suppilea and -the advanciug be metal ltadhig 'leder tee of consistent bidding tuountett More 169b-th nigh points to- es egure of ye A Ar 'ieniganiatedaltio made it new record tor tut: year by yistug 3 'potatocanlaau-- acatin advanced -6 Various other standard suers made ot a Point likr mere- but nuctuatious variable Toward' the close selling became rester vitas- were eliminated There were feW qs st weukue14- Newillaveit fell to a reeord at 'Se14 The rising ten or the----uteney--- -market --operated contioustion of tile active blouey ritets wlteU were ad- yesterday all around held strong t'oreitu itScPange-ratee again weak- and mere watt- much discussion of 1thnizt et gold imports Most lead t---- wnas were Inclined to sell orr but tl12 ere points (if strength aong-the amtve issres-- Total saies' par value 17 tilted glatelf-la registered de- esti the -ta registerette-44 on calf ka-- registered- were made at yeittelday lad VI tottit' SAL it-Operations Ou the ere resumed la the stock -Mar- They tnet with indifferent sue- lbe position of the market g-ren theneS'by the yester- lowing last- week's advance bulls 1 to bring about a eoutinuation of the ut forward 'rite prouounted rise failed to atouse erttnu- it -sr leaders ut- tradiug lacked the brelidtu of ek wig- apparently was selected by coin- lis ad the leader in attempt to the topper sharee too were by reason (IL tift turtner tivereaoe r- 1esitx slaut tho nowsnollim registerets rn 44 registeretti-44 on ea -u ett were nutae at 4 ippsted witA1 )ti 7sfete4ar Ina 3i NEW 'tiept 11--tead steadY: isii London s1) 10s -111pmtor tinter 1ondoily Llt Lu liter twill -standard- siot lottttlibos Sptoodte' oetcber-- Acyvembkr Itikt rotStte 14144117e Lostmn voppittclosed quiet spot Clo is t'd kestures Irregularevarying from lee lower to 5c advanee iShIppers were reporting it harder to NAY -Alum to sell vilitat and declared that they were onside to get auy today -although offerings were 44e to Yee advance for hard winter Primary receipts were less tints a year ago and there was expected to be a further slowlog up of the rains acting ai au interfereoce northwest la addition Pacitic coast ports were said to be ontbidding Idinneapolhi for the Montana crop heat strength did not develop- much I until nearly midday Previously the market had beu somewhat depressed a liberal Increakie of the Europeao visible supply counting against prices In corn as in wheat there wei a bullisli flurry after niidday The IoWa teitate re-Port indicated that the yield would be lighter than eitpected the heat during the drat seven days tljle mouth having neatly stopped the thing process Before noon however prices were inclined to sag as a- result of plentiful moisture tending to improve pastures Receivers here are counting on lighter receipts next week (lets proved relatively drmer than other grain The best buyers were speculators who found they had oversold BuYilig thought to be for packers rented provisitiim late in the session Previetudy rather free liquidating sales had swayed the market dewuward Most of the trade was in lard irregular varying from 2112c lower to 50 ad- vace iShIppers were reporting it harder tdared NAY that -than to sell wil eat and de- the were unable to get today -althouy gh offerings were 44e to Yee advae for had winter Primary receipts' were than a year ogo Da there wee nc expeeted tp be II further slowlug tip of the wo veout- rans i tiftin tr a I An inedwforon PP 1 yo net was sic today and enough to unse ttled Pressed an NEW YORK Sept 16---Tbe cotton market was not more than Moderately lake today alid fluctuations were breve-pm enough to suggest rather a nervous stud imeettled sentiment A feeling was pressed around the ring that advances of about 13 teuts brought out freer offerInas from tbe south and caused a withdrawel of trade beYieg Orders- On tbe Other bawl tbere were molly pretiletiOns of an increaning demand from spinner ou tiecilee while further buU1si Crop re" ports were received from the territory el- rected by recent southern storms than otherwise Early losses were more tban recovered as a result of these conditions but prices weakened gain under realising or beattered selling with the close steady Pet pollits lower to 1 point higher The new from Washington left the trade uncertain as to the probable fate of the eotton futures and provisions of the tariff bill but on the whole encouraged a hope that the present bill would be considerably modifiei if it was uot entirely eliminated and this may have coutributed to the midday advance Cables were about as due although private adviees from Liverpool reported iucreased hedge selling and a slack spot demand partly as a result of a railroad strike The local market opened steady at an advance of 2 points to -a decline of 2 points sold 7 to 9 points net lower on the early break under liquidation and scattering pressure from local or southern sources Prospects for cleariug weather in the eouthwest probably belped the decline but the market soon rallied selling about to 11 points net higher after the publicatiou of the weekly weather report Offerings increased around 1312 for lember and the close was 19 or 12 points off the best Private wires reported a strike of longshoremen at Galveeton which bad tied up the tapping at that point and it was rumored during the after-moon that considerable cotton was coming from Atlantic states for delivery on October contract in New York where the cerIlliested etock la not lest than 6000 bales NEW Sept aePr'' l6--rae "tta mar- net was not more than moderately active today and ffiletuations were Irregular enough to suggest rather a nervous and Uned A ee settl sentiment feeling wee of about 13 teuts brought out freer over Pressed around the ring that advances Ings from tbesoutls and caused a with- arawei ot trade buylug orders On the ether nand trier were man7 prediettous of ad increaning demand from spinners ou itecl*tte while further bullish ereP re ports were received from the territorY iii- Arrives-- I 56 pm- 610 ftni a 7 910 am 6 7-55 pm 9 CaS tt-m No No No No No FEW SOCIALISTS FAVOR 'GENERAL STRIKE" PLAN Warm Debate of Subject In German Convention No I 10:20 am No 4 10:06 No 8 No 6:05 am No le 9:45 pza Railway Detarts I fan-No 010 P-mo No I 120 aora No 6 SAS cm No 21 4:00 pakt Els 11 9d 1 ht featly spot 42 ra 44e bepteulber 'U- 42 2t'43e vetober 42tatkig76c Nuventlier 425twiz61 Loatou tiu quiet: Pot il Um t4ture 1404 Anttulouy t1411 Colksou's 2230 Irou Art14 ual uuctlitHgett CleVelaud trarratita Ott 4Vsk1 L1 1321 9d A US Arrives- 9 9 OS pm 10:05 am 10-N) am 4 No No 2 No 8 No 22 LOCAL- MARKETS 1 4 Central ot More Arrive- Der113-" No 1 64111 pm No 2 ILmo No 3 441 No 4 3: p'to UNION STATION GRAIN AND PROVISIONS NON-RESIDENT NOTICE No 13960 State of Tennessee Chaneery court of Hamilton County Gee Administrator Bessie Phillips It appearing from allegations in cross complainant's bill which is sworn to that Alice Hardester and husband Hardester Rebecca Welch and husband Clerence Welsh and Lillian Potter are non-residents of the state of Tennessee so that the ordinary process of law cannot be served upon them It Is ordered that publication be made for four successive weeks in The Chattanooga Times a newspaper published in Hamilton cennty notifying Paid non-residents to appear- at the next October rules of said court to be held at the courthouse In Chattanooga on the let Monday In October next the same being a rule day of said court and wake defense to said cross bill or the same will be taken for confessed and the cause set tor bearing ex parte as to them This day of August 1P11 SAM ICRWIN 11 By McMillen 4 STOCKS AND BONDS STOCKS AND BONDS I ettlf7A(10 'Stat leading rutures range' as follow 1 BoNoss 1100gS It' St LOUIS Derjt119-7 INo 4 125 cm No 6 sm No 94 12:05 pm No -2 1:25 pm' No 90 916'pm No 92 1926 pm NOShVillet ChlIttA Arrives-- No 2 2-44 am No 92 240 aso No 91 Al :26 am No 1 940 pm No 96 342 pm No 9rt P-En ARTICLICe fa OM" Wstern Ic Atlantic I Depart1-4 I No 4 I -08 am NO 00 am No 14 4155 Lou No 93 No 3 115 pm No 8 9-00 461444 No $2 9 25 pm No 95 142 pm NSt Ger Sept general -strike" as a political weapon in the way it was employed in April this year In Belgium- and at later periods in France and Russia was- the subject or a warti and eatetded debate in the socialist couventfort here today It found few friend as a measure for immediate use debate was precipitated by the failure of the socialists to gain substantially at the htet hlevt4oll An the VVILSetell '-the radical section demanded today that the Lierwatte mart a ught Cu istautar Ithet to teeee yawn- were successtul Bolown A restitution was introctueed by tile central committee widen approvco -In principle" ot such a step but iteld that 'the tune is not ripe for it" Lie resoluttort many was passed Edward Bernstein and recalled the utom(vesatui striae of tue bwethoh workmen in 1Uut which cost the social-democratic party there half its members Bernstein baiti that arguing from the number of Belgians who tOok part in the recent striae there it would be necessary to call out 26004100 or ki3O014- Wu Germani to achieve the very Wederate degree of success attained by the lielSiens and this evidently was impossible Eduard David sad be would an-prove of such a strike if by its means they could only succeed in amending the rusnian franchise but this was he-possible lie said the four and a half millions of aocialiet voters would be confronted by the eight millions of ndu-socialists including one million workmen as well as the whole power ofthe police And troops and the strike therefore would be surely and lamentably defeated George Dedebour and Dr Vebknecht tliPluttnded that the masses should be familiarized with the idea of the strike" so that it could be launched later as a surprise bolt against the ruling cissaes The radical- getteral strike resolution Wasdefeated by a vote of 240 to lo-Q Tennessee Alabama Chorea Dootrilt-4 No 2 $0 pm 1 No I Tao smut Wheat t-- I 1 eittetuber -1 88 ES34 F41411 ti8 0011--vecember 4 twat pyrili K04 vsiTA Niav i 2 9141 wit tiA tAtrit-- Sett1mber 1 7314 74 1 7211 7114' De'zen Mt tber 71 70 11 'Matato- 1 '12111 72At 7344 i I Septeber I 41a 42411 411- 4214 December 44 44 434 44 -w11Y 407) 41141 Gk' lurk- I I I Janqa ry I 1114) I19671411S61) I 19C214 lay i i LI 191i4ktlitt70 112 AI a Ard- i -I I October 111 07 11-071110210 05 Jauary 110-s254110S5 10 to4 11035 My -111-4)1 ill 00 1-96 110-00 ILOS October S5- 11082141 January 10-95- 0045 10 S'214110424 May 7- fitI- 44 110 1 60 1D-47W 1-45 1 I I nmP1 Ju ma 4114 -8 gee- 5t44-- 1 4) 3 4 14 ttrt 4d 1 44 -I 410 4144L M44- do- fey -t- Ars Mrs-436 -Y do R014k NV N1-1-11 34 73 Zgl -1-en -4 do ey Nor do 3 0 ei ot316 tio- I 04 8 tts11 1 do-'grn ti 1 ta ron 479 0 -A -11- di gis- Sou re It01- 4 ti tio ev do R8 I rg 4 -91'341 Butt 103----11 do gen 48 Cu rite 13131 oey do 1st-ret 14 Ituhlite b's302 Vo-474sr Chin So- ha's II -0 841- Zit ts ierWith ttes i Wett Md 4B TVA West EL tv- fod- hlaS Wi4 CYnt 48- II 414pii IA 1111C1 At sr -8 tet 1-- 3 d' ---1414 -14 Uri 1 44 ---sio M4- do- vy Ars Mrs- 436 1 do NV N11-11 11s Zol Ja AV -I en -461 do ev Nor ei 1 Nto cob 44 nentg1ettx4s-' sk 8 r-do-'gen 8 ta eon 0 -A -la adi get i0013- roe Ivei- tio ev dti RR I rg Cs Sott By- do gen 48 Ulkra-e- 4fi-- I duce do 1st-ret S'llother Va647nr Chits ils- II 8- St -2d Eti Vest- 11dd 48 West Et vs Vil4 0ent 6 ref ts leg eut4 35 -Artir I sq 413t1p 1(zat 1 4 res 10944 4s it) It trt Is ens to la It 1st bet 4 AL1 Agr vs' 4s 102 eec'' esrlts I OL Co 4 1428 9114 AEA gm 6 (is eT 44 3961 196It et -Eh 1 1st 0 4s r2I4 I4s 1st 'Iran ev 43 of 4ta 'nt Leath 14 40 41s rt treliti' ev 0 A 71414- Pits 13 gen 1 ev 10314 48 WA" rty itfg 4s 131 4 It r-ex 41413 11 tv ru illers 6s 1014 prltenta ao- 01 Yeti es 4 sr I st ref 4s 11A) Met otw It a I 4 ft it 6 ti t-' SPECIAL TRAIN SERVICE Accoud A It MTZII A It LUCZrr'r1 (CO8R-Ef7TgO SE11 17 EFI3) New liegetableo--Bu4rtngrrkee -teerreCteti Daily by Albert 4 Ain 4 Co) Ilk-lilts (green) per itutatl tatuu per Lao Jetts -per tiozat ix 45 t'astitit0wer' per crute 250 4 09belZei Per lb i 9-1 Carrots per doz 117 40 Celery Iter -doe bunc- erftb0 ettiak green per dozen Cutaubers per blibbei Egg Pleat per dozen )-Ettumrcurly per dos bultateso" 20 5ettuee Ileum pet dux- 11119elle Chrei- grout per busitel-ti 25 Outcast vrten per doz 49 toulone per bu ek 124 -Julous Opeuish per crete e- qf- Onions savor lila per tag 1-50 tiptoes per loarbel LW Poobay per dos- bunettes 069 deld per int -1 3a l'elspers per bushel 100 Potatues Irish per bushei l'utatoes sweet per bu -75 liedistivs ter attn equash white- per bushel -6 14 wome groWat LMket -411 Fruits and Prices (eorreetett Daily by 'NV 1 Leval) Co) Appitts stair estinz per bld 450 Itt plea LetalliDig per bit 124 Sanansta per butte) 2150Q1175 1111044 POC :100 Vertettes per crate 1etuatts per erata 00 Itesuges per crow Grecerks (Ceereciell Daily Ly Albert hiakla Ca) Netter belt kTettuirry- per 33 Butter Jersey per itz Bottertne pr 1besn4 her: per lb 96 ilesus '1Aurt per lb 97 New )ork 'ream per 1) lif1soctuni0 per lb '17 ens Rio No 7 per lb Come at pee lb t9 Cooking oll per CASS iv Cittioteue per ease 720 1-1Lrliten per ease -720 Fmk per don Flour test per bbi 6 :30 Gritst' pee it 1 1110 141117'4 Skinned per P- Ideal water i'011114 per 12 114 Meat- dre12 per ibi- 14ii It it'e beotthe co per ibt a 07 Eti--eerseked pee lb -1f) up laundry pet- box 225 Sugar beat granulats11 525 $usar- tight brown -w 3 L74 uo 1 50 zt41 063(it 1 100 10 tt 4 1 -ik io Ai CeL Co) 450 125 411-75 24 -i 00 xiit00 1sett-lit Nel Wong( ttoote NON-RESIDENT NOTICM The hiacKenney Trunk Co vs Southern Granite Marble Co Court of Eagar It appearing from allegatiina 0t 4 plaintiff Macliennay Trunk Company that de- fendant Southern Granite and Marble Com Pally le a non-resident and that perSonal service cannot be served upon said defendant process having begun by eriginal attachment affidavit being made: be It ordered and decreed That pliblicattoa be made in The Chattahong Times a newspaper published in tins county of Mamilton state of Tennessee for four consecutive weeks notifying said defendant te appear before 'Elapse justice of the peace in and for said county and state and make defense to said suit nt 2 am on the lttli of SeP--- tember 1913 or the same will be taken for confessed and case proceed es parte Justice of the Peace -7 QI IA 1011 tli dore Burt-on cf C1n will-tddresS the convention en Thntbdity CLOSING- STaCIC LISTs' 'CLOSING' STOCK- LIST NEW- YORK Nept bat Ay steady No It rail I6e -New York export thooto alloat Nu 1 Duluth 9a14c Iob'ittloaz turps caner ItthittT 3te anther to lie tier Ione Septetulte 9614c Ltecentuer Stay IIItVt easy export StlAc tNIN afloat steatly fancy triipred ttt new CINCINNATI Sew le- A hen t--leirta No '4 rod ItIttgre 'No 3 Intx-411 jic NO mixed laAidIte- Ityo-Easy No '4 l'01411C I ta r--k Itittotay anC't silk meats bacon auct Iwt tcat17 ST LOC IA Rept Mar Talte goy 76e 434c Alay 411447-e LIay---rtrut AFTER IMMIGRANTS Ati extra train will be operate4 on tha At (Q otc Reitte)be- tween Chattanooga and Oakdale Tettn September Ith 16th 17th lath 19tb tOth leaving Chattanooga 9:00 pm Itteturning leave Oakdale 5:09 atu arriving Chattanooga 620 nm Au extra train will also be erated on the A It (Q Is Boatel between Chattanooga and Attalla Ala on September 16th 17th Mb leaving Chat- tanooga 9:00 pm Retutmin leave At- talla cm arriving Cba 8:45 am am NEW YORK Sept 16--Cotton futures closed steady Month Ooen High Low Cl Bid September 13 05 1305 L305 3306 OettSber LI IA 13 15 1291 1305 Niventher 12 95 1214 12 13 riecember 13 02 1112 3293 14 03 January 12Sti 13 10 12 83 12 93 February 1295 March 1301 13 1292 1213 May 13 06 1311 1193 June July 1302 1307 1293 1303 NEW O1t1EAN4-Sept 1C-Tlie cotton marliet was quiet anti rather narrow today It was mach of a waiting proposi- tion both sides wanting more light on the spot sittostioo and oleo on the chance of the Clarke anteadme it being changed lit the early tradiug hears wore somewhat aggreSeive but theY were mu to cover by the weekli weather report's which were more unfavorable than expected anti were the nutiu banish induence of the day lhe opeoing wail steady a decline of atil6 rations Cables were no up to expectations and the weather MN) was comparatively dry so tar as Texas and Oklahoma were retseeructi Tne foroast of more dry weather for thee) two statea stimulated selling after the call and prices were put 9 points UUder yti'SkerdayS eifise liis WnS the loot of the day ksuving for long account set in anit Was increased by the weekly weathr reports which made special mention of excessive Mitts Ind tow testiptratttres in the western belt with of trust at tsuo- point hi Texas Following these reports theie was considerable -coveriug nod in tbe early afternoon prices Wer411 6to 11 potato over yesterday's mat quotations Late In the sessiou scalping lotsgs proilt-takers and their offerings agaiust the norket somewhat The closewas steady two 'scants up to four pointa dowu compared whit the close of yesterday NEW OttLEINS Sept- 16-Cotton totures ranged as follows Montb Open High Low et Bid BeptestOer 1290 12100 October 11 1306 12a 1296 -1)eeeniber 12 99 13 09 12 03 1302 3aattary 13 1312 1293 1305 March 1311 13 32 1307 1315 May 13 'a) 1327 1514 1319 NFW ORTLANS Sept 16-2Spot cotton steady mediangoti: tulthiling 13e sales on the spot 1310 bales to arrive 'Mt bales law ordinary a-Sc nominal ordinary to 7-1Se nominal ordinary 12 116c littler good ordinary 12 11-1tc low mItItilieg 12 9-10e strict lose middling 12 13Itc middling 13e strict Middling 131e good 1314c strict goOd middling 13 7-16c: nildtillug fair 13e nominal atilt dling fair to fair 111-4e nominal: fair 14wsi uolutual receipts 41145 bales stock 21575 bales LI vEltPiot Sept 13---Cotton spot In limited detuan1 prices easier luidilling fair 7091 good middling 771d: nildilling 7454 low tniddlimr 723(1: good ordinary 6 5741 ordinate 623d: sales 4000 bales lucluding 3100 bales American and 30) hale4 for IVOelitatila it WI export Receipts fi00a bales including 4601 hales ansericau "'attires elosed harelv steady Septemisor 709t1 septeniber-octher 6984i1 tletoberNovember 0921z1 NotcmberDecembor 69611 1ecenshet-January 685t1 January-February 6 E7d Februarymamh GAS1 6S9d Atiril Mav May-June 6S0d 681: July-Atiust 656d August-Septeuibet 3741ad NEW JERSEY MAY- HAVE THE NEW NAVY YARD to): 4 fris f11' 111! 1 These trains make an joeat btope1 7 CONN Division Peseeagef Chattanooga Tone LIVE STOCK Campaign to Divert Part of the Tide Through New Orleans WASHINGTON Sept delegation Jepresentativst of Louisiana 00 particularli New Orleans Voisinetis'-men beaded by Senator Ransdell of Louisiana and Trezevant general-manager of the New Orleans chamber of commerce conferred today with Acting Secretary Post of the department of labor with a view to diverting a part of the tide of immigration through the port of New Orleans It was pointed out that the south needed immigrants and that the facilities for handling them at the new immigration station in New Orleans were superior Secretary Post while sympathizing with the efforts of the delegation declined to commit the- department to any affirmative action or policy The delegation will confer tomorrow with representatives of trans-Atlantic steamship companies in New York SZLHAROTtlrat upzi 111- Roc MAIN 443 48 L2001 1411 11 rIL4 41ttAti 371AI 35 g74 1 :9441 6001 411t1 471tt 471'i r0)- 43941 43 7 i1' 4- -1't 01A 8001 22001 ttaitif 4-41s 1 2101111-1 Mot Ite0A 1411)1111'-- 1121114 2004131 131 jUl 'r-'-- --i 3001240 IVO 128 --tr2W01 M0-14 291 391 4 4401 06-11 12 4i ligN 400 I 06 INV I bil i5Mgt bfic 6001 7 i I 36N1 363t 2743th 605! 14041 tk9)4 194011(136Y21230Ystlz112 44 is -witsioNabrox Sept Jersey'sbld 'for the new navy yard which MIMI experts sayis rapidly outgrowing Its present site will be Bei eonoklered and personslly investigated by Secretary Daniels with a view to laying before congress the whole sub ject of reorganization of navy yards and statione- $ecretary Daniels arratged to go to Jersey City tomorrow afternoon and Thursday with Representatives Kinkea(! Townsend and Tuttle will go to Communipaw to look over the great salt-marsh where it is proposed to erect the -greatest navy yard in this country at a eost of $250004000 The otate of New Jersey has offered tie national government riparian rights to 300 acres in that vicinity but the-board of navy yards and shore stations has estimated that the tract will be too smelt AUGUSTUS HEINZE KANSt4 C1T Sept 6tio0 head higher bulk gszettooliel bevy gS2Y4460 nod buteistes 4101065: pigs $6ft110 23009 howl Intinding SOO bend 4401theros gtead to strong PrItne tett steer' 486O(p011o ilreeseci beet -teen $160t4S GO eog'tern toot's 5-50k 661 eeyrs Yd hettersi 061115 eteiert 124)0 heed: Meady to 25e loererz lambs PL5Org715 ye3alings14541 115 wttbers 4i4a5f144t4 a4611111CO check the immorality declared t6 be an outgrowth of poor homes Poultry Eggs And Other A Selling Prkeo (Corrector Dans by ULenry Cla1 Cabbage per lb 2 02cA elell liter eloat- 10WO Mutter per lb 1S fitness terearni per lb 18 birkena broilers -ler 12 biskena- bow' pori lb 12 "-elevens toes 18 'Egg -per dos Tomatoes per erste COC225 Potatoes Sweet per bu 00 l'ttlatorik lush per I tO Flours Meal and Bran (Corrected Daily by rbeltou 21111s) limn in uniform 75-lb arks -214114 Ytour bolt patent 4541 Flour Ilungsrlan Purity F14 ltiattlitrot selt-risiny 260 rearl meal In 48-1b sacks 28 Flour "Sbalton's Best" 812 Frit Its -mud Priceik- (Coretvte4 13ally by Albert Battu is Co) Apples cooling per bu 100 Apples ta acy eatin pe 50t1550 elanberries per barrel Cianberries per barrei ou WARSHIPS TO NANKING tIgAVafet b)PPer -1 et woe Agrienik Lure A trerteatt )1eA 1 Anil litt-414- A2aa do plit1-1 iAmerimin Car 14 Fdy-I Auterie2w V-ltel '114 1 A a et tea 2 Ice Secur- ernerlealaLiemkrid i1 eouient-ate Col-4)-2404Iva 1 4191Prleatt A 4 tlu plit A Irl'eriCa3 Ilg3r 1414- A 1' a 'Jr A alcricatel Tobacce A Iliate Co ist 113141-Zi--- eq 4421 f1 antitCoasa Ulla I-more ile Chto 'k lelletts Sleet- a 1--k It4p Tran 4 11aItan l'actita tcftrel Ltattkee 3 peiiliet -Ohl I ill Grt WeVtirlit ti MIL it e)t I ii Ie- ite Iron -c- 1-iolitlated tIall -2 Prillwts I alestv te lit'ideole' I ever AL IL titegUe 3 pftl -tilierie Seettr A- --e 09 Igt IVES: ou ICO Zd ptdf 1 fr -frld Eleztrie I'l Nortit liorth- Ors ClAo Itiniois ceutrit Antnviatreugbellet--- 4 ltr iAariTaater- hur-mariuto pia 'olt-rnationat "'miler Pump ClIY Solitheru 1 aolo(le Gals i -4 Iligil -1'1411eyt 114vtlie Na812- 641 rdy i I've 4f Cr 0 1 tv 4 itt-1 COURTING IN CHURCH MUST REDEEM PAPER wol 24:1 24 1 i tio91 9w 91141 tie 11 114 34 i 420011081A 361 ilitilj 309113014 illoilz 190ot 34 xclAt 'alailt rzty 3001131 13314LnA -1409 11341 133 i1 12 9ve izo 10 1 3i-- iiit imli 40e4 1374 la 34 14414Af 00 1 30V4 409S 48114 43 41 1001 39 39 13 69014114 141 '1147 1301111294i1141)28 310til 371 zbyi 17 ---liooll 1041 ltlig 13 72 6274 4 4112 131 11011301A 2001 17 17 11 Mt 2 912 Japanese Hasten to Reinforce Naval There TOKIO Sept 16--A flotilla of Japanese torpedo boat destroyers was dispatched by the admiralty today to reinforce the war vessels ordered to Nanking yesterday The Tokio government fears further anti-Japanese activities on the part of Gen Chang 'Ism) Chinese commander at Nanking whose dismissal is regarded by the Japanese government as an indispensable condition for any settle-went of the dispute CIIIC140 Sept 13000 livid steady 1141L ut lialetio 67 8-13 lig itt t35e30 mixed fifft!) heave 4744341 re4b 3150taWi Pigs 2590 head sluw geuer aUy steady 'leaves oeadtvsti steers $67447 00 stockers 01018: eultryt and better $165kr4360 Calves 450V0 need steady to -100c lower native sheep $1604176 west eru $37f414174 yearlings 347541475 native Sheep--ilc-eipts 43010 bead' Steady tni 10c Lowe Native Kileek- 135(r114-75 era yedriugs $4J4 vr rative lambs $5b0foliS LeLis Sept 5tOu head ineludffig 110(t head southcrus higher: choice to Urn' steers good to choice Weer's $725 drcsstml and 111telter steers a560412 5 stockers 710 Texas steer Iclua75 Texas cows and Peitere S425(165'1 5900 head itigher pigs awl Beata $625rrAq5 mised and butillers I-S574095 gnt heavy s84be8 75 3500 lived Steady lambs 10! lower muttons 1132661413 tawb SZ5C(0134 COTTON MARKETS Chicago Minister Thinks Parlors Should Be Opened for Couples TOLEDO Sept of church parlors in crowded portions of large cities where young woolen can entertain young men callerg was urged in a resolution presented by Dr (3 Gerberding of Chicago and adopted by the convention of the general counsel of the Evangelical Lutheran church at the closing session today It was recommended that churches try (hitt plan to NEW YORK Sint fcRowing are 010 cotton PURT MOVEMENT Grapes 44ect11e4s l)er box T75 1rapes Malaita per crate 200 tliapes per Nickel 21 Ilalhanus per bunch t5014200 Vauteloupesper crate 1I5 Lemons ner cretb tibt Limes per hundred Orauxea per box 400 Peaches Colorado per box I 00 Pears alligator per box 150 -Pineapp1e-0 per crate 300 Idorns red per erate Wetertueltms each 10440 BOSTON Sept a supreme court decision rendered today Aurrustus 'Muse of Butte Mont is given sixty days in whichto redeem or file an intention to redeem securities valued at between $500000 and $600000 whicli he pledged five years ago with A Adams for loans amounting to $300- 000 Adams is now serving a prison sentence for re-hypothecating the stock security for the Ileinze The conrt finds that with the exception of A Gove and Charles Gore of Boston fifteen defendants wh) loaned Adams money on the Hein 7e stocks new that the securities pledge! by Adams were Heinse's troperty The ease has been in the courts for nearly four years ci or 14 6- oci MARKET AND TONE a a 1 113 3-161 113 06 113 3-16 113 06 112 13-16 Special Reduced Side Trip From Chattanooga ACCOUNT OF A ENCAMPMENT GROCERIES 1 26 25 1 -25ci 11011 158 iegiote oo 127t4 lany1137- 5001 kr': 2:1 0i 70 301'4 ZWAtt t31i 12b5i -iviti 4s I I 14 gftYl 97N4 1161A: t16 INAIS 21761 19781 294 tmoN 1064'4110611W 10 149(41147411314 1 1114 23 1000 11W1131A1113 1 -1500 12114132 illi I lilA i6i'41 2034 I 5001 tzvil 2-1 700i 3014 2314 1 -2901 aaTil--48311 as I 1 14 700i 974(4 116: 243 2001 ra7ii-1981 294 -1m041954'11100a1106 VOL 7173dal 7Me 210(L1147411141114 -t I-23 1000 UW1131013 1600 1211413'24 '113-71 i g9 bill 71141 1 '4 4 -74 ACCIDENT ON "PENNSY" 411632111574S 415kil 271-75 11-0)1 1374ES 15085 6z633 4413 279uu 2914 14426 6E3 6134 9 PSS 22 2656 6979 1SS5 6835 7148 i 1140 I '350 I 755 New Or lean t127a 13-16 113 1-16 1Z14 New 1325 1325 13 50 Tea City liruuswiekt Arausas I'asa Jacksonvil1 3 Pensacola CIIICAGO Sept It eggs potatoes ad poultry unclinrged Receipt potatota cars: eggs 0000 CINCVINATT Sept creamery drsts end seconds 26430c dairy 24t23c 40- Firm prime firsts 27c firsts 2Ec seeoodao 1712c springers 17018e nels 141114c turkeys 1861812c NEW YORX Sept sugar harely steady MuscoYado 223c centiltugal 273c moloeses 298c zeroed (Met 8 1te 8 Su MI 1- Kau Iv Texas -own Pa! Itte 'lanai Biatu it 0ea1 Lead R7a Max- 2d pro- Lr york Ceatrat ()at West- 'folk a Weaterit 11 Aulortuta" 'bera PeettkcL4 ale Mail ylvania 1 Galt tit71 tAirgh Coal- 4 1 tteel Car 200 29 I a -n I' alace Car 100115214i15J141N) 11250011691166a11117 11- ae Iro-a 4-Steel 17001 241 241 2412 0 rld 2 ii 1001 tie 1 aft a9 l'' 4 Istaade'0 2t 1 001 tril 1 17 4 Id l'00 27 4714 2' cL 4i eIy-21 pf 1(411 Vii 9-Y8 9 Parth-AI Line 1- 1-1314 '1 pia riot 443- 441 44 lett I 500 IFY411-544 L1'''' till attle 347001 0434 1-41-1A3 Iola 'rti Itatiway 90t 251 153 25 200 at I 60 1 79 cte if2opie aocr I 83' 231 1114r4 '4i 3: raville N4oes a 4 36 4p q- Ot -443- 1-441 4417 4f trAL "11 Paelne 34 70 vr-431 ZIt trunvavn AIWA 2514! 151" 251h 4 Rails Spread and Steel Sleepers ITurned Over IMILADPLPIIIA Sept persons were injured today by the turning over of the three rear sleeping cars of the Philadelphia night express ou the Pennsylvania railroad at Coatesville thirty-five miles west of Philadelphia The train was running slowly when the sleepers of steel construction left the rails and turned over One of the cars slid half way down a fifteen-foot embitnkment There were sixty-eight persons in the sleepers The accident is said to have been due to spreading of the rails 4111-81-tt7d car tialf way down a fifteen-toot em- hiinkment- There were sixty-eight per- Hides Wool and Roots (Prices paid by Goodman tilde and Le-ether Company) be well retell on green sides to prevent deterioration to glue atoci: fresh green hides 1si9141! green "Red 12402vsc dry Mut Olue stoek or dsinagel aides at bait price Sheep pelts 101140e ed 10411c dry flint Yetaltle Glue stock or damaged bides at bait price Sheep elts 1016i40e Wp 0 0 25ttlite unwashed load 7C Burry wool Value lees ELT prime Loc BEKSWAX-25c TALLOW- clear et tape 2541550 GOLDEN $41200 PINK ROOT-15o SNAKE 20e LADY 10c STAB ROOT-15e Packing House Products (Corrected Daily by It Allison Co) EXTRAS-12e loin backs 12c Int backs- lie butts 1032c 18(e(20 143itc 26025 14140-ws120 3911 Bellies 1144-20 lec Oxford bellies 12615 Ise Premium Bacon in-inire racon tAc $47) 1914jc logpit 19c 14616 19e premium skinned 21c Zke Empire skinned lec cuitED bees ZSci premium slieel lb-Lb boxes 26c smoked tongues Vc bologna nye: Ash land specialty 16c prepared specialty 15v 1314c Silver Lent 12c Jewel Compoul4 lAte Packing House Products (c rected Daily by Co) ri loin backs 1 I I 1 I I From September 15th to 22nd the Queen Crescent Route will sell low round trip tickets from Chattanooga to all territory south of the Ohio and Potomac and east of the Mississippi rivers also to Cincinnati Ohio Call at City Ticket Office No 103 West Ninth Street for full particulars or phone Main 165 CONN Division Passenger Agent Cincinnati Ohio Call at City Ticket Office No 103 West Ninth Street for full particulars or Phone 'Main 163 Taal today At all ports net 790 Great Britain 12323: France 14434 continent stoek 324036 tonal)ILlatel nt all ports net 171480 Great Britain 45870 France 2143f2 continent 52402 Japa 1 46(C Total sthee Sept 1 at all torts pet 498521 Groat Britain 115 47S: France contlaeqt 2 A Japan 6229 Mex 2030 Corrected INTMI1011 110 VIEMENT Great Itritain 45S110 ranee 5't4T2: Jana 1 46(C- rutal sipee Sept 1 at all not 498521 Groat l3ritaln 11547Si New York Produce NEW 8et creantery extras 321132kc freall gathered extras t241 31c INVW VI A ir LUPO Milo IV 1 It 1 AA LAI 11 11 IA4 creamery extras 32132kle tefor-miFifiv! fresh entliprott art sit I I I I I 11 DRY GOODS mqilimPMmvmEmmoo AVIATOR DAVIS DIESOF INJURIES CC i Pr 4 -4 MARKET AND TONE Ok hp Og NEW YORK Sept 15--Cotton gbods ruld Inn vitt demand less active 'Mein it hesitation in men's wear selling and mills are slow to get in full opnrattita C-Jttoi yarns rule very firm Silk pleve guodi ad are firm and artive Funzid EDmirbetialmorbse- rs SHARP COMPANY FUNERAL RESIDENCE-708 Georgia Ave Telephone Main 1612- LIVERY AND Street and Georgia Avenue Telephones Main 74 and 28 "vn 114114 13tt1N76015b1116 tk 1td )1 1 RA e1 littel Itenity 1- 07 i hnber 11001 64 64 I 63 ntates 64V)(11 66SI 6-5 1 654 "43 ttOolteTii1691ti-In tah Comte- 1800i 564 fiell 563s 1 1 -elro- I '214 124 314 Wabastr loo4 '444 4 417 1 7 VOI 121 124J li2tyla col 1 I I (') 1 Ive 1 67 tern Union i "esti-oghouse- 12001 74410 Tof21 ''14 litug kit- 4 i tit' 0-L Inloe or the 1 1 LI- 4615 -uane- 1 I 1 NEW Money and Exchange ApItt on rftp on can It CHICAGO Sept Davis an aviator died today in a hospital here as the result of an accident while he was flying over the Juneau county fair at Mauston Wis Davis is the second Chicago aviator to lose his life within twenty-four hours Diaz Lille havin been killed at GalesburgIII yesterday milmmd I 112 8-16 22438 68e75 12 13-16 303 1451 Al calphlsi---S teati 11300 279 11775 St 11276 11 1 Citivi 'matt I Wet 1104 Little -ttoMc--Quiet 11i ree uvill 12 I Total today i 2631711N- I 1 VICTORY FOR TURKS Cottonseed Oil NEW YORK Sept oil gave ev1den14 of price readjustment today October selling down 33 11)1Lt5 under crude offerings bleb brought out heavy litplolstion aud stem loan Late mouths were generally bteady however on commission house buying and absettee of pressure Neer months closed 2 to 12 points nelower gild late posltions higher to 3 lower with sales of 23Z00 barrels rrium ernde 574 tales do summer yellow 710 September-714 Octobe: 7 t7 November 6S0 December and Januarv February 034 March 703 -April 706prime winter yellow 730 do summer white tirdS50 sught out selling tdy how-slu*t -abelolett 2 (t-itionv 2300 bar) um flier )13n 7 t7 Januarv 3 -April toutumer 'a Ma 11k-7 A El El et 0 R3 i UNDERTAKERS-EMBALMERS-LIVERY THE BEST AMBULANCE SERVICE IN THE CITY INSTITUTE OF BANKING CONVENTION OPENS TODAY relin4 tate cloPtng tArt 'ils Time le an atoudr' dY aa ninety -days 414ttelii alt 'nt44 65 rime mercantile paper IV-40 4-7f Sterings excliengerweak at $48224 for tiS550 deutanit Commer- qui 14-81 Bar silver 0014a 4 Ilelltra44o 40ceraMent 'bands weal 'Wade 9 raiTcHELL AVE PHONES 1570-1095 Crain and Feedstuff's (Corrected Daily by Wbecler Co) Alfa Ito Inca 170 Beef serape 400 Cottonseed bulls 75 eced we 1 fi5 Corn heart3 170 Crinson clover 603 Grit Ground oyster shells 101i Greco alfalfa huy -3 16 Linseed meal 214 Mixed cora a 0-11 100 hi corn at stute- 102 White oats Mixed eat4 4 AI Rarley new per buk 40 nye- pew per bu 1 lk 100 No 1 timothy flay 0 IAA No 2 tittiotbY bar 106 pion 1 clover end timothy LOS Tellhelaset bay graaSe VittIve tirtNithy bay 129 feed 200 filen rerfection iced 170 000fla LUMBER AND PLANING MILL WORK Bulgarian Peace Delegates Surrender Town to Them CONSTANTINOPLE Sept Bulgarian peace delegates have today finally surrendered to Turkish pressure aid allowed the town of Kirk Kirisseh to remain in Ottoman banda' The Turks also in haying the future frontier of the 'province of Thrac moved --considerably northward It was agreed that the Black sea limit ts--Turkish territor3r had been between Inidia and Pagios Stefano Inctead of as oriTinally 1 repos1 at RICHMOND Va Sept hundred- delegates from eastern and western vides arrived here tonight by hpecial trail! to etteml eleventh anzual ecativutim- of thi 4merlean Institute of -Ilanktlg wbielt opens tomorrow More than 600 benkers and bank clerks are expected to attend: Seeretarg of State Bryan aud Sehator Theo state I3ryat and Setlatot Theo- e1 LESS GOLD PRODUCED Output Lowest Since zOol'butWtore Silver'Wei'Mjfied1 WASRINGtON aPpt- of gold tTtn the United tatets dotiag 1913 a molmted to S3341500 A decrease of $3- 4S-5J) compared with the Previous year ED ut7Viorst uutlou of tiig 1213 ie of S3- eta A STIVERS ARNOLD A GARACIST STIVERS Pres and Mgr Vice-Pres Treasurer Sec'y and Ass't Treas 033 East Main Street Telephone Main 47 A STIVERS LUMBER COMPANY Successors to Planing Mill Department of the Loomis a Hart Marg-Co' 'Increasers to viawng mat Department or the Loomis a Hart Condition of Treasury Sept condition lialteI States treasury- at the Iseot 11w4Iners today was' Net tat' geslerat fund total retfttiirt tl243419: total paymenta tlie dealIt this- fiscal aear htt I.

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Chattanooga Daily Times from Chattanooga, Tennessee (2024)


What is the poverty rate in Chattanooga Tennessee? ›

Poverty & Diversity

16.9% of the population for whom poverty status is determined in Chattanooga, TN (29.5k out of 174k people) live below the poverty line, a number that is higher than the national average of 12.5%.

What is the quality of living in Chattanooga Tennessee? ›

A: Yes, Chattanooga is known for its natural beauty, affordable cost of living, and strong sense of community, making it a desirable place to live. Crime can be bad in some areas, but there are plenty of safe places to live in Chattanooga.

What was Chattanooga famous for? ›

We're home to the nation's first and largest military park, the Chickamauga and Chattanooga National Military Park; Ross's Landing on the riverfront, a Cherokee removal site now memorialized by The Passage; a digital and electronic map displaying the battle of Lookout Mountain at Battles for Chattanooga; the National ...

What is the black population of Chattanooga, Tennessee? ›

Chattanooga, TN has 53,428 Black or African American population as per the estimates from the latest American Community Survey 5-Year estimates. Overall 29.47% of the total population (excluding multiracial) in Chattanooga is Black.

Does Chattanooga have a homeless problem? ›

Homelessness in Chattanooga

According to information gathered from local service providers, over 4,000 individuals experience homelessness each year in Chattanooga, with over 1,000 homeless children in public schools.

What is the safest area of Chattanooga TN? ›

St Elmo/Lookout Mountain

Located at the base of Lookout Mountain, this area is a great place to settle if you have kids or love getting outside. It's one of the safer neighborhoods in town, which attracts both parents and retirees who are concerned about the city's crime rate.

Are people in Chattanooga friendly? ›

A recent report by the research website Study Finds has ranked Chattanooga as the fourth friendliest city in the United States.

What is the crime like in Chattanooga? ›

With a crime rate of 64 per one thousand residents, Chattanooga has one of the highest crime rates in America compared to all communities of all sizes - from the smallest towns to the very largest cities. One's chance of becoming a victim of either violent or property crime here is one in 16.

What are the negatives to living in Tennessee? ›

Con: It might take time to adapt to the humid climate

The summers are hot and muggy, and the winters are mild with occasional snow. The weather is pleasant in spring and fall, but you can still expect some humidity. You may have to consider giving yourself time to adapt to Tennessee's climate when you move.

Is it safe to walk around downtown Chattanooga? ›

Chattanooga's downtown is fundamentally safe — for almost all of the people, almost all of the time. But in the neighborhoods where guns — especially illegal guns — proliferate, and among those Wamp characterized as "a dangerous criminal element," people are not safe.

What food is Chattanooga known for? ›

The traditional dishes – okra, collard greens, cornbread, black-eyed peas, and fried meat dishes – were all introduced by other cultures. People from around the world have made Chattanooga home and introduced the community to their beautiful heritage through music, festivals, art, and food. So much incredible food.

Why do people love Chattanooga? ›

Nicknamed the Scenic City, Chattanooga is known for its beautiful natural surroundings. Outdoorsy residents find no shortage of climbing, hiking loops, kayak routes and mountain biking trails here. The 16.1-mile Chattanooga Riverwalk, which winds along the Tennessee River through downtown, is a mild excursion.

Is it expensive to live in Chattanooga Tennessee? ›

Chattanooga, Tennessee's cost of living is 7% lower than the national average.

What is a living wage in Chattanooga TN? ›

According to data from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology Living Wage Calculator, the baseline living wage for a single person with no children in Chattanooga is $12.84 an hour, or 16.6% below the $15 minimum wage proposal.

What is the crime rate in Chattanooga TN? ›

With a crime rate of 64 per one thousand residents, Chattanooga has one of the highest crime rates in America compared to all communities of all sizes - from the smallest towns to the very largest cities. One's chance of becoming a victim of either violent or property crime here is one in 16.


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Author: Aron Pacocha

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Name: Aron Pacocha

Birthday: 1999-08-12

Address: 3808 Moen Corner, Gorczanyport, FL 67364-2074

Phone: +393457723392

Job: Retail Consultant

Hobby: Jewelry making, Cooking, Gaming, Reading, Juggling, Cabaret, Origami

Introduction: My name is Aron Pacocha, I am a happy, tasty, innocent, proud, talented, courageous, magnificent person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.