Surah Ar-Rahman Read Online, Download PDF • The Islamic Journey (2024)

Surah Ar-Rahman is the 55th Surah of the Noble Holy Quran and is found in the 27th Juz. Surah Rahman contains 78 Verses, 378 words, 1589 letters, and 3 Rukus. This surah was revealed in Makkah.

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The English meaning of Surah Ar-Rahman is The Most Beneficent. This Surah is also called the Bride of the Holy Quran.

Our Beloved Prophet PBUH says: “Everything has a bride, and the bride of the Noble Holy Quran is Surah Ar-Rahman.”

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Surah Ar-Rahman Read Online

Surah Ar-Rahman Read Online, Download PDF • The Islamic Journey (1)
Surah Ar-Rahman Read Online, Download PDF • The Islamic Journey (2)
Surah Ar-Rahman Read Online, Download PDF • The Islamic Journey (3)

This Surah is divided into two parts. The first part explains the significance of Allah and the unlimited blessings that are fallen by him on his people. The second part addresses the Final Judgement and punishment for those who didn’t follow Allah’s order.

Apart from that, Surah Rahman, the greatest Surah of the Noble Holy Quran. It brings one closer to Allah. This Surah’s primary focus is human beings in this world and the unlimited blessings that are awarded to human beings.

Surah Rahman VersesSurah Rahman LettersSurah Rahman WordsSurah Rahman Rukus

Hadiths About Surah Rahman

Beloved Prophet Muhammad (Peace Be Upon Him) said, ”Everything has an adornment, and the adornment of the Qur’an is Surah Rahman.

The Holy Prophet Muhammad (Peace Be Upon Him) went to the companions and recited Surah Rahman but they were all quiet. Prophet PBUH told them that he went to the jinn and recited it to them and they were responsive. And when he would recite the verses “And which of the favors of the Lord will you deny.” The jinn would respond; “There is nothing among your bounties that we can deny, all praise belongs to Allah.”

The Benefits of Surah Rahman as mentioned by the Prophet (PBUH):

Reading Surah Rahman has many benefits, as mentioned in authentic Hadiths from the Sunnah. Some of these benefits include:

“Holy Prophet PBUH said that, ‘Everything has an adornment, and the adornment of the Quran is Surah Rahman.”

“The Prophet (PBUH) went to the companions and recited Surah Rahman but they were all quiet. He told them that he went to the Jinn and recited it to them and they were responsive. And when he would recite the verses ‘And which of the favors of the Lord will you deny’ the jinn would respond ‘There is nothing among your bounties that we can deny, all praises belong to Allah”.

These two sayings from the Prophet Muhammad PBUHH show how special this surah (chapter) is. It’s like the fancy decoration of the whole Quran, which is the holy book for Muslims. These sayings also encourage Muslims to pay attention to and understand the meaning of this surah, just like the Jinn did.

The Surah has a really important message, especially because of its amazing rhythm and style. It makes you feel more spiritual when you listen to it.

As we read through the Surah and see how amazing Allah’s creations are, we realize that everything is made for us, humans. This makes us feel grateful and happy. We can’t help but say thanks to Allah for all the good things He has given us.

Next, we’ll talk about “Jannah,” which is like a special place in Islam. It’s a reward for knowing how amazing and kind Allah (SWT) is.

When should we read Surah Rahman?

The Quran and the Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) didn’t say when it’s best to read Surah Rahman. In Islam, it’s good to read the Quran anytime, day or night. But reading it at night is even better because that’s a special time with lots of blessings and rewards, according to the Quran and the teachings of the Prophet.

Allah waits till when one-third of the first part of the night is over; He descends to the lowest heaven and says: Is there any supplicator of forgiveness? Is there any penitent? Is there any petitioner (for mercy and favor)? Is there any solicitor? -till it is daybreak. (Muslim: 6: 205)

Imam Nawawi (d. 676 A.H./1277 A.D.), the author of al-Arba’in An-Nawawiyah, stated: “Praying and reading the Quran at night is special because it’s a time when you can focus better and not get distracted by things like chores. It also helps you stay sincere in your worship, without trying to show off to others. Plus, it’s a time when you can earn extra rewards, as it’s mentioned in the Quran and teachings of the Prophet Muhammad.”

What are the benefits of reading Surah Rahman every day?

The Holy Quran is the final message from Allah (SWT) to all people. It was given to show us the right way to live. That’s why Allah sent it, along with other books, to help us find the right path.

The Quran has lots of good things about it. When you read it, you get rewards. It also helps you understand life’s big questions and tells stories about the Prophet. Plus, it talks about what will happen on the Day of Judgment. So, it’s really important and helpful in many ways.

Each chapter in the Quran has a specific job that helps with the main goals of the Quran. Each chapter talks about different parts of Islam and what it means to be a Muslim.

One of the important chapters in the Quran is called “Surah Al-Rahman.” In this chapter, Allah talks about all the wonderful things He has created and the blessings He gives to people. It also talks a lot about “Jannah,” which is a beautiful place in paradise.

When one reads this Surah will easily notice that one verse that keeps occurring after almost every ayah 31 times: “So which of your Lord’s marvels will you deny”. Which leaves the reciter always thinking about the blessings of Allah (SWT).

Benefits of Surah Rahman for marriage and health?

Some Muslims wonder: Does reading Surah Rahman have any extra benefits, like solving certain problems if you read it a certain number of times?

As so many people might ask about:

  • Benefits of reading Surah Rahman 11 times
  • Reading Surah Rahman 7 times benefits.
  • Surah Rahman benefits for health and how many times should I read to be cured of disease?
  • The benefits of Surah Rahman for marriage
  • And so many other questions that have the same meaning.

To understand which Surah is helpful for specific problems, we need evidence from the Quran or Hadith (teachings of the Prophet Muhammad) or at least from trusted companions of the Prophet. These teachings must be authentic and reliable.

To figure out if something is okay in Islam, we should use this method. It works for any tricky stuff people talk about.

There’s no clear evidence from the Quran or Hadith to support the ideas mentioned earlier. So, Muslims can’t say for sure if those answers are true. However, it’s also important to remember that Allah can listen to prayers from Muslims, especially after they’ve done good deeds like reading the Quran and this Surah.

This is what many Scholars viewed: such as Imam Ibn Al Qayym (died: 751 H) and Imam Galal Al-Din Al Siyouti (died: 911 H).

How many blessings are mentioned in Surah Rahman?

God has given us many blessings, and in a special part of the Quran called Surah Rahman, there are ten blessings mentioned. Let’s take a look at them:

  1. Speaking and expressing ourselves is a gift that we often forget to appreciate.
  2. Allah gave us the Quran to help us know what’s right and wrong. It’s like a light that helps us see in the dark. So, when we read and follow the Quran, we’re following Allah’s guidance for a good life.
  3. The sun and moon move around in the sky, and this movement is super important for life on Earth.
  4. Food is really important because it’s what we eat to stay alive. We can’t live without it!
  5. The sea is like a big road that helps us go places and catch fish. We can use it to travel from one area to another.
  6. Believing in Allah, called Iman, is a blessing. It helps us see that life is like a test. To pass this test, we should be good and have respect for Allah.
  7. Understanding the Day of Judgment is a blessing. It reminds us that one day, we’ll stand before Allah. This knowledge encourages us to be respectful and obedient to Allah.
  8. Heaven is like a wonderful gift that people who believe in certain religions hope to receive one day. It’s seen as a special place where good people go after they die, where they can be happy forever.
  9. Understanding what happens in the afterlife, like heaven and hell, can help us believe in Allah more strongly. Hell is where people who don’t believe in Allah will go as a punishment. It’s important to know about heaven and hell so we can have stronger faith in Allah.
  10. As Muslims, we believe that Prophet Muhammad is the last prophet sent by Allah. We’re grateful for Allah’s gift of the Prophet to us. We need to show respect, love, and obedience to him.

Why was Surah Rahman revealed?

Surah Rahman was revealed to the prophet when he was in Mecca at the beginning of his mission. It teaches us about the many blessings from Allah that we can’t ignore.

Surah Ar Rahman was revealed in Makkah, it’s the surah number 97 in the order of revelation and number 55 in the holy Quran. it has only 78 verses and it falls in the Juz number 27. The meaning of Al Rahman in English is merciful.

How to Memorize Surah Rahman?

Surah Ar-Rahman is special because it repeats one verse many times. If you learn 5 verses a day, you can learn it in 9-10 days. But if you learn 9 verses a day, it will only take 5-6 days. It’s important to set aside enough time for learning. If you have more free time, aim for 9 verses a day, which will take about 1 hour. If you only have 30 minutes, stick to learning 5 verses a day.

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Frequently Asked Questions

1. Where is Surah Rahman in the Holy Quran?

Surah Rahman is found in the 27th Juzz of the Noble Holy Quran.

2. Is Surah Rahman Makki Surah or Madni Surah?

Surah Rahman is Meccan Surah.

3. What is the English Meaning of Surah Ar-Rahman?

The English meaning of Surah Rahman is The Most Beneficent.

4. Why is Surah Rahman called the Bride of the Holy Quran?

Our Beloved Prophet Muhammad (Peace Be Upon Him) says: “Everything has a bride, and the bride of the Qur’an is Surah Rahman.”

Surah Rahman Video

Surah Ar-Rahman Read Online, Download PDF • The Islamic Journey (2024)


What page is Surah Rahman? ›

Surah E Rahman (سورة الرَحمٰن) is the 55th Surah (chapter) of The Holy Qura'n and it is in 27th Para.

In which para surah Rahman is there? ›

Chapter 55 (Surah Rahman) is composed of 26 couplets, 4 tercets, and an introductory stanza of 13 verses all ending with this refrain. The final couplet is followed by a blessing of God's name. Thematically, Ar-Rahman can be divided into roughly three units.

How many āyāt are in Surah Rahman? ›

Ar-Rahman (Arabic: الرحمان, ar-raḥmān; meaning: The Merciful) is the 55th Chapter (Surah) of the Qur'an. It has 78 verses (āyāt).

How many pages is surah rahman? ›

Product information
Publisher‎Independently published (5 Dec. 2022)
Paperback30 pages
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What is surah rahman good for? ›

Surah Rahman talks about the many blessings that Allah gave to us, and it opens the eyes of the reciter to the truth that many people choose to deny. When it's read with care and an honest heart it brings us closer to Allah and makes us thank him for everything we have in life.

Which surah is called Beauty of the Quran? ›

But we can say Surah Ar-Rehman as the beauty of the Quran. This is also called Aroos-ul-Quran.

What does Surah Ar-Rahman talk about? ›

And one of the most significant surahs is “Surah Al- Rahman”. In this surah, Allah (SWT) describes the beautiful creations of Him, as well as His blessings that He is bestowing upon humans. Besides, a long portion of the surah speaks about the description of “Jannah”.

Which surah is known as the mother of the Quran? ›

Al-Fatiha - Wikipedia.

Which surah is the heart of the Quran? ›

A tradition that all commentators have quoted from reliable books, states that everything has a heart and the heart of Quran is (Surah) Yasin. When we consider the totality of the organs of body as one unit, its center is the heart. From this center is directed the administration of the body.

How to learn Surah Rahman easily? ›

10 Practical Tips for Surah Ar-Rahman Memorization
  1. Use one copy of Mushaf while memorizing. ...
  2. Listen to the surah repeatedly from a skilled Sheikh. ...
  3. Read the entire surah (the first time) ...
  4. Understanding the meanings of the verses. ...
  5. Using Acronym (the beginning of the words of Ayahs) ...
  6. Memorizing by grouping and meaning.
May 16, 2024

Which surah is for depression? ›

Our study highlights the efficacy of Surah Al-Rehman as a remedy to reduce depression. The Holy Quran intones, "This sacred book is 'shifa' for its followers." Hence, we recommend that researchers should focus on finding remedies for other psychological and physical diseases from Quranic verses.

Which Quran surah is for success? ›

"My success is only by Allah" - [Surah Hud | Ayah 88]

When to read Surah AR Rahman? ›

It is very beneficial to recite Ar-Rahman on a daily basis. Surah Rahman is said to purify one's heart from evil and hypocrisy. Especially if you recite it after Fajr prayer on Friday, it cleanses your heart from hypocrisy which is one of the greatest evils.

What are the lessons of Surah Rahman? ›

In conclusion, Surah Rahman serves as a timeless testament to the majesty of Allah and His boundless mercy. It offers invaluable lessons on gratitude, reflection, and accountability, guiding believers on a journey of spiritual enlightenment and self-discovery.

Who is Ar-Rahman's wife? ›

Personal life. Rahman is married to Saira Banu, sister-in-law of actor Rashin Rahman; they have three children: Khatija, Raheema and Ameen. Ameen has sung "NaNa" from Couples Retreat, and Khatija has sung "Pudhiya Manidha" from Enthiran.

Which page number is Surah Yaseen? ›

Surah Yasin is 83 verses long and can be found towards the end of The Quran, between pages 440 to 445 depending on the published copy. Surah Yasin is often called the Heart of the Quran because it describes the benefits to both the reader in this world and the next.

What is Surah Rahman considered as? ›

English translations of the surah's title include "The Most Gracious", "The All Merciful", "The Lord of Mercy", "The Beneficent", and "The Mercy-Giving".

What sūrah is chapter 11? ›

Hud (Arabic: هود, Hūd) is the 11th chapter (Surah) of the Quran and has 123 verses (ayat).

What chapter is sūrah? ›

surah, chapter in the sacred scripture of Islam, the Qurʾān. Each of the 114 surahs, which vary in length from several pages to several words, encompasses one or more revelations received by Muhammad from Allah (God).


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