MONDAY. MARCH 28. IJ77 CLASSIFIED RATE AND CONTRACT INFORMATION CALL 582-2622 TO PLACE AN AD CALL 582-2622 TO CANCEL AN AD CALL 582-4560 The Courier-Journal The Louisville Times ALPHABETICAL INDEX to the CLASSIFIED SECTION CLASSIFIED INFORMATION THE COl RIER-JOl RIVAL Clout fication ANIMALS Dogs Cols Pttt Hones Cottlt Poultry Garden Tools Good Things To Eat Household Goods Jewelry Machinery, Tools. Miscellaneous Musical Instruments Radios. Record Players Special Sales Sporting Goods Stamps, Coins, Collections Swaps Tools Trees.
TV's, Radios. Record Players Yard Needs Yard Sales Wanted to Buy Miscellaneous. 20 73 74 75 64 76 77 77 110 65 64B 64A 75 20 77 20 110 80 OFFICE HOURS Monday through Saturday 8 a.m. to 8 p.m Sundays and Holidays 6-8 p.m. CALL 582-2622 DEADLINES DEADLINE FOR NEW COPY Weekdays 5 PM previous day for regular single column, metropolitan circulation; 24 hours earlier for illustrated display and full circulation orders Call 582-2622.
DEADLINES FOR CANCELLATIONS Ads may be cancelled during all regular office hours (see below) Cancellations received before 9pm weekdays will be mode for the next day's morning paper Cancellations for the Sunday paper must be mode by Friday Call REAL ESTATE FOR SALE Acreage 99 102 Aportmenrs 100X Business and Industrial 100 Camps. Camp Sites 102 A Condominiums 100Z Dupleies 100X Forms, Acreage. 99 Houses For Sale Central 101C East 101 Indiono 101 A South 101 West 1018 HUD Houses 104 Industrial 100 lots, Acreage 102 Mobile Homes 101M Mobile Home Parks 1 0 1 New Houses. 101 Property for Exhange 100A Resorts 102A Suburban, Out of Town. 103 REGULATIONS 1 These newspapers do not knowingly accept ods of a fraudulent, misleading, controversial, or discriminatory nature and reserve the right to' edit or reect any copy submitted 2 Advertising scheduled for the doily combination will start in the Courier-Journal 3 The newspapers will not be responsible for typographical or other errors beyond cancel lotion of the charge for the ad.
nor will they be responsible for more than one incorrect insertion of an ad Advertiser must give notice of error in time for correction of next insertion 4 Cancellations given prior to first publication will be charged tor one day 5 Adjustments for incorrect billing should be requested upon receipt of bill No adjustments will be considered after 90 days if not previously ANNOUNCEMENTS Cards of Thonlcs Club Noticm 00 Deothi Funtrall 1 Derby Informotion 8 Florists, Flowers 00A Found Funeral Director! 7 Information Busmsl I3A Iniormotion Penonoll 13 legal Noticts A lodge Nolicei 8 lost In Memorial" 5 Vocation Suggestions. 10 EDUCATION (see Instruction) EMPLOYMENT Agencies 38 Wonted 36 Wanted 37 Wanted 42 Wonted, Services 42A FINANCIAL S3 Opportunities 49 5 Wanted S6A INSTRUCTION General 4S and Colleges 46 Training. 47 MERCHANDISE SALE 64C. 73 4 110 73 73 66 Material 68 Equipment 67 73 Furs 69 648 1 10 Jewelry 74 20 64 Needs 71 64 73 69 RATES: Daily Combination and Sunday per agate line. Private Party Ads: $1.05 Commercial Ads: $1.52 DISCOUNTS 7-13 consecutive days: 15 14 consecutive days: 20 "Situations see note under Classification 42.
STYLE OR ILLUSTRATED DISPLAY Add 05 per agate line ALL EDITIONS (Full Circulation) Privote Party: odd IS per agate line Commercial: add $.30 per agate line. SINGLE PAPER (Metro Circulation) SI 10 per agate line, no discount. LEGAL NOTICES Single paper, Courier-Journal or louisville Times: $.57 per agate line Combination or Sunday: 1 00 per agate line AUCTIONS Auction Salts Special Solei SERVICES Alterations Apartment Rental Service. Builders. Care for Children Core for Elderly Carpentry 14 86 108 13C 13B 14 89 88 86 89A 86 91 93 92 2A 918 101P 90 94 84 81 83 87 85 98 CIRCULATION AREAS GREATER METRO KENTUCKY: Bullitt, Hardin, Jefferson, Nelson, Oldham, Shelby, Spencer Counties.
INDIANA: Clark, Floyd, Harrison, Scott, Washington Counties. ALL EDITIONS 120 Kentucky counties and 19 in Southern AUTOMOTIVE Airplanes for Sole 26 Automobile loam Insurance 26A Automobiles for Sale 17 Autos, Trucks Rent or lease 27D Automobiles, Trucks Wanted 35 Antiques, Custom Builts J7B CB Radios Equipment 34A Imports, Sport Cars 27C Motorcycles, Scooters 30 Recreational Vehicles 29A Tiret, Parts, Services 34 Trucks, Trailers 28 Electrical 14 Funeral Directors 7 Furniture Rentol 89D General Services 14 Merchandise for Rent 24 Moving, local. 21 Moving, long Distance 22 Painting, Papering 73 Real Istote Firms 108 Tax Service 14A Television Rentals. 24 77 Television Repair. Yard Work 14 S9 60 61 109 no 11 Lost CAT, small black wwhite spot.
Highlands Reward 459 6151 after 5. DOG, male, black co*ck A Poo, furry coat, answers to name near High School please call 949 2227. after 3 30 OFFERING REWARD! DOG, Cairn Terrior Male Dark ravish black Red Collar hild's loving pet Very friendly 245 0116 REWARD DOG, Old English Sheepdog, vl cinitv of Hoffmann Lighting on LaGrange white with black ear, silver gray body Named Chadwlck Reward 424 1474or 245 3432. DOG, Great Dane, female, Black white. Lost in Grade Ln vicinity, Anarch 23 Pregnant 491 4304 or 239 4459 REWARD DOG, miniature Collie, female, tri color.
Hikes Point area, very friendly, 2 years old REWARD! Call 452 9304 after 4:30 p.m. DOG, Brittany Spaniel, female, collar, no identification, Klon dikeLn. Hikes Point area REWARD Child's pet 582 5362 before 5, 491 7499 after 5, on weekends. DOG, Golden Retreiver, male, 1 year old, Alta Ave. Bardstown Rd Area, blue collar, white spot on chest, answers to Mack, $50 reward 459-2372.
DOG. Cairn Terrier, female, brown, Westport Rd area. Sat Call 424 8891 REWARD DOG Beagle, female, white strip around neck, Shelbyvillt Dorsev Woods 245 2005. $25 REWARD, DOG, German Shepherd, REWARD Black brown, Euclid Ave. area 2'2 yrs 634 9149 or 288 0336.
DOG, part Poodle, tan, will die if not given medication. Taken from 1000 block Brook St Re ward. 585 555), DOG, St Bernard, large female, shaved on right side, answers to name Happy; Churchill Downs area Reward. 361 0121 DOG, all white male Samoved, answers to "Munchkin" wearing tags identification, Cherokee Park area. 456 4699.
DOG, Basset Hound, 1 year, very small female, brown and white, freckled face, Butler High School Area, 454 5764. DOG, 8 mo. old, Australian Shepherd, lost in Prospect Area Reward. 228 8767. DOG, Irish Setter female, Four Seasons Complex area, reward, call after 5 pm.
499 8318. DOG, white male co*ck A-Poo, 778 6797 or 776 8385. $25 REWARD For Information on where abouts of a large black masked cream Afghan Hound, male, 3 named Sabastin, 585-3900. REWARD $500 For return of Items taken from truck on Woodbourne Sun night No questions. 452 6230.
12 Found NOTICE Ads will be published In the FOUND classification without charge et public ser vice. Limit Up to 25 words for 3 days or less. ANIMAL lost, IF SO Call Kentucky Humane Society 241 Steedly Dr. 366 3355 DOG. white Terrier, mixed, fe male, around 4th Averv, no identification Call and identify 459 3756.
DOG, female beagle in Lyndon Area near Bunnv Bread Bakery No collar or tags Found 326 426 3044 or 452 2066. DOG. Chihuahua, male Doss High School area Please call an identify 935 1074. DOG, brindle stripoed female. Attention People who got dog from 425 1892.
DOG, German Shepherd male, friendly, Valley Station area Please call 937 2546 DOG, mixed breed, Hurstbourne Ln. 8. 1 64 area. 426 0827 PUPPY, Male german shep herd, Manner Dale Enridge Area 491 1725 Information, Personals 13 SCHEDULING Prayer Break fasts for all candidates across Kentucky for arrangements in formation contact George Her man Kendall, State Coordinator, phone 604 252 4044, Lexington. DIAL A PRAYER 583 5464 LEDZEPPELIN TICKETS S50, 367 9289 after 5, NOW is a good time to sell vour silver coins, call 459 7123, leave message.
WE DOING CHAPEL Non denominational Unity Temple 583 5S59 BELOVED. Holding vou in mv heart always, Peace. JIM. Haoov Birthday. I'll al ways love vou, Doris T3 A Information, I OM Business LED Zepplin Tickets, S25 Call 361 7981 START a wildflower garden this spring Call Native Gardens, 969 7076 PREGNANT? One to 24 week terminations in clinic or hospital, bv licensed physicians Call toll free 800-321 1682 Grow Earthworms for profit, Free Data, WORM WORLD 1810 Josephone, Denver, Colo 80210 or callMr James Collect (303) 778 1026 DID JESUS TEACH eating flesh defiles, cleanliness completely insulates" The original, une dited Gospel of John, 361 4472 FREE Travel Drive A Car Ariz CA Okla Mich Wis ALL POINTSU A AAACON 895 9369 ROCK LAKE PARK Still available tor rent Call Jes se Ballew 288 6587, or 282 3888 WEAK OR NO CREDIT, IF YOU NEED A HOVE? Call US.
we can help 454 6000 EDWARD L. POHL lj ASSOC. BOOKS S3 dol Playboy S5 Comics $2 doz. Records $1 Booktrader, 1510 Bardstown Rd. Employment Help Soles Help Situotions Situations Banks Business loans Mortgages Instruction, Schools Vocational FOR Antiques Appliances Bedding Boats Building Business Carpet Clothing, Coins Collections Diamonds, Dirt Do lt-Yourself Firelogs Furniture Furs REAL ESTATE FOR RENT Apartments Furnished Apartments Unfurnished Apartment Rentol Service Furnished Apt RentalServic Apartment Rental Service Farms For Rent Houses Furnished Houses Unfurnished Home Rental Service Houses To Rent or Buy MoWe Home Parks Business Places For Rent Office and Desk Room Rooms for Housekeeping.
Rooms with Board Rooms without Board Rooms Wanted Roommates. Homes Shared Wanted To Rent 14 Services Offered General AIR Conditioning Furnace Service calls $7.50 per call Call be fore9a.m 3660675. ASHPALT, CAPITAL PAVING Blacktopping, driveways, resi dential commercial, tree esti mates. 9457. ASPHALT, Big B'S, free esti mates, no job too small She pherdsville, 1 543 2931.
ASPHALT STANLEY'S BLACKTOP No job to small! Free estimates. 1 543 7375 ASPHALT Drives, patch seal WOrK, IVA7. BAsem*nT teaks permanently waterproofed, guaranteed. Law son Hall Const'n. 935 1694.
BRICK work, fireplaces, patios, cnimneys. vtn-zyj arrer BULLDOZING harkhnt work, heavy or light. 957 2082, BULLDOZING highiff work, wrecking hauling, 366-6630. CARPENTER work, any kind, floors leveled, replacing floor oists, porches, stairways Have work done now and get winter prices. Bv experienced men, free estimates, 366 0001 CARPENTER, old houses a spe cialty small or large jobs, win dows, doors, plumbing, panel ing, drywalfs, ceilings, floors, painting.
Complete job Free es timates. Easy terms, 582 2349. CARPENTER, additions, re modeling and repairs, doors, paneling, basem*nts, carports and garages Free estimates. 964 6483, CARPENTER, remodeling of any kind Floors leveled, porch es replaced or repaired, stair ways built, work guaranteed, no Qp too sman. tu imt.
CARPENTER, room additions, basem*nts, family room, kitch en, porches repaired and built, all types of home repairs, drywall. 451 0033. CARPENTER, paneling, doors, ceilings lowered, bathroom tile, additional, etc. 246 4243. CARPENTER Repair, doors, windows, paneling, gutters, cor nice.
Work Guaranteed. 447 8821, CARPENTER Work, painting, paneling and odd jobs, insured. Free Estimates. 425 9297 CARPENTER Work, electrical, plumbing. A.
Mathis, 935 2219. CARPET and linoleum installed You furnish or we 637 1957; after 5 call 964-7608. CARPET INSTALLED, re paired, pad available, 20 years experience, after 5:30, 969 5559 CLEANING painting walls, woodwork, windows, floors, car pets. Ewtngs, 367 6592. CLEANING.
Homes cleaned, walls washed 228 1887 evenings CONCRETE WORK, porches, steps, walks. Repair work. Base ment sealing. Stucco Quality work. Free estimates Guaran teed 966 5566, CONCRETE WORK, walks, steps, patios, stucco, new or re pair, basem*nt, water proofing.
Work guaranteed Free esti mares. uh4, CONCRETE Work, porches, pa tios, garages, driveways, ex uuacu oyyi eya ie, to yr ex pur ience, bu I Crisp, 368 2649. CONCRETE WORK, walks, steD. walls, stucco work Free estimates. No iob too small Guaranteed.
366 6305, 968 8314. CONCRETE work, small jobs a speciality, work guaranteed. Free Estimates. 969 7933, 366 9738. CONCRETE work steps porch es drivewavs sidewalks patios Free Estimates.
964 2589 772 2091 CONCRETE Work, drives, pa tios, foundations, floors, drive way special 9x40 $375. 964 0746. CONCRETE work, garages, driveways and patios. 937 0413. CREEKSTONE WORK, also Bedford stone brick patios References on request Call Dick Thompson, 241 4919.
CREEKSTONE for sale, rock work. References. ArtcGlothin Son 968 8312 DRYWALL, plastering, paint ing, steaming, texturing 8. glit ter ceilings Free estimates. Paul Washer, 448 0643.
DRYWALL, Plastering, Textur ing. Good references Guaran teed. 448 9709,447 1550. DRYWALL remodeling, new work, texturing. 447 0251.
DRYWALL plaster, free est! mates. 935 0173. ELECTRIC Work Residential commercial, plus 220, 24 hour service, free estimates. 452 2150. ELECTRIC wiring, commercial and residential, rewiring Jot Phillips Electric, 635 6265.
ELECTRIC, all types, 220 wir ing, rewiring, repairs Free esti mates, 24 nr. service. 447 6982 ELECTRIC repair, rewire, guaranteed, 458 5675, 897 9263. ELECTRICAL WORK, 24 hrs. Commercial Residential All types, specializing in rewlr ing, free estimates.
937 5156 ELECTRICAL Work, free esti mates, residential, commercial, 220 rewiring, fast dependable service, 964 0603, 426 2836. ELECTRICAL Wiring, residen tial commercial rewires, II censed, free estimates. 937 8645. FENCE, wood, chain link, (com pleteiy insured) Falls City Fence. 2936 St Xavier 778 7311 FENCING.
Portable dog runs, gates sale, fencing materials Free estimates. Call245 4326. FENCING, Chain Link No job too small. Free estimates Big Fencing. 582 2661 FURNACES air cond repairs installation, all makes models, 24 hr service 447 6982 GARAGES, residential no oblf gafion, free estimates 895 0191.
GARDEN Plowing, tilling. Ves sels Schmidt, 452 9022, 895 8910. GARDENS plowed, disked, rea sonable rates, approximate size, call 447 4576. GENERAL Maintenance, air pool service, plumbing, electric, 24 hours. 964 4420.
GUTTERING, Claude Alex ander, since 1950 Seamless alu minum. 90 cents, Installed, aluminum soffet roofing Call 968 7370, 969 6471,368 6106 GUTTERING. 5" or 6" seamless aluminum, 24 yrs in business Alexander, 239 1601 GUTTERING, free estimates 5 or 6 in. continuous aluminum RAIN FLOW, 456 1380 GUTTERING, tree estimates, 5 or 6 inch continuous aluminum Kentucky Indiana, 426 7448 GUTTERS, roofing, caroentery free estimates, 776 0132 HANDYMAN, lawn care haul ng, quo ods, asi no 45 3B5. HAULING cleaning, deliveries, most any type, no jobs too small Trucks, driver rental.
491 2938 INSULATION. Highland Home Insulation, attics, eaves. walls. Free estimates. 451 251 5.
INSULATION. Becklinthe com p'ete home insulation company, 897 3573. Order your Classified Ad Call 582-2622 For Information r-j Automobiles For Sale CHEVROLET 1972. 4 door Sub urban. 350 V8 $1700 HAUSMAN MOTOR CO.
909 Market S85 5187 CHEVROLET 1974 Impala. 9 passenger wagon, automatic, power steering, brakes, air con ditioned. 8. radials, low mile age, I owner. $3,195 00, 945 8424 CHEVROLET 1972 Kingswood, 9 passenger wagon, air power roof rack.
Spring Special $1199 Crown Motors 366 1114 3527 7th. NORTH of Berry CHEVROLET 1971 impala. i door all power factory air Nicest one in town. Come see it CROWN MOTORS 366 1114 3527 7th NORTH of Berry CHEVROLET 1974 Impala se dan, air automatic, $2695 COURTESY CADILLAC 4021 Shelbyville Rd 897 5151 CHEVROLET 1972 Caprice full fower am fm stereo tape, new ires, brakes batterv $1600 Call alter 4, 426 5.108 CHEVROLET 1965 Coupe, $345 Auto, across from South land Terrace in Shively CHEVROLET 1969, air, all POW er good cond $1175 245 7967 CKEVROLETS 1972 red CHEVROLET I ton pick up truck 350 V8 engine, wide 8 ft bed 36,000 miles 1977 blue CONCOURS NOVA Coupe white Ian dau top, automatic, air AM-FM, radial tires, 600 miles. 1974 white CUSTOM NOVA Hatchback, Vi vinyl top, blue red stripes bucket seats, V8, autemo fic.air, no 212 $2474 1975 blue MONTE CARLO Coupe.
'h vinyl top 20.000 miles call Open 8-8, Mon. thru Fri. 1974 CHEVROLET, blue IMPALA Coupe, blue full vinyl top, V8, automatic power steering brakes no 1032. $2674 1974 blue IMPALA Coupe. V8.
automatic, oir see, drive to believe. 30,000 miles. 1974 maroon CAPRICE CLASSIC coupe, white top. automatic, air, AM-FM stereo tape, no. 347 $2774 1972 gold VEGA Coupe, automotic.
radio $1172 1973 brown IMPALA, 4 door V8, automatic, air no 238 $1973 845 So. 3rd 584-2311 CHEVROLETS COME TO Covle Chevrolet in New Albany. 5th Spring 945 2721 CHRYLSER 1976 Cordoba pow er windows. AMFM. factory warranty available at no charge 3 to choose from $5695 ST MATTHEWS DODGE 4136 Shelbyville Rd 897 0601 CHRYSLER 1973 2 Door New Yorker Brougham, beautiful sil ver grev finish black padded roof, one owner low mileage, must see COLONEL CHRYSLER PLYMOUTH 4128 Bardstown Rd.
499 9660 CHRYSLER 1976 Cordoba sports hardtop, V8 automatic, power plus factory air sunroof and many more extras, only $5495 COLONEL CHRYSLER PLYMOUTH 4128 Bardstown Rd 499 9660 CHRYSLER 173 New Yorker Brouanam. oower, brakes windows seats air cond AM FM stereo, mint cond $2495 TH0R0BRED LINCOLN MERCURY 6507 Preston Hgwy 968 369 1 CHRYSLER 972 Newport 4 door nard'oo tan finish radio, heater automatic our sale price $795. Credtt terms 968 6101 FOUH'HSFRfcEl AU'O 5 1 09 Preston at Gilmore Lane CHRYSLER 1975 Cordoba couoe. 26 7 33 mites air steer ing S44V5 COURTESY CADILLAC 4071 Shelbyville Rd 697 5151 CHRYSLER 1972 imperial. 4 door hardtop, all power air, a fm tape, $1500 636 3573.
COMET 1976. dark green, matching vinvl interior 6 cvlin der. automatic power and fac rory air extra nice sjjhs, also 1976 4 door Maverick BURNS MOTORS 2424 Bardstown Rd. 451 7574 COMET 1975 Coupe, 6 automat ic, oower air, green matching interior Lowmifeage $2687 JlVl MANNftnJ ULUo, INC FERN VALLEY OLD SHE HERDSVILLE ROADS 966 2181 CONTINENTAL 1976 4 door a beautiful white with cranberrv too low miles, owner, local new car trade in see to believe MONARCH LINCOLN MERCURY 110 220 Broadway 587 7243 CONTINENTAL 1973 Mark (V low mHeage an extras new tires. $5,100.
426 5644 COR DOB A 1975 nnp nivrmr dark green march. np vinvl top power and factorv air speed control must see $45 OPbN SUNDAY BURNS MOTORS 2424 Bardstown Rd. 451 7574 CORDOBA 1975, anvfm stereo cru-se, vmyl too. lots of extras, 944 6644 INFORMATION ON DISPLAY RATES AND REGULATIONS DIAL 582-4700 Automobiles For Sale 27 CAMARO. 1976.
6 cylinder air conditioned, power steering, disc brakes, low mileage, after 5 30 m. 6VJ 384 CAMARO, 1967. air, sharp. CONSOLIDATED AUTO 447 1596 4733 Dixie Hgwy CAMARO. 1972, v8, oower steer ina.
3 oeed. red black, sharp Dealer 361 9289 SALE 1972. Automatic, V6, AM FM ra dio, runs Great NEIL HUFFMAN VOL SWAGE SUBARU 4926 Dixie Hgwy. 448 6666 CAPRICE. 1973, 4 door Sedan, air and power, low miles, stock no 6J02 vim V.V, COOKE 2nd and Kentucky 583 8 328 CHALLENGER, 1970, super huv $685 Several other Malihus.
Camaros 8. Cougars to choose trom craig t-ord. 5in ana wain, IB12J V44 ifvt. New Aioany CHARGER, 1971 coupe, sharp. ON SALE 367 0266 Dealer CHEVELLE, 1969 $587 On the lot financing CARSON AUTO SALES 636 2838 CHEVELLE.
1967 Excellent cona i owner see to appreciate Best offer Must sell 282 6705 1974 IMPALA 10 passenger wagon, air, and all fine GM accessories, $2995 1973 CAPRICE Classic 4 door, vinyl top, air and mow. $2 1 95 1976 MONTE Carlo, landau top, automatic, air. 18,000 miles, must see, $4685 OXM009 CENTER SAM POTTO FORD 426-2500 CHEVROLET 1971 MalibU 2 door hardtop, chestnut with tan top interior 8, automatic Transmission, power sieerma a brakes The hard to find kind $1795 BYERLYF0RD 4041 Dixie Hgwy. 448 1661 CHEVROLET Vega, 1972. dou hie sharp, straight shift, extra clean, $995.
Leon Coulter's SUPER AUTO SALES 1428 Broadway 587 7868 CHEVROLET 1973 Impala Cus torn 2 door hardtop, green, black vinvl top. automatic, oower. air WILHELAAI'SAAAC 2411 Bardstown Rd 456 1730 CHEVROLET, 1974 Impala Coupe, turquoise, matching roof interior, power air Extra clean. $2687 JIM HAN NAN OLDS. INC FERN VALLEY OLD SHEP HERD5VILLE ROADS 966 2181 CHEVROLET, 1975 Caprice Coupe, white, black roof, match ing interior, power air Low mileage $3987 JIM HAN NAN OLDS, INC FERN VALLEY OLD SHEP HERDSVILLE ROADS 966 2181 CHEVROLET 1974, MONTE CARLO, loaded with extras super sharp S2985 Several other Grand Prixs.
Elites Cougars to choose from. Craig Ford, 5th and Main, (812) 944 7797. New Albany CHEVROLET, 1972 Kingswood Estate Station Wagon, loaded with extras J1085 Several other Country Squire Country Se dans to choose from Craig Ford, 5th and Main, (812) 944 7797 New Albany CHEVROLET 1970, MALIBU, loaded with extras super dean $1085 Several other Ca maros. Cougars Novas to choose from Craig Ford, 5th and Mam. (8121 944 7797 New Albany CHEVROLET, 1975 Impala, 4 door Sedan, air and power, low milee.
stock no 6253 S3195 V.V.C00KE 2nd and Kentucky 583 8328 CHEVROLET 1973 Impala 4 door. v8 automatic, air. power steering, excellent sale price $W95 Credit terms 968 6101 FOURTH STREET AUTO 5109 Preston at Gilmore Lane CHEVROLET 1970 Impala V8 automatic, air, steering, maroon finish, black vinvl interior, ex ceiient cond Sale price $895 Credit terms 968 6101 FOURTH STREET AUTO 5109 Preston at Gilmore Lane CHEVROLET, 1973 Impala 2 door automatic, power steering, brakes, v8. air cond $2195 TH0R0BRED LINCOLN MERCURY 6507 Preston Hgwy. 968 3691 rHPVBOl FT The Difference Between A BOB HOOK CHEVY And Any Other Chevy IS THE MONEY YOU SAVE I 4144 Bardstown Rd 499 0800 CHEVROLET 1970 Station wag on blue.
4 door automatic WILHELAAI'SAAAC 2411 Bardstown Rd 456 1730 CHEVROLET 1969 Nova a real buy for only $S85 Several otner Mahbus, Camaros Cougars to choose from Craig Ford, 5th and Mam (8U) 944 7tq; New Albany CHEVROLET 1975 Caorice, coupe, blue vinyi roof, power, air. cruise control CB installed $2995 491 4410. Automobiles For Sale 27 a i enn IiafSbcmuindtuii yuuu a rwim.u. A 1 974 liinis Coupe $2885 i Air and oil power 12,000 mile. 12 Month Service Agreement avail- 5 able on any moke 1974, I I 1975, 1976modelcar I St 4th York I Kg! Kentucky" largest Cadillac Dealer CALL 583-9771 RUICK 1975 Estate waaon.
now er seats, windows, steering, and DraKes, luggage ractv im wneei and cruise control, factory air, rear window defogger AM FM stereo, like new, Ask for Ivan Scott, sale price $4995 K0STERSW0PE 3700 Frankfort Ave. 895 2457 BUICK, 1973 Riviera, electric windows, seats, door locks, AM FM, bucket seats with console snitr, new car rraae sjjvs SUMNER BROS. Jeffersontown (J Town) 491 4694 BUICK, 1976 Regal Coupe, white with red vinyl roof, white interi or, nicely eouipoed, factory air, special sale price $4595 K0STERSW0PE 3700 Frankfort Ave. 895 2457 BUICK, 1973 Century, 4 door, air. ALL POWER, 37 OOOmiLes, 1 Owner Perfect Condition! 585 4410 or 451 8489, Mr Karl.
BUICK, 1974 Century hardtop coupe, air, vinvl roof, oniv S3295 TRI CITY OLDS 3920 Dutchmans Lane 897 6541 BUICK. 1973 LeSabre Custom coupe, air. automatic, steering, brakes, extra nice, S2395. courtesy Cadillac 4021 Shelbyville Rd 897 5151 BUICK, 1972 Skylark Coupe, air, power, 1 owner, red wwhite vl nyl top. sharp, only $1699 Crown Motors 366 1114 3527 7th, NORTH of BERRY BUICK.
1972 Electra Couoe, FM radio, tilt wheel, air, vinyl roof, radial tires, compare at $1499. Crown Motors 366 1114 3527 S. 7th, NORTH of Berry BUICK, 1973, Electra Limited, full power eouipment, 57.000 miles, 1 owner, asking $2700, see make offer, call 896 4335 425 4733, Virgil BUICK, 1976 Rega coupe, 13,442 miles, air, automatic, S4595. COURTESY CADILLAC 4021 Shelbyville Rd. 897 5151.
BUICK, 1973 Limited, air, auto mafic, new car trade in, $2995 COURTESY CADILLAC 4021 Shelbyville Rd. 897 5151. BUICK. 1964 Special, will be sold for $430 unless notified bv owner, DRH 198,366 4388. BUICK.
1970 LeSabre, 72.000 miles, air, power windows. $1495 884 Eastern Pkwy BUICKS 1976 silver ELECTRA coupe, vinyl top, air, full power, door locks, a full sue car 1975 green Elf CTRA limited, vinyl top, AM-fM, full power plus more GM accessories, No. 1207. $5375 1975 white ELECTRA Limited, white vinyl roof, air, full power, wire wheel covers, a full size car 1975 gold ELECTRA 225, full power, air, AM-FM radio, No. 243, $4975 1975 brown RIVIERA, full power, air, door locks, AM-FM stereo, 1 1 .000 miles.
No 1001, $6476 Open 8 to 8, Mon. thru Fri. 1975 gold RIVIERA, full power, air. door locks radial tires, AM-FM stereo 1228, $5375 1974 red RIVIERA, white vinyl top, full power, air. AM-FM stereo, 41,000 miles, no.
320, $4274 1976 yellow CENTURY, vinyl top, automatic, air, radio, power steering brakes, 8000 no 220. $4376 1975 red REGAL, white vinyl top, V8. automatic, air AM-FM stereo. 6000 miles 1973 BUICK CENTURY automotic air more GM options. 3 to choose from 845 So.
3rd. 5842311 Services Offered-General 14 LAWN CARE, Landscaping, fer tilizing, weed control Mowing coniracT. rvr. prown, 4ao ovy. LAWN care, hauling, cleaning ooa iocs, reasonaoie, nara worn ers, 935 8436 or 45) 6761.
LAWN Service, shrubs trimmed, complete lawn care, 696 9529. PAINTING all repairs, old nouses a specially, small or large jobs, work guaranteed, easy Terms, iree eanmaies, jot 2349 PAINTING, Plastering Repair Work Free Estimate 283-7510, if no answer can atTerjo PAINTING, neat, guaranteed worn, rasr service, Kon ro fumo, 459 5871,499 6590. PIANO Tuning. 10 years exper ience, $20, llya rsarfin, 451 3445. PLASTER and Drywall, ceilings textured.
Fast service, free esu mares, guarameea. ibi im. PLASTERING, new and patch stucco, experienced, free esti mates, 368 9290. PLASTERING, drywall, textur ing. References.
Work guaran teed. 448 9709, 447 1550. PLOWING and Discing, reason able rates, 969 0426. PLUMBING repairs and remod eling. Water heaters, gas and water lines, drains unstopped.
Master Charge. Winfred Howard, 635 7037 PLUMBING, heating, repair service. Reasonable Drain lines unclogged. 366 7806. PLUMBING, 22 years exper ience, also ditch witch service Durbin Plumbing, 935-5837.
PLUMBING 8. Heating, in stalled, and repairs. Call James Hayes. 772 0519. REMODELING, additions and fireplaces.
Free estimates. COOK COMPANIES 897 0163 491 3505 ROOF Leaks, gutter repair, chimney repair. Carpentry work, guaranteed 63 6yua ROOF, autterina reDairs. fast service, lower prices Guaran teed, excellent rating, free esti mates, day night. 366 9869 COX BROS.
ROOFING ROOF leaks, gutter, chimney, fireplace repair. Carpentry, work guaranteed. Free esti mates. Tday service. 368 3751.
ROOF, gutter carpenter work, 42 years experience, free esti mates 366 4229. ROOFING and repairs, work guaranteed, free estimates, in sured. 447 0376 day or night. ROOFING, $5 8. uo, patching Call now! 778 4526, 361 3420.
ROOFING, guttering, painting, free estimates, 776 0132. ROOFS, work guaranteed In sured Lynn Bewley, 933 2122. Free Estimates. ROOFS, $6 and up, work guaran teed. Free estimates.
HAROLD BARNES 969-0932 TREE Removal, topping, stump removal, fully insured. 895-4648 O. Cisselj TREE Topping and removed. Fully insured, Free estimates. oirimi cm am), joq-cpoo.
TREE Service, removing, top ping, trimming, insured, free es Timaies, ueweese, mf-vvtj. TREE service, insured, free es TREE TRIMMING, shrubs, yard work, hauling. 363-4310. TREE, shrub service, insured 1 urner, ,4 iv56, 4-jaz4. UPHOLSTERY.
Spring special, 10 off all fabrics, sofa, $79.50, chairs, $36.50. Hart's Uphol stery, 239 1854 or 7058. WALLS cleaned, maintenance 8. windows, spring cleaning Work of Any Kind Office, factory, restaurant, In dustrial. 44 hour week wanted.
S3 an hour. 583 5643. RIGGING General rigging, iron work, steel erection, crane hire and labor contracting. Write 106 care CI Times. WEST END LAWN SERVICE Small or large yards; also hedges trimmed, grass sown, sooaing.
ib tin. CONCRETE Pebble Patio, 12x18' S329, drives $1.00 so 368 7951. CRITTER Rldder, Llndsev National, roaches, termites 447 5333. GAS Lines repaired FAST, ECO NOMICAL Service, free esti mates, 239-0506 "Tax-Service 14A INCOME tax. Former Auditor With I RS, 447 9664, night 448 1869 20 Home and Yard Tools-Materials BLUEGRASS sod, no job too small.
Yards filled lawn spraying. 368 3367. GRADING, yards, driveways, parking lots, land clearing, mowing, bush hog work, crushed stone, dirt delivered. 363 5508 HORSE Manure, top soil and fill dirt, pick up or delivered Hou chin Horse Center. 937 7616.
MANURE well rotted Will de liver smaHjamounts. 363 0669. MOWER. 1975 Jacobsen 30 inch riding mower, 8 hp, electric start, grass catcher, used one season, $650 Excellent condition Also, a model Gravely Com pietely rebuilt, rotary plow, ro tary mower, snow blade, $625 228 3519 or 228 3465. TOPSOIL, fill dirt, crushed stone, sand, delivered reason able, all types grading, 969 5639.
TOPSOIL, gravel, driveway grading, lots and acreage clean up. 968 3973 TOPSOIL: 1,000 cu An chorage, 585 5191, weekdays 451 7814, nights. TOPSOIL, sand gravel deliv ered. 968 9706. 21 General Hauling LIGHT hauling, garages, base ment cleaning, 778 5644.
HAULING. Cheap Name it we'll do it, need work bad, rubbish moved real cheap We have rrucKSior rne 00, 44B low. MIKESELL'S Hauling with large van Vou Call We Haul what you have, where you want 935 0192 HAUL anything, have pickup, flat bed. dump truck and van. ready when you are 458 5471 JUNK Cars Trucks wanted Shells removed FREE Call dav or night 935 3372 Light hauling Garage.
oasemem a vara cleaning HarreM Son 6668. REFRIGERATORS, stoves. freezers, some pianos. 366 9227 TRUCK driver rental fUm haul furniture, day or night str Automobiles For Sale 27 BUICK. 1976 Electra 225.
low mileage, all GM accessories. 4 door maroon silver 893 2074. BUICK. 1972 station wagon, all power, clean. 425 9835.
BUICK. 1973 Century Wagon, A 1, air, $2695, 451 6725. BUICK. 1976 Riviera, many ac cessories MUST SELL 282 1175 CADM1AC p1977 Coupe Oeville 581503 Brand new nicely I equipped, No 610 I 1 (100) 1977 Cadillacs to I select from Just call (502) 583-9771 I Collect We aha have the best leasing plan in I Kcntucky I I 197B Seville 19185 I No 3377. (4) in stock I 1976 Coupe Oeville 18350 I No 3346, ust 6.000 I miles.
(20) 1976 Codil I 1 13uneetwrjOu mm one owner, all Cadillac I accessories, No. 3393. 1 Mm a eTnrirtP I 197S nnim Sevills I wiu wwyv wvii iu ve.w I 28,961 miles, one I I owner, all history, I rs no TLTf I mini tgn- dition 1975 Cadillacs 1974 Coupe Oeville 14985 27.61 1 miles, No 9499, I loaded, (7) in stock 1973 Coupe Oeville 13585 No. 9488, low mileage, I one owner, (15) 1973 ej Cadillacs in stock. i3j tiDoraoo vwu No 9108.
38.851 miles. a i I 12,000 Mile, 12 month I Service Agreement available on 1974, 1975 1976 Cadillacs Vi Million INVEN- I TORY of one owner Cadillacs BUY NOW CTABT PAYMMTC MAY I SBmm3m I A 1 I 4th York St I Kentucky's largest Cadillac Dealer CALL 583-9771 CADILLAC, 1976 Sedan deVille, padded roof, stereo, loaded, $7595 TRI CITY OLDS 3920 Dutchmans Lane 897 6541 CADILLAC, 1972 Coupe Deville, all GM options with FM stereo tape, low miles, $2199 Crown Motors 366 1114 3557 7th. NORTH of Berry CADILLAC. 1970 Sedan deVille, red, black vinyl top, leather inte rior.nicecleancar $1350 WHIPPSMILL SUBARU 1308 Millbrook Rd. 425 2800 CADILLAC, 1976 Sedan, loaded, 5300 miles, reasonable.
245 3682 altera CADILLAC 1966, Coupe DeVille, $700, 1972 Ford Galaxie 500. $1600, 256 5075 CADILLAC, 1975, Eldorado, ex tras, make offer, owner. 288 8106. CADILLAC. Eldorado.
1974, trl pie blue, excellent cond new tires. S5350. 895 8029, 893 0411 CADILLAC, 1976, 4 door DeVille, equipped, $7995. Owner. 245 2470.
CAMARO SALE 1977 LT Automatic, tilt wheel, buckets, radio. Mint Cond NEIL HUFFMAN VOLKSWAGEN SUBARU 4926 Dixie Hgwy. 448 6666 CAMARO. 1976, 6 cylinder auto mafic, power steering, and brakes, special, $4295 Ask for Jim Welch, special. $4295 K0STERSW0PE 3700 Franktort Ave.
895 2457 CAMARO 19759( LT) Beautiful red. white winy! top and interror, factory air cower steering, radio, only certi ied miles, full orice KosterSwopeDatsun 3922 Dutchamans Ln. 897 3151. CAMARO 1971 2 door v8 3 sDeed beautiful Dlue finish white vinyl toe runs drives flood, sale price S995 Credit erms 968 6101. FOURTH STREET AUTO 5109 Preston at Gilmore Lane CAMARO, 1975 LT Excellent Condition Silver, maroon vinyl fop.
red plaid interior, air amfrrt, rear window detroster 245 7496 CAMARO. 1968, Super sharp rady to drive home Several other Cougars, MaMPus Novas to choose from. Craig Ford, 5th and Main. (812) 944 7797 New Albany CAMARO, 1974 coupe 1 OWNER Air conditioning, well keot runs great! Call 589 5787 before 6 p.m or 245 1114. fAUADn T07A eilior ctaron air spoiler rally wheels 3000ACTUALMILES S4595 944 8JL56 CAMARO 1972.
Metallic brown automatic air 8 oower steer ing. dual exhaust new tires per ted condition (502)879 SH6 CAMARO 1977 LT automatic many other options. 2.000 mtles $4,940 Allied Officer must leave CAMARO 1977 8230 miles, air. automatic, tilt stereo, 14995 COURTESY CADILLAC 4021 Shelbyville Rd 897 5151 CAMARO. 1976.
305, air. auto matic, AM FM. tilt steering, rear defoger. more 361 3165 General Hauling 21 We haul trash, clean up, tear down 8 do minor repairs, 584 4024 or 772 1963. We haul trash, clean up, fear down do minor repairs, 584 4024 Or 772 1963.
We will haul anything, anytime, anywhere. CHEAP! 584 3842. Call mornings evenings. Harold's Hauling Anything Anytime. 635-2336.
HAULING All types of trash. Also junk removal 449 1660, Local and Long Distance Moving SHIPYOURCAR Toor from any city in U.S.A. or overseas 895 9369 AAACON Auto Transport Painting, Papering 23 CEILINGS textured, paperhang ing, painting interior exterior. free estimates. 968 8602, 969 2872.
CEILINGS, textured, plaster re pair, house painting, insurance work. Robert, 283 9230. SAVE CLEANING and painting Interl or Exterior. Nilest Nilest 368 8027, 239 7635 PAINT now. free estimates, neat reliable, 39 yrs.
experience George Glass, 458 7110 PAINTING Try me, Cor lev Free estimates 35 years experience 969 3887 968 6685 PAINTING, professional WE BEAT ALL PRICES Why not the best for less? 282 0698. PAINTING ail repairs, old houses a specialty, small or large jobs, work guaranteed, easy terms, free estimates, 582 2349. PAINTING, LIQUID wallpaper saves you time, but mostly mon ey Excellent work. Free esti mates. Referals.
452 6910. PAINTING. Interior Exterior 28 years experience Insured Free estimates. 634 0126. PAINTING, excellent spring prices, quality work Kenneth Allen, 634 0792.
PAINTING J.W. Sloan, Specializing In Por ter Paint 366 5189. PAINTING, papering steam ing, experienced J. A. Suchland 368 3447 PAINTING, interior, exterior.
29 years experience Insured Don Jones, 635 2380. PAINTING, interior, exterior, no jobs too large, too small, free estimates. 968 4836 or 964 2286. PAINTING, exterior, interior Nojobtoosmall 366 9861. PAINTING, interior, exterior Reasonable.
637 7833 8. 366 7681. PAPER Hanging, man wife, our only line of work. Reasonable. Graham, 36B 0983 PAPER Hanging, steaming, plastering, interior, exterior painting.
Charles Lile, 361 2140. PAPER HANGING, painting, plastering, steaming. Quick ser vice. Tom Rankin, 935-4500. PAPER Hanging, $15 room up Plastering, painting.
14 years. Free esti mates, 583 0094. PAPERING: 2 rooms, $28 up Ceilings lowered textured; painting repairs Mr Lile 366 1975. PAPERING, Winter rates, Pa per 50 off, 778 4526,361 320. PAPERING, sober, dependable Call Bud Meredith, 451 0558.
STEAMING, Expert wallpaper removal, painting, plaster re pair, drywall, texturing, 30 John Washer, 635 5987 STEAMING a specialty, paint ing interior and exterior, 20 years Mr Washer, Jr 491 6872 rst a Auto Loans Insurance AUTO Insurance savings for young elderly, good cues tionabie drivers. SENG INSURANCE 772 2595 AUTO LOANS BANK OF LOUISVILLE CALL 589 3351 INSURANCE AUTO MOTORCYCLE Peters Ins. Agency 937 7028 27 Automobiles For Sale 1976 MATADOR 2 or 4 doors, automotic, power steering, and air conditioning, 6 to choose from, $2999 1976 GREMUN, automatic, power steering and air conditioning, 3 to choose from, $2999 1976 HORNET, 2 or 4 doors, automatic, power steering and air conditioning, $2999. 1976 PACER, automatic, power steering, and air conditioning, 8 to choose from, $3399. 4301 Shelbyville Rd.
895-4231 AMC Pacer, 1976, air. warranty. power, sjiw. bv jv4. AMC, 1973 Sportabout.
6 CVlin der. automatic, air red, ser viced and ready to go WILHELAAI'SAAAC 2411 Bardstown Rd 456 1730 AMC. 1971 Hornet SST Couoe 6 cylinder automatic, new tires aas saver sale price svvv Crown Motors 366 1114 J5Z7 in. NCJK I Hot Berry AMC. 1976 Pacer, excellent con dition, all extras.
812 738 3028 AMX 1973 401, high perfor mance. AM FM stereo, radials. extras. S23C0. I 765 2824 ASPEN 1976.
Special Addition wagon, automatic, power, air conditioned, factory warranty, low mileage. S5395. ST MATTHEWS DODGE 4136 Shelbyville Rd 897 0601 Cemetery Lots, Monuments GRACELAND Mausoleum, 2 crypts, New Albany, asking $1500 both, market price 12600 tor pom. bij. LOUISVILLE Memorial Gar dens Atonement Garden Lots, vaults, marker, relocated, ask ing sizoo.
vio LOUISVILLE, Memorial West, two () graves. $250 00 each. 454 7638, LOUISVILLE Memorial West, 1 crypTS, reasonaoie. 44 vaa. PFSTHAVFN 6 araves Garden of Apostles, good location, $300 eacn, save srs eacn, one owner 454 3264.
Evergreen Garden Mausoleum 2 crypts, eve level, building fac ins Preston asking $1900 Call 634 3668 or 634 1978. FOR SALE, Bv owner, burial lot, four grave sites in Restha Current value $1200 will sell tor svsu can iyt juuv Funeral Directors ARCH HEADY AN DSON 1201 oak bi 3401 Jaylor Blvd 895 Preston Hgwy. 4109 Taylorsvifle Rd 5406 Bardstown Rd 4)1 Fairdale Rd. BewlMig Green, Kv L'titchfield. Ky Caneyville, Kv.
6J5 JI 368 5811 969 1367 451 3927 499 1361 361 1688 843 4338 259 3101 259 3101 PEARSON FUNERAL HOMES L.D. Pearsons. Son, inc 1310 Third St 634 3628 Breckinridge Ln 896 0340 RATTERMAN SONS 2114 Market 776 4661 3800 Bardstown Rd 459 3800 4832 Cane Run Rd. 447 7114 BARRFTT FUNERAL HOME 1230 Bardstown Rd. 451 5530 BOSSE Funeral Home Barret And Ellison 451 8440 EMBRY BOSSE FUNERAL HOME 2723 Preston Hgwy.
635-6371 HARDY FUNERAL HOMES 4.101 Dixie Hgwy 448 3581 10907 Dixie Hgwy. 937 6400 HIGHLAND FUNERAL HOME 3331 rayiorsvnie Rd. Oft Dutchman's Ln. 451 4420 Is 1 1 IV AN ciimcdai unjmc Pixie Hgwy. 447 3824 McAfee funeral home 3928 Bardstown Rd 499 0561 NUNNELLEY FUNERAL HOME 4327 Taylor Blvd 368 3396 WHITE SONS.
INC Funeral Home 2727 S. 3rd 637 4474 OWEN FUNERAL Home 5317 Dixie Hgwv 447 2400 RATTERMAN BROTHERS 3711 Lexington Rd. 893 3644 USSMAN SON 1041 GQSS 635 7426 THE McDANIEL Funeral Home, Inc. 363 3566 363 3567 4339 Park Blvd. i i 8Loageana Club Notices HIGHLAND Park Lodge 865, will meet In stated com munication, Mon March 28th, at 7:30 p.m., for regular business meeting examinations Visi tors welcome Henry Watson, Master, William E.
Prvor, Secy. MT ZION Lodge 147 AM will meet March 28 at 7 30 p.m in Parkland Masonic Tern pie, 969 2nd St Regular busi ness EA Degree Visitors wel come John Reardon, Master. Charles French, Secy VICTORY Chapter 447, will meet Mar 28, 8 p.m Pro grass Temple for regular busi ness, friendship and line officers night Joyce Cundilt. Vir THE Past Matrons 8, Patrons Club will meet at the Eastern Star Home for regular business election of officers on 29th at 7 45 Thula Herring ton. President Bea Gritton, Sectretarv Derby Information PLANNING A DERBY PARTY? Official Derby glasses napkins available Save Dollars At CUT RATE LIQUORS 350 Court Jeffersonvllle Dial.
CUT-RATE DERBY TICKETS WANTED Old Established Louisville com panv is again preparing for Its annual derby festivities We are expecting over 100 people from all parts of the country need tickets for Fri S. Derby Day Please call 364 0341, Ms, Holman DERBY BOX WANTED Elubhouse or Grandstand, UR ENTLY needed for out of town guests CASH BUYER, Tom Ounlevy, 282 5548 or 283 6813 DERBY Tour 2 days, city tour, hot brown sandwich, mint iylep party and a RESERVED BOX SEAT for Derby. $95 Wilson Travel Agency Clarksville. Ind 812 945 2517 MANUFACTURER'S Reoresen tative would like to purchase Derby? boxes for out of town guests Call 772 2464 BLUEGRASS Music for vour afternoon or evening Derby Day party. Also available evenings Derby Week, except Friday.
Call Robert, 895SZ85 DERBY BOX NEEDED For executive customers from out of town please call between 9a, 893 3681 NEED Derby Day box for out of town corporate executives Please call weekdays from 9 a.m. p.m., 456 4230. WANTED DERBY TICKETS Need good boxes. Call 459 6800. MEED Derby Box, 6 seats, Frl Sat Call Charlie or Frank.
968 4274 or 964 9340 Needed Desperately 4 or 6 Derby Seats Call 245 9602. WANT 6 Derby seats in loca tie Grandstand Mezzanine or Terrace 451 4883 Clubhouse Boxes Wanted For Oerby Day 426 7160 iAA Vacation Suggestions PANAMA City Fla directly on beecn. luxury 3 Bedroom Townhouse 100 sq ft completely fur mshed, balcony, patio, onvate pool For rent bv week Rogell Bienkenship 228 4202. Information, Business 13A Savings From Cut-Rate Liquors BURNETT'S White Satin Gin 80oroot, gal $8.23 OLD FITZGERALD 100 proof Bond, V2 gal SM.49 CANADA DRY VODKA 80 proof, quart $3.99 RIUNITE'S Villa Banfi Roman Red White, I TEACHERS 86 proof Scotch 17 gal $14.37 DONMIGUELSANGRIA 'i gal $2.60 SEAGRAM'S 7 Crown 80 proof gal $10.15 K0RBEL Fine Classic Brandy 80 proof, fifth $4.57 K0RBELM0UNTAN Burgundy Rose, "2 gal $2.99 TAYLOR Table Wines, $1.85 a COLLECTORS While thev last Beam King Kong Decanter, quart 80 proof BEER OF THE WEEK 24 re turnable bottles, Unchilled $3.99 a case plus only 60c deposit CUT RATE LIQUORS 350 Court Jeffersonvllle Where the JFK Bridge meets Jeffersonville, Ind PH0NEX-U-T R-A-T-E Care For Elderly 13B COLONIAL House of Shepherds vi lie. the utmost in personal care New, clean, climatic controlled and the best of foods ail for $11 per day Drive out and see or call 543 7042.
ELDERLY Person, private room, T.v other privileges, $300 month, call 957 3480 13C Child Care BABY Sitting, approved home, any shift 964 0407 CATHEDRAL Child Care, 585 5255, $20 per week one child, $10 each additional child. Planned Program. 232 E. Jacob St. St Matthews Area, Funshine Child Care Center, qualified staff, reasonable.
893 5223. CARE For vour child, my home, nignianos, 43v ib. Personal 13D Services European Massage Fingertip Massage Shampoo Massage Vibrator Massage Waterbed Massage 955 So. Floyd 583-6844 SPRING MASSAGE SPECIAL Featuring a free horoscope, hot spiced Indian tea. new luxurious atmosphere.
CREDIT CARDS WELCOME RAJAYOGACENTER 2912 S. 4th 636 3144 Fantastic Unique Massage Free Body Shampoo Sauna Information: 945-4610 Open Sun. Fri 1759 Twin Oaks New Albany THE REGAL SALON EUROPEAN MASSAGE FINGERTIP MASSAGE And Our Most ENJOYABLE UNDERWATER MASSAGE 11 12, Mon Sat 948 1351 The corner of 5th Im New Albany, Ind. MASSAGE BY SANDY New Staff Members 348-0780, 3304 Preston St OPEN SUN. 12 8 MASSAGE MARK IV 735 S.
2nd in the San Antonio Inn 587 1686 NEW HOURS 587 1686 Mon. Fri. 10 A.M. 2 A Sat. 10 A.M.
Midnight Sun. Noon eight GOLDEN GATES 944 8831 Offering The Best in Massages with 8 talented Masseuses Open 10a. 12p Sun 12 12 1S1 Main St in New Albany. MASSAGE ALL NEW STAFF OpenMon Sat 10am. 11p.m.
MICKI'SV I HEALTH CLUB 2530 Frankfort 893 2912 TRY KELLY'S MASSAGE Complete privacy 1st floor. York lowers 585 4888 10 A lo 12 MASSAGE IN A PYRAMID Mention ad. hour massage $10 HEALTH ARAMA 450 3RD SULTAN'S PALACE MASSAGE Fit for a King 672 5th St 583 J66 THE BEST MASSAGE IN TOWN? Health Center 368 1800, 1604 Berry Blvd 10 a. la.m Services Off ered- 14 General ACCOUNTING Bookkeeping, and Tax Consultant 15 Years Experience Guy Black, 288 9528. ADDITION all kinds of remod eling.
father 8 5 sons, all work on jobs, all work guaranteed, business since 1946 Call any time 367 1991 or 964 2977 ADDITIONS. ROOMS ADDED attics 8 basem*nts finished Ga rage concrete work Estimates Adams. 448 7499 AODITIONS and Remodeling Call man works on iob Dormers, paneling bsmts. 458 3593 KESSLER 969 7885 AIR Conditioners, window central units, cleaned, repaired, replaced, reasonable, licensed, bonded. Insured 964 5918 AIR Conditioning Heating sales 8.
service. Slunk Heating 743 Shelby 583 1134 vice, i i aw i.