Warrenton Banner from Warrenton, Missouri (2024)

THE WARRENTON BANNER, WARRENTON, MISSOURI Page Three Thursday, May 21, 1942 MOUNT PLEASANT In Heaorlam RESOLUTION REGARDING DIEXROECER BROTHERS' PARX In loving memory of our darling Miss Lillian Pol lien spent last week in Warrenton with her grandfather, Wm. Sanker, and daughter, Miss Minnie. WRIGHT CITY AND COMMUNITY By V. Q. BEABOUT Well, I wish to thank Mrs.

Wm. At the last regular meeting of the son, Donald Lee Schmidt, who was called away on May 20, 1941: Board of Town Trustees the follow Chambers for answering the cat and mouse subject She was right MRS. ROY LA BOUBE Phone 129 Tour time with us was. Oh! so short. It doesn't seem fair that we had to Dart.

ing resolution was unanimously adopted and made a part of the God knows best, it was His will. But in our hearts you are living still. Our home is lonely, sad and blue by her mother, Kirs. Artie Davidson, and Mrs. Alice Gerdemann, spent Friday with Mr.

and Mrs. Vernon Davidson and family at Hannibal. Mrs. Davidson and son, Vernon, celebrated their birthdays. Mr.

and Mrs. Manuel Harbaum and Mrs. Mary Middelkamp of Warrenton and several St Louis relatives spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. IraTJerdemann.

Dr. and Mrs. John Best have rented rooms from Mrs. Bohrer for the summer. Howard Best, who is stationed at a naval base in Virginia, about the size of the cat and how he was fed and the size of the mice.

Well, my cat was pretty well fed with milk, but he liked mice too. "A PAPER WITHIN A PAPER" minutes: Diekroeger Brothers' Park Without that smiling race of you. You were our rose and bloom so sweet. And those sweet blossoms we shall always keep. Sweet the thought, the faith, the Joy In behalf of the citizens of the Mr.

and Mrs, Florence Nordwald and son and Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Reynolds spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs.

Clyde Reynolds. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Schaper and son were dinner guests Sunday of Mr. and Mrs.

Henry Eversmeyer and supper guests of Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Schaper.

Afternoon callers in the Schaper home were Mr. and Mrs. Franklin Schaper and Town of Wright City, Ma, the members of the Board of Trustees grate hat some aay we oe witn our darling Mr. Roy La Boube the authorised representative of the Banner In Wright City and will be (lad to receive all news items; also orders for advertising and printing. The deadline for receipt of, news is 3 o'clock Monday afternoon, and we kindly ask that all news items be In Mrs.

Roy La Boube's hands by that time. Banner Publishing Co. Here is the story: When I lived north of Jonesburg on the Wm. Dunham farm, one day I got my old torn and hit for the barn to move some bundle oats and to catch some mice. The old boy caught and Those blue eyes that were so bright.

Those little arms that held so tight, Those little lips that kissed goodnight. Are in our memories every night And shall never be forgotten. fully accept the tract of 6.39 acres of land to be used as a public park, donated to the town by E. W. Diekroeger, Mrs.

Ida Diekroeger, Dr. M. is enjoying a ten-day furlough at ate 47 before he quit me. That home. Sadly missed by the bereaved Diekroeger and Katherine, his wife, was one time he had a fill on mice.

family. (43p) and Edmee Davis Diekroeger and ELEMENTARY SCHOOL MRS. OLIVIA TECKE MEIER PROMOTION EXERCISES LAIS TO REST THURSDAY LIPPSTADT her husband, Louis Davis. As it happened, there was a nail keg lying near the bundle oats By MRS. WM.

SCHOWB Card of Thanks with both heads out I tried to Elsie.Edward, Melvin and Eleanor Wjb wish to extend our sincere The Wright City Elementary Mrs. Olivia Augusta Teckemeier, School held its promotion exercises nee Dieckman, was born at Femme on May 15 at the Wright City Meth- Osage, on November 11, 1804. The Board of Trustees appreciates the community spirit manifested in this act and trusts that the people of Wright City and surrounding Glastetter, Margie Lee and Harold thanks to relatives and friends who have in any way shown their kind Groeper, Erna and Kenneth Nisten- odist Church. The program was In infancy she was baptized and lat dirk and Melvin Schowe helped EBENEZER By MRS. HERBERT ELFLEIX Mrs.

Ida Roinaker visited one afternoon the past week with Mrs. John Beckmann. Fritz Schutt, Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Elflefn and Mrs.

Walter Schutt were in Montgomery City one day the past week. Henry Bueker of Walnut Grove was a caller in this vicinity last Monday. territory dill take pride in this new ness in the illness and death of our as follows: er on united with the Evangelical Herbert Schowe celebrate his ele dear mother and grandmother, Mrs. ly acquired possession, not indulge in undue liberties which would be Processional "Triumphal Church at Marthasville by rite of March," Guiseppe Verdi, played by confirmation. On December 4, 1884, venth birthday on May 9th.

Games Olivia Teckemeier. we wish to thank the minister, Rev. A. E. Kat Grace Bell Smith.

she was united in marriage to Char- were played and refreshments were served. Herbert received several terjohn, organist, soloist, pallbear detrimental to the proper development and appearance of the park, but be helpful and willing to cooperate in maintaining and improv nice presents. Awarding of Nine Point Health les Casper Teckemeier. Seven chil-Pins to the following pupils: Bobby dren, four sons and three daugh-Keller, Norton Kennedy, Richard ters, were born to this union. Mrs.

ers and Julius JNieburg, undertaker. Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Oberlag and We appreciate all kind deeds done Mr. and Mrs.

Fred Sheamire, nd also all floral offerings receiv children of Black Walnut spent the other Sunday with her sister, Mr. ing the same. Contributions for beautifying and improving the park Delaloye, Donald Mueller, Eugene Teckemeier spent the great part of Owens, Mildred Swerkoting, Ann her life in the Foristell community, Clyde Humburg and Mr. and Mrs, Edward Beckmann transacted busi ed. The Family.

(43) and Mrs. Herman Sandmeyer. Wm, Keller, Wendell Gooch, Jewel with the exception of the last three ness in Montgomery City last Sprick, accompanied them LOW GAP will be gratefully received and ac knowledged by the Board of Trus tees. Wm. H.

Fricke, Mayor. Young, William Cook, Helen Schap- years, during which time she made home. er. Norma Prior, Junior Bueneman, tier nome in it. Louis Tuesday.

Carlvle Ellis, son of Mr. and Mrs. By MRS. KARL SMITH Mrs. Amelia Bote of Warrenton call old Tom through it.

He just moved lazily as much as to say, "No use to try something that you cannot do." I sent the dog question to the Wellsville Optic Nes this week. I will ask the other three papers the same question: "How far can a dog run into the woods?" Mrs. Millam and Mrs. Chambers, I expect to hear from one or both of you, as you are the only ones that will answer through the paper. I will give the answer week after next It was a welcome rain that came Thursday night.

I suppose we will call it our blackberry rain. Mrs. V. 0. and V.

L. Beabout and Mrs. Roy Sublette visited C. L. Beabout at Barnes Hospital Tuesday.

Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Homan attended the funeral of his aunt in Columbia one day last week. Quite a number of stock was killed by lightning recently. Walter Stockman was a business caller in Wellsville Tuesday.

On Nelson Seeer, Rofter After an illness of short duration (43) Mr. and Mrs. T. Polston of the and Mrs. Mattie Starkebaum of Hig Clarence Ellis, left for Jefferson Lindsay Dale Mittler, Betty Owens, she passed away on last Monday, Lichte community visited with Mr.

Barracks for linal examination ginsville called at the Meyer home Jewel Cook, Joan Turpm, Mary Jo 11, at tie De Paul Hospital, St. and Mrs. Ike Smith. 1 News Notes one day last week. Thursday Schaper, Mildred Faye Lichte, Arthur Dothage took a truck load Mrs.

Silas Smith and daughter The Willis Patton farm, north of Dwayne Johnson, Melna Jean of stock to St. Louis last Tuesday. were business visitors in Wentz Friends of Kenneth Nistendirk gave him a farewell party Sunday at the home of his grandparents, McKittrick, which was sold at a partition sale at Montgomery City Mr. and Mrs. Albert Rattles and Louis, at the age of 77 years and 6 months.

Her departure is mourned by her three sons, Alvin of Wright City, Robert of Foristell and Kalie of Winfjeld, her daughter, Sophro-nia Brauer of St. Louis; a son-in- ville Saturday. Mrs. H. E.

Diekroeger of Wentz Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Busekrus. Ken Bueneman, Donald Bausler, Helen Anthony, Iva Schaper, Grace Smith, Glenn Cafer, Margaret Shellert, Mary Buchanan.

last Monday, was bought by Ed. children, Harold, Vivian, and Le-verne, were Sunday visitors at ville visited Monday afternoon with Beckmann for $2,000. neth wil accompany his parents to Cottleville this week. He spent the Dr. and Mrs.

O. C. Heidtmann. We have been having nice show Mariraret Fulkerson received a Arthur Rattles worked a few days Mr. and Mrs.

Stanley Crompton ers of rain the past week. Just so for Wesley Schwerdt of the Lichte bronze pin as special recognition for law, two daughters-in-law, four having been a nine-point health grandchildren, four great grand past winter with his grandparents and will be missed by his friends, but all wish him happiness at his of Maplewood spent Mother's Day community. with Mr. and Mrs. Chas.

Martin. children; four sisters, Mrs. Lovina child for five years. Mr. and Mrs.

John Blake and lit it does not ram too much now and cause the creeks to overflow their banks as the river has caused the creeks to be pretty high at present Dr. M. L. Diekroeger and his sis new home. Llppstadt W.

P. r. A. ter, Mrs. Louis Davis, of Boonville tle daughter, Joyce, visited Mrs.

Blake's father at Jonesburg Sunday. Welker of Washington, Mrs. Max Hahn of St. Charles, Mrs. George Meier of Foristell, and Mrs.

Edvv. Linnenbringer of Washington, The Lippstadt W. P. F. A.

met at spent Friday with their mother. (Crowded out last week) Certificates were awarded to the Boys' and Girls' Highway Patrol for assisting the younger members of the school across the highway every Members included Donald Thursday Mr. Stockman and his the home of Mrs. Roy Hasenjaeger Mrs. Ida Diekroeger.

Mrs. John Beckmann visited her mother motored to St. Louis. Her sister, Ethel, accompanied them home and will spend several days here visiting friends. on May 13, with 15 members an- daughter, Mrs.

Walter Schutt, and Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Weimer and Mr. and Mrs.

Chas. Schneider were Three visitors Mrs. John Schutt one afternoon the swering the roll call, 2 brothers, Arthur Dieckman of Foristell and Henry Dieckman, who resides south of Warrenton; an Miss Dorothy Laird of Pendleton Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Otto past week.

wwe aisu present is the guest of Miss Mildred Blake. Schemmer. Robert Hall is doing farm work aunt, Mrs. Louis Duebbert of New Harold Heidbrink, who. is work FOR SALE Serg.

Freddie Jaspering returned for George Finke at present. oy reaaing acripiure passage ana Florence; a number of nieces, nephews, and other relatives and to Fort Leonard Wood after ing in a clay mine here, made a business trip to St. Charles Tuesday. Mrs. John Schutt visited her ''sn ten-day furlough with his wife and daughter one day the past week.

nie canning prooiems friends. C. Teckemeier, her hus Mac Sanders of near Gore visited other relatives and friends. band, passed away on May 20, 1937. 12 Acres, 6 rooms, gravel road, Karl Smith Saturday afternoon.

Serg. Geo. Wisbrock of Fort Leon Mrs. Leland Lenger and baby and rc, uoocu- Carrie Lou Lenger spent Sunday, Hme- Swe May 3, at the Alvin Schanuth home. nd Mrs- Wm- Koel" We mourn because of our loss, George Roewe sold a mule to Mac $1800, only $500 down.

but rejoice because of her gam. ard Wood spent the week-end with his wife and other relatives and Sanders last week. Mr. and Mrs. Wm.

Koch of McKit Mr. and Mrs. Bennett and son Services were conducted at the Wright City Evangelical Church on The next meeting will be held at friends. trick and Mr. and Mrs.

Walter were at Warrenton on business Sat Schutt visited Mr. and Mrs. John Khe Mrs. Walter Willis and Mrs. Roy Ray Bausler, Captain; Floyd Brun-ing, Lloyd Bruning, Yvonne Stamer, Mildred Faye Lichte, and Joan Turpi11- A song, "School Days," sung by group of seven boys and girls, piano acompanist, Grace Belle Smith.

Reading Circle Certificates were awarded to Ivaree Schreckengast, Ronald Harpester, Bobby Keller, Norton Kennedy, Richard Delaloye, Bobby Hedeman, Paul Hunt, Eugene Owens, Monte Christian, Mildred Swerkoting, Judy Cafer, Betty Keller, Wendell Gooch, Helen Schaper, Norma Prior, Jewel Young, Junior Bueneman, Billy Anthony, Peggy Groeper, Wilbert Twiehaus, Rose Marie Ordelheide, Nelson Se-ger, Betty Twiehaus, Iva Schaper, Lindsay Mittler, Grace Smith, Clarence Rice, Margaret Fulkerson, filArtn fofflu I Inlist Anthnmr folna urday. La Boube spent Thursday in Jones Beckmann Sunday afternoon. io Mr. and Mrs. I.

Smith had the burg with Mrs. Addie Richardson Mr. ana Mrs. Heroen tinein were rim. misfortune to lose a Jersey calf last and Edgar Seay, other relatives and visitors at the home of George Elf- lty ribbon, at each week.

fricjnds. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Rattles and 10 Acres, 2 rooms, good road, $1200, V2 down. 10 Acres, 5 rooms, on concrete highway, $3000, y2 down.

20 Acres, 4 rooms, electric, $25.00. 30 Acres, 5 rooms, electric, near Highway 40, $3500. 40 Acres, 7 rooms, good road, part timber, $3000. 160 Other bargains, all sizes. C.

C. WALLER On Hy. 40 WentiviUe, Mo. () iviu aiiu latuiiy near vuse ouuuajf. Other visitors there were Mr.

and Thursday afternoon, May 14, the pastor, A. E. Katterjohn, officiating. The body was placed to rest in the Wright City cemetery. K.

DISTRICT DEPUTY GRAND MATRON MAKES VISIT HERE Mrs. Lulu Schroeder of Grace Chapter, No. 323, Warrenton, who is District Deputy Grand Matron of the Mr. and Mrs. A.

K. Schaper and little son of Hawk Point conveyed children spent Saturday with Mrs. Mrs. Wm. Schmidt and Marjorie Itattles mother, who is very sick.

$25 Reward $25 Reward for Arrest and Conviction their daughter. Miss Mary Jo to Ann and Lawrence Elflein of Loutre Mrs. Rattles father is at a hospital Wright City Sunday evening after Island and Mr. and Mrs. Richard of Any Person Stealing- Timber or Clay.

at present. a week-end visit with her parents Oettcrer and daughter, Marie, of Mrs. Emma Wauer is treating her They also visited a while with Dr. The Aluminum Flak Company Bertha JUlfsnidsr near Hermann. Thirtieth District, 0.

E. made her and Mrs. O. C. Heidtman.

kitchen with a coat of paint. John Blake is doing the work. Mrs. John Schutt and son, Fritz, ajucow i i (2p i i omxo RnrnnfimRn. Fred Tillieer.

Donald V18lt to Lincoln Chapter, No. attended church services in Her The folowing spent the week-end with their respective parents and mann Sunday. Bausler, Shirley Schwier, Virginia TOT companied by the Worthy OAKDALE Matron, attended the Baccalaureate Service We are thankful for the nice rain Young, Joan Turpin, Mary Jo Mrs. busie Martin, the Worthy Pa Sunday evening: Misses Esther we had Saturday night By MRS. ED.

ONKT Mrs. Walter Lorber entertained tron, Oscar J. Luelf, and twelve Linnert, Ruby Kennedy, Iva Lee Symes, Virginia Duebbert, Lorene After the exemplification of the the Woman's Society of Christian Service last Thursday afternoon. A busy but pleasant time was enjoyed. Brandes, Wilma Huelsman.

HIGH HILL By MRS. FRED KRUEGER (Crowded out last week) work, Sister Schroeder gave a very Mrs. J. L. Nickeraon left for neipiui ana interesting talk.

After Mrs. George Meier has the Phoenix, Arizona, Saturday after Mrs. Lester Nebel last week visit the meeting, delicious refreshments sympathy of friends and neighbors noon to join her husband, who will graduate from the Air Corps May ed relatives and friends in Gal were served. Reporter. in the loss of her sister, Mrs.

Teckemeier, whose funeral was latin. 21, and is now in Luke Field, near Pheonix. Mrs. L. F.

Gooch is held Thursday. Burial was at SPRINGFIELD COUPLE Mrs. Emily Nebel was hostess to the Willing Workers last Thursday charge of Mrs. Nickerson's room the MARRIED BT REV. KATTERJOHN afternoon.

The meeting was pre Schaper, Mary Duke, Yvonne Stamer, Mary Buchanan, Lloyd Bruning, Floyd Bruning, Betty Owens, Jewel Mae Cook. Miss Helen Anthony was presented with a gift for her exceptional ability and accuracy in reading, being over GOO words per minute. Boys and grils who completed their 4-H requirements in sewing and woodwork and received achievement pins are as follows: Yvonne Stamer, Hazel Hoelscher, Mildred Faye Lichte, Mary Duke, Mary Buchanan, Iris Schaper, Betty Owens, Melna Jean Bueneman, Margaret Ann Fulkerson, ilva Schaper, Shirley Schwier, Arlayne Vahle, Betty Owens, Grace Smith, Mary Jo Schaper, Helen Anthony, Virginia Young, Robert Delaloye, Clarence Rice, Glenn Cafer, Fred Tillinger, last week of school. Jack Humphrey and Miss Mareot sided over by the president, Mrs. Arthur Williams was able to be May Miller.

Refreshments of sand Wright City. Mrs. Meta Freese and daughter, Mrs. Raymond Requat, and little son, Earl, were additional guests at the Geisman home when Mrs. Geisman and her daughter, Mrs.

Maude Burt, both of Springfield, brought home from the hospital Sat wiches, salad, cookies and coffee were united in marriaire at the urday. He is getting along as well were served. Evangelical parsonage on Thursday as can be expected. Mrs. Louise Mr.

and Mrs. Paul Krueger and Bruning, who lives with her daugh evening, May 14, the pastor, A. E. Katterjohn, officiating. We, the undersigned, will sell at publio auction an the farm ef the late William HoUenbeek, 3 miles south of Wright City, the following livestock and farm machinery, on SATURDAY, MAY 23,1942 little son and Mrs.

Fred Wehren- Raymond Pauk, entertained the Liberty Grove W. P. F. A ter, Mrs. Arthur Williams, and fam berg of St.

Louis spent a few hours ily, has been quite poorly, we are pleasant time was reported. last Friday with Mr. and Mrs. Fred VACATION CHURCH SCHOOL sorry to report. Krueger.

Mrs. Annie Minning was surprised on Mother's Day by a On Tuesday of last week Mr. and Mr. and Mrs. Fred Sanker of War and Mrs.

Frank Lohman of south of IN SESSION JUNE 8 TO 19 The four churches in Wright City will conduct a Vacation Church friendship quilt, the idea of her renton and Mrs. Amelia Nierman, town and Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Loh granddaughter, little Miss Anna Donald Bausler, Floyd Bruning, mann and daughter, Mary Ann, of Livestock son, Louis, and daughter, Hilda, were Sunday guests at the home of Mae Minning. Friends are assist Dyane Johnson, Lloyd Bruning, Foristell, attended the funeral ing with, the quilting at the home Robert Cook, Lindsay Mittler, Har Mr.

and Mrs. Herman Nierman. Mr. Louis Rausch at Creve Coure, oi Mrs. Ben Minning this week.

Mr. Rausch was an uncle of Frank Dr. and Mrs. W. Spurgeon of Hermann spent Sunday at the home Mr.

and Mrs. Henry Favre have old Mueller, Otis Symes. Betty Owens, piano solo, "Over the Waves" Charles Blake. Lohmann. sold their farm, the former J.

M. of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Krueger. While G.

H. Spoede was working School June 8 to 19, omitting Saturdays and Sundays. All children of beginners, primary, junior and intermediate ages, approximately four to fourteen, are urged to attend. Sessions will be forenoons, 9 to 11:45. Activities will include worship, chorus singing, class sessions, play and handwork.

The moderate expense will be cared for by a free will offering; at the public closing Seaton place, and will give posses W. Martin, Superintendent of Henry Brockman, of Detroit the Wright City Schools, gave a talk in his garage, a gasoline motor backfired, setting fire to the gaso visited Monday with his par 1 Roan Mare, 10 years old 1 Buckskin Mare, 9 years old 1 Buckskin (Mare, 5 years old 1 Buckskin Horse, 4 years old 1 Roan Mare, 2 years old 1 Black Mare Mule, 3 years old 1 Black Horse Mule, 2 years old 3 Holstein Cows, 4 years old 1 Holstein Cow, 6 years old 1 Holstein Cow, 4 years old, Calf by side 1 Black Cow, 6 years old 2 Black Yearling Heifers 1 Red Heifer 1 Red Cow, 9 years old 21 Head Ewes, mixed ages 1 Shropshire Buck, 15 months old 18 Head Spring Lambs 2 Sows 4 Shoats, 3 months old sion June 1. We understand they have bought a farm, on the Mera-mec Rixer. Our good wishes go to the graduating class. ents, Mr.

and Mrs. Henry Brock- line. In trying to smother the flames with sacks, the flames kept man. Diplomas were given to Lloyd Bruning, Floyd Bruning, Jewel Mae Mr. and Mrs.

Tate Schneider of on spreading higher. The fire siren Cook, Betty Jean Owens. St Charles spent Sunday with Mrs. blew and many responded to the The school joined in singing with them. Mr.

and Mrs. Chris. Bockhorst of St Charles and Mr. and Mrs. Stock and little son Ironton visited at the George Meier home Sunday.

Mr. Schneider sister, Mrs. Kenneth Mi program the evening of June 19. The cooperation of all parents is call. With quick work with fire ex lam, husband and baby.

tinguishers it was soon put out. earnestly solicited. Mrs. Ira Gerdemann, accompanied Farm Machinery Leo J. Toomey, 22 years old Place of holding the school will and his brother, James Girard 1 Nichols Sc Shepard Steam be announced next week; probably at the school building.

Toomey, 20, were drowned in the Mississippi River Sunday morning, Engine, 20-75 The Methodist Church May 10, when their boat capsized. Both boys are reported to have been SL Losls, IZo. GEO. All tlssls ftnnr Sermon theme next Sunday at good swimmers. J.

P. Short's sister. both New Melle and Wright City: Glee Short, married the brother of "An Unfailing Test of the Teach Leo Toomey's wife, Leroy Furger-son. All are St. Louis residents.

ings of the Bible." Hours of ser and Mrs. Meier were visitors in the home of their niece, Mr. and Mrs. Johnson, near Defiance, Saturday. Winston Busekrus of Warrenton is spending a week's vacation with his grandparents, Mr.

and Mrs. Otto Held. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Krueger spent Sunday afternoon at the Held home.

Mrs. Minnie Driemeyer is spending some time with her daughter, Mrs. Alvin Lohman, in the Pitts vicinity. LINPTS MILL Br MRS. E.

L. CHAPE I (Too late for last wssk) Mrs. Walter Schaper of Troy and vice: New Melle, 9 a. followed The following were Mother's Day "America." Recessional, "Thoughts of Home," played by Grace Belle Smith. BACCALAUREATE SERVICE WAS WELL ATTENDED The Baccalaureate Service, held at the Methodist Church Sunday evening, was well attended.

The sermon by Rev. A. E. Katterjohn on the topic, "The Power of Influence," based on the text, "Beloved, follow not that 'which is evil, but that which is good," was indeed an appropriate message and appealed to both heart and mind. Following is a list of the High School graduates: Zeno Walterman, Frederick.

Gerdeman, Walace Ordelheide, Charles Thoroughman, Virginia Brandes, Alger Williams, Esther Strack, Gwyn Waller, Melba Bockhorst, Melba Schneider, Grace Hope Symes, Carolyn Anderson, Ei Wj) PARS lft FREE by Sunday school. Wright City, guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. w.w, unmeet service worship, ser Frank Tomek and grandson, mon and church school classes. Kenneth Schemmer: Mr.

and Mrs. Youth meeting, 8 p. m. J. VV.

Elmer Tomek and daughter, Joyce Ann, of Warrenton, Mr. and Mrs. Borah, Pastor. 15 mIm ftswtsvR rasslr Mft-4 $3 HHCSHIGHWAT ft WAUOXOTOM 1 12-ft. Harrow 2 6-Shovel Cultivators 1 Disk Cultivator 1 7-ft Disk Harrow 2 Low Steel Wheel Wagons 2 Hay Frames 1 High Wheel Wagon 1 Wagon Bed 1 1931 Chevrolet iya ton Truck with Dual Wheels 1 Log Roller 1 8-ft McCormick-Deerlng Binder 2 5-ft Mowers 1 10ft Hayrake 1 Fanning Mill 1 Spreader 1 8-ft Lime Spreader 1 Saddle, Harness, lines, Bridles and Collars 3 Jack Screws 1 Gasoline Iron, like new Hammers, Saws, Brace and Bits and other Tools 2 Crosscut Saws 2 Sledge Hammers 1 Cream Separator Other Articles too Numerous to mention.

Raymond Tomek of Bachelor, Mo 1 Nichols Sc Shepard Separator, 36-56 1 Tank Pump 1 Curtis Sawmill with 42 and 52 inch blades 1 McCormlck-Deering Corn Shredder, 6 rollers 1 Fairbanks-Morse 10-inch Feed Grinder 1 1020 International Tractor 1 14-inch Tractor Gang Plow 1 Mammoth 7-ft Tandem Disk 1 French 18-inch Burr Mill 1 Wood Saw 1 2-Hole Corn Shelter 1 Oliver 10-inch Gang Plow 1 John-Deere Sulky Plow 2 14-inch Walking Plows 1 12-inch Walking Plow 2 Diamond Plows 1 8-hole Disk Drill 1 8-hole Hoe Drill 1 John Deere Corn Planter with check row and Fertilizer attachment 1 8-ft Harrow 1 10ft Harrow Couth of the Natarene Mrs. Ola Mae Pickeral of SL Louis, Mr. and Mrs. John Skrivan of Overland, Mr. and Mrs.

E. U. McAtee and Sunday, May 24: Sunday school. 9:30 a. m.

Preaching service, 10:30 parents, Mr. and Mrs. Schwarze of a. m. Dr.

T. W. Willingham will DANCE! son of St. Louis, Ralph Tomek of Wright City. John Swarts was an afternoon caller.

Mrs. McAtee and bring the message for the morning Denver, spent Thursday with Mr. and Mrs. II. E.

Schaper and service, come hear this good speak leen Gerdeman, Elizabeth Bllck, helped Mrs. Schaper celebrate her Ralph Tomek remained for a long er. Evening preaching service, 8 p. eightieth birthday. er visit.

Wednesday night Ralph Gerald Davidson, Ruth Stine, Mel-vin Schlueter, Bertina Prior, Vir At Schuetzen Grounds a MUes East ef Warreatea m. Wednesday, May 27: Annual church meeting at 8 p. m. Thurs Mr. and Mrs.

George Schaper spent with his brother, Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Tomek, and family in War ginia Shelton, Calvin Schaper, Maurice Hedeman, Glenn Nixing, day, May 28. Bible study at the parsonage. "Wait on the Lord: be and daughters were dinner guests of Mr.

and Mrs. Herman Godt and family. The dinner was given in renton and on Thursday morning was one of the twelve to leave for piancne stamer, Oliver Bllck. of good courage, and he shall strengthen thine heart: Wait, I say, honor of Miss Velma Jefferson Barracks, but was rejected and returned home Friday. Satv May 30 sixteenth birtnaay.

SENIORS TO LEAVE FOR LAKE TAKZYC02C 0 on the Lord." Ps. P. Whit canack, Pastor. Mrs. August Schroer, Mrs.

Lid Card ef Thanks Nierman and daughter, Malinda, The senior will leave on their Sponsored by Pitta W. P. T. A. pent Sunday with Mr.

and Mrs. Craagdlcal Chirch Sunday Khool at 10 a. m. Wor Henry Windmann. trip Friday morning for Lake Tanevcomo in the Ozarki.

They will be accompanied by Prof. Cash Sale Laach an Creaads tales Eegiaa I Jt A. VL Ifirmon 0. fJalfnr tsuiiiiusi jk tiuitui I wish to thank nil of those who so promptly came to assistance Wednesday afternoon when the fire call was sounded. It wis greatly Mr.

and Mrs. Alfred Cram and Kude By ship service at 11 a. m. We invite you to to our Sunday school and Martin. Mrs.

August turner. Jr. Mrs. Jot Gauirti were fUtunfay niitit gUKtU ot Mr. and lire.

FrtU ad Ut. sol 4i. Lul Wiuigua, 01 appreciated, II. fcpocrie, (43) church ervcs-A kttrjolm, i'utor. Craue.

Mrs, Cun also pmi Sun going on the Wliligue bus. They aspect to return tome time tloadty, Bars Banea Wtteii Is A3 Aay then. Mr. end v.n. AJed Craue spent frmiMj niiii 4r ar- At Sherman's nam.

May 21 Good We wish to acknowledge the renewal of A Mtler. Wast Ad art nontf fl fi't T1heu, mil, tw mn, Mrtif vtmt- (43).

Warrenton Banner from Warrenton, Missouri (2024)


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Name: Greg O'Connell

Birthday: 1992-01-10

Address: Suite 517 2436 Jefferey Pass, Shanitaside, UT 27519

Phone: +2614651609714

Job: Education Developer

Hobby: Cooking, Gambling, Pottery, Shooting, Baseball, Singing, Snowboarding

Introduction: My name is Greg O'Connell, I am a delightful, colorful, talented, kind, lively, modern, tender person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.