Spinach And Carrot Dog Treat Recipe (2024)

Soft Peanut Butter Carrot Dog Treat Recipe

What’s better than biting into a warm, soft cookie? Making them for your dog, of course – try this Soft Peanut Butter Carrot Dog Treat Recipe for a cookie your pup will love.

Carrot and Applesauce Soft Dog Treat Recipe

Looking to bake up an easy dog treat for your senior pooch? Then this Carrot and Applesauce Soft Dog Treat Recipe will be right up your alley.

Spinach and Zucchini Dog Treat Recipe

Does your dog turn his nose up at vegetables? It’s time to get creative – why not hide them in some homemade dog treats? Genius!

Spiced Apple and Carrot Dog Treat Recipe

I don’t know about you, but I’ve been in full holiday baking mode for a few weeks now… and it’s all for dogs. When we’re in the midst of our festive baking sprees, it’s easy to forget making a little something extra just for our dogs. That’s why I kept the Spiced Apple and Carrot Dog Treat Recipe easy. There are just a few ingredients – five in total. Plus, you may already have most of them already, so no more trips to the grocery store.Spiced Apple and Carrot Dog Treat RecipeMakes 25 cookiesIngredients:2 cups of whole wheat flour1 cup of grated carrots1 tsp cinnamon1 egg1/2 cup unsweetened apple sauceDirections:Preheat oven 350 degrees.Mix all of the ingredients together until dough forms. Roll dough into ¼ inch thick and cut with festive cookie cutters. Place on non-stick cookie sheets Bake for 25-30 minutes and let cool on a wire rack. Store in an air tight container or bag and keep refrigerated or frozen.That’s it! Simple, festive, healthy and tasty – for your dog, that’s the best Christmas gift ever! What will you be making your dog this year? Leave your comment down below.

Apple Ginger Muffin Dog Treat Recipe

Want to fill your home with the scents of apple, ginger, and cinnamon? Our Apple Ginger Muffin Dog Treat Recipe is better than a scented candle.

How Do I Manage My Dog's Separation Anxiety When I'm At Work?

No one likes to be separated from their cherished pet for too long. But going to work is unavoidable for most of us, and, inevitably, our pets have to stay home alone. It might not seem like a big deal to you, knowing you’ll be back after a few hours, but it is definitely a big deal for your dog. In fact, most pet dogs are affected by this separation so much that they can experience anxiety and stress, ranging from mild discomfort to severe panic. Needless to say, this is traumatic for your pet (and can result in destroyed valuables, too) so it’s important to learn how to help them manage anxiety when you’re away. Here are some tips to help you navigate your pet’s separation anxiety while you’re at the office. 6 Ways To Prevent Dog Separation Anxiety When You’re At WorkGoing off to work and leaving their pet behind is a challenge for many pet owners around the world, especially those who live alone. When you're at the office, you need to make sure your pet is safe and taken care of until you come back. But even when you organize everything, your pet might feel stressed out on their own - even when it’s for a few hours, your dog won’t know why you left or even if you are coming back which can be a trigger for a panic attack for some canines. Some, especially  velcro dogs, get so nervous and stressed that they develop a separation anxiety disorder. But even so, there are many ways to help your pet cope when you're at work, regardless of the severity of their anxiety – here are 6 ways to reduce stress for your four-legged bestie.Create a Consistent Routine:Dogs thrive when they have a routine. Establish a consistent daily schedule for feeding, walks, and playtime. This helps them know what to expect and when. You can create their schedule around your work hours, so your pet will not find it odd that you are not there when they know what to expect before and after your shift (e.g. walk and mealtime).Gradual Departures and Arrivals:Don't make a big fuss when leaving or returning home. Keep your arrivals and departures low-key to reduce anxiety. This helps normalize the process. Make it seem like you just popped out for a few minutes. If you help your dog understand it is not a big deal, they might pick up on your relaxed energy and stay calm when you depart.Offer Interactive Toys: 

What Causes Heartworm in Dogs?

One of the most dangerous threats to the health of dogs around the world is the dreaded  heartworm. Most people are not even aware of the illness, until it is too late for  treatment and the damage has already been done. In fact, many dog owners are not at all familiar with heartworm, how it occurs, how it progresses, and what causes it in the first place. That’s why we’ll go into all of the details every dog owner should know about heartworm. What Is Heartworm Disease in Dogs and What Causes It?Heartworm disease in dogs is caused by a parasitic worm, called Dirofilaria Immitis. These are most simply put, heartworm larvae, and are carried within mosquitos. And that’s how they are transmitted – through the bite of an infected mosquito. When a mosquito, carrying a heartworm larva, bites a dog, it immediately transmits the larvae onto the dog’s skin. This is how the heartworm enters the bloodstream, through the teeny tiny mosquito bite wound – yes, that is how incredibly small these larvae are. After this, over the course of several months, the deposited larvae mature and grow into adult worms that nest and reside within your dog’s heart, blood vessels, and lungs. Once they become adults and enter the animal’s system, these worms can really cause substantial damage to the lungs, heart, and even other organs. This damage is then manifested through visible symptoms, such as fatigue, weight loss, difficulty breathing, coughing, and – in the most extreme cases – heart failure. Heartworm needs to be treated. Otherwise, this disease can be fatal to dogs. Of course, your most common precaution is through regular use of heartworm preventatives, as well as minimizing exposure to mosquitoes or mosquito-dense areas. This can help protect your doggo from contracting a potentially deadly disease. Preventing And Treating Heartworm Disease in DogsThis being said, we need to take into account that heartworm disease won’t be common in all parts of the world equally. The disease is prevalent in parts of the world with warm or humid climates, and high populations of mosquitoes. This is not an exclusive rule, however, and the disease can occur in all parts of the world, including temperate zones. As a diligent dog owner, you should get familiar with your region and if needed, take precautionary measures. If you live in an area where there are a lot of mosquitoes, you can invest in things like mosquito repellents for dogs. 

Pet Safety Tips for the Holiday Season

The holiday season is here, and you’re probably excited about everything that this festive time of year has to offer. But even though you might be focused on being with the people you love, eating delicious food, and sharing gifts, it’s important to also consider the effects the holidays can have on your pets.To help you enjoy a safe and happy holiday season with your furbabies, here’s a list of holiday safety tips for pets.

What is Littermate Syndrome?

If you think that raising a single puppy is hard, try rearing two (or a few) of them at the same time! And if they are born at the same time, whew – prepare to arm yourself with a lot of patience because of so-called littermate syndrome. Littermate syndrome is a term used to describe a set of behavioral issues that can arise when two puppies are raised together in the same household – while they can be from the same litter as the name suggests, they don’t have to be related, it’s enough they are the same age. While it's not guaranteed to occur in all cases, it is a common concern when simultaneously raising two puppies born at the same time.Littermate syndrome typically manifests as a range of behavioral problems, so we’ll go over these together in order to better understand this common issue amongst canine siblings.What are the Main Aspects of Littermate Syndrome?Just like us humans, puppies too can develop many emotions and feelings for their siblings. However, in the canine world, this bond can manifest itself as a range of behavioral issues that owners can have a hard time rooting out. Here are the main ones:Strong bonding:Littermates may become overly dependent on each other, leading to anxiety when they are separated. This is especially common when you are raising just two puppies from a litter. As their bond grows, it will be hard to separate them – it can result in torn furniture, incessant barking, howling, or even depression. Here, redirection will be the key so find some  fun puzzle toys for puppies that will provide enrichment and pique their interest away from their partner in crime. 

Let's Talk Turkey... and Why the White House Pardons One Each Year

It’s now a Thanksgiving tradition… and we’re not talking about the Macy’s parade, the Black Friday sales or that cranberry chutney Aunt Sally whips up each year. We’re talking about the turkey pardon that according to the White House Historical Association, is rumored to have begun back in 1863 with then-President Lincoln. Whether this tale is fact or fiction is debated. What we know is that more recent history confirms the big bird officially began as a gift made to the White House by The National Turkey Federation back in 1947. Alas, no details on his outcome.This year, President Biden pardoned two 42-pounders, preventing them from being on the wrong side of the Thanksgiving feast when he gave Liberty and Bell, a pass and a certain cushy future.As mentioned, this fun seasonal practice began in 1947 and over the years tended to be rather on-again/off-again depending on the whims of whichever administration was in place. It wasn’t until the Kennedy era in the early ‘60s that Tom Turkey was formally spared and lived to see another day. Since then, the support to spare this fine feathered fowl has ramped up considerably and his well-being post-pardon was carefully tracked by both the media and animal rights groups throughout the country.Was it just for show? Did he really make his exit from the White House intact versus being basted, carved and covered in gravy?Before I answer, let’s just say that the fun spin on this tradition is how it has evolved. Not only did Liberty and Bell enjoy a stay in a suite at the luxe Willard Intercontinental Hotel the night before their widely shared pardon, but following their moment in the spotlight, they returned home to Minnesota where the state’s College of Food, Agriculture and Natural Resources Sciences will oversee their care.So, yes. Beginning with the Bush administration in 1989, the turkey pardon became a tradition that sees one lucky bird truly pardoned and destined for a life of ease and indulgence.In fact, past White House pardons have typically resulted in said turkey being relocated to a local children’s farm where they can live out their remaining years being adored by the junior crowd and noshing down on kibble from a cone. BTW, did you know that a turkey can live to 10 years of age?Of course, now we’re all feeling warm and sentimental about turkeys, the inevitable question arises: Can a turkey be kept as a pet? The short answer is yes, these highly social critters enjoy the company of humans and can be curious, vocal, and entertaining.  So much so that they’re a top pick for hobby farmers and those who have already ventured into keeping chickens.Just a little food for thought!

Meet Maverick, the Winner of the 2023 American Humane Hero Dog Award

A six-year-old European Blue Great Dane was singled out from hundreds of other dogs and crowned the 2023 American Humane Hero Dog. Maverick’s job as a therapy dog is to support military members and their families from across the country.Maverick has an extraordinary ability to provide comfort to those who need it with a simple touch of his paw. “A sign of a good therapy dog is a dog that always wants to touch you,” explained Marverick’s owner, Kelly Brownfield, from Saint Robert, Missouri. “He just has a sense of knowing what people need.”Brownfield, who works as a manager at the Fort Leonard Wood United Service Organization, told Fox News that Maverick was born for a purpose. “Maverick’s superpower is his ability to calm people with a touch of his paw, giving them strength to move forward,” she said.This gentle giant supports service members after unexpected deaths in their units, escorts children to military funerals of their parents, and helps service men and women cope with trauma. Each week, Maveric spends time with students at school, offering support to children who practice their reading skills.Tipping the scales at 150 pounds, Maverick can initially seem intimidating, but “he is literally a gentle giant,” said Brownfield. “His whole aura about him is calming.”“He is the perfect size for everything that we do. He is literally their rock; they can lean on him, and he is there for them,” his owner added. “The one thing about this breed is that they have a heart to match.”Each year, people around the country nominate hundreds of dogs in five categories - law enforcement and first responder dogs; service and guide or hearing dogs; therapy dogs; military dogs; and emerging hero and shelter dogs - for American Humane’s Hero Dog Award.Five semi-finalists, in each of the five categories, were chosen from hundreds of dogs. A competitive public vote has cut the list to only five four-legged finalists - one presenting each category. Maverick, who was competing against service dog Moxie, Coast Guard K-9 Buda, police dog Poppy, and emerging hero Raina, was crowned by the panel of judges as the winner. “We are so excited to name Maverick as the American Humane’s 2023 Hero Dog, a distinction that is well deserved for him and his owner Kelly,” said Dr. Robin Ganzert, President and CEO of American Humane. “The duo has worked tirelessly to bring comfort and solace to our nation’s military heroes through the United Service Organization (USO), all while they both were facing their internal beatles against cancer. It’s these types of incredible stories about sacrifice, perseverance, and compassion that this award aims to spotlight.”Maverick has also offered emotional support to his owner Kelly, who has been battling cancer for the past six years. “I truly believe he knew before anyone else knew,” said Brownfield, adding that Maverick was particularly clingy, touchy, and protective in the months leading up to her diagnosis. “To have him there, especially on hard days has been just an amazing support.”The six-year-old gentle giant also faced a cancer diagnosis last year but is now cancer-free thanks to a successful surgical procedure. Although Maverick spends most of his time in Missouri, he and his owner sometimes travel around the country for work. Together, he and Brownfield have completed hundreds of special mission requests over the years.Having a therapy dog around “can help change lives,” said Brownfield. “He senses the needs of every person.”Maverick and the four other finalists will be honored at the 13th annual American Humane Hero Dog Awards in Palm Beach, Florida. The award show will air on Thanksgiving Day and November 26 on A&E.Join the PetGuide community. Get the latest pet news and product recommendations by subscribing to our newsletter here.

Dog Rescued After Surviving a 60-foot Fall from Michigan Cliff

A family’s trip to one of Michigan’s most beautiful landmarks almost ended tragically, when their dog took a tumble from a cliff. The adventurous dog, named Dancer, was rescued after surviving a 60-foot fall from a cliff and spending a freezing night alone in the wilderness. The three-year-old pooch had escaped her leash and plunged off a steep cliff near Miners Castle, in the Pictured Rocks National Lakeshore area in Munising, Michigan. The lakeshore runs alongside Lake Superior and is located in Michigan’s Upper Penninsula. The National Park Service (NPS) shared in a news release that Dancer fell 60 feet off a cliff to a ledge below. The dog’s owners spent hours searching the area but were unable to find the dog and were convinced that she didn’t survive the fall. Rangers at the nearby Pictured Rocks Park received a message about the lost pooch and decided to enlist the help of Superior High Angle Rescue Professionals (SHARP), a local rope rescue team, to search for the dog. The following morning SHARP members Erik Olsen, Westley Shaffer, and Tyler Davis went to the area and were able to find Dancer, who was cold, but alive. “Though she has spent the night trying to keep warm, she was excited to see the rescuers,” the service wrote. Dancer, who was described as a “professional troublemaker” didn’t have any reported injuries. The lucky pooch has since been reunited with her family and is recovering well after spending the night alone in the wilderness. The park service noted that Dancer was extremely lucky and although her story has a happy ending, her fall should serve as a reminder to everyone that areas of Pictured Rocks can get very cold and extremely slippery.“With this year’s mild start to winter, many areas of Pictured Rocks are more accessible than they are most years,” Chief Ranger Joe Hughes explained. “It is still important to remember to be prepared for slippery, cold conditions that can change quickly.”Whether you’re planning to hit a local trail with your pooch or are planning a trip to a state park, keep your pooch on a leash. Make sure that your pup’s harness is fitted properly so that your pooch can’t wiggle out of it, even if it tries. Join the PetGuide community. Get the latest pet news and product recommendations by subscribing to our newsletter here.

How Can I Remove Plaque From My Dog's Teeth?

We love our dogs and many of us won’t say no to puppy smooches – but to be fair, not all furballs have the freshest breath out there. If your dog has  bad-smelling breath, the culprit might be plaque buildup and the bacteria overgrowth that comes with it. We all know that bacteria are responsible for all things smelly, and when it comes to oral hygiene, the reason why bacteria are there in the first place is bits of leftover food that slowly but surely turn into tartar on your pet’s teeth. The best way to prevent plaque on a dog's teeth is to brush them, but what about existing buildup? How can you remove plaque from your dog’s teeth at home – or is it something that has to be done professionally? Here’s what you need to know about plaque and tartar and how best to remove them.How Can I Remove Plaque from My Dog's Teeth?Maintaining good dental health in dogs is crucial for their overall well-being. Addressing plaque in your dog's teeth is not just about maintaining a bright smile; it's a key aspect that contributes to their overall health, happiness, and longevity. Regular dental care is an investment in your dog's well-being that pays off in various ways - it’s sure way to prevent dental diseases such as  gingivitis and  periodontitis, eliminate bad breath odor, avoid tooth decay and loss, and maintain your dog’s good appetite. After all, dogs depend on their teeth to eat properly. Just imagine the effect of bad or missing teeth. Unchewed food, indigestion, vomiting – the list is long. So it goes a long way to act on this ahead of time and prevent tartar buildup and remove any existing one. Here are just a few tips to consider when dealing with persistent dog teeth plaque:Prevent Buildup With Regular BrushingDogs need to brush their teeth just like us! They’ll need your help to do it, of course. Remember that it is never too late to start. Start slowly and gently with short brushing sessions, gradually increasing the time as your dog becomes more comfortable. Of course, you should use  a toothbrush that is designed specifically for dogs or a similar fingerbrush. The toothpaste also needs to be for dogs only (never use human toothpaste as it may contain ingredients harmful to dogs).

Does My Dog Need Winter Boots?

The days are growing colder and colder, and your pet is more and more hesitant when it’s time to go out for a potty break – who could blame them? It’s not like we owners don’t need to give ourselves a pep talk when it’s time to take our dogs out for a walk when it’s snowing outside or the icy wind is whipping everything in sight.While winter can be very unpleasant for your dog, there are ways to keep your pooch toasty and more comfortable when the temperatures drop, ranging from  cozy winter coats, warm blankets, and protective winter boots. Yes, those cute little booties are more than a fashion statement – if you’ve been questioning their efficacy, read on to find out if your pet could use a pair of nice winter boots to keep their paws snug and warm.Does My Dog Need Winter Boots?You might think that paws are naturally protected from the cold ground and rough terrain thanks to their unique properties, but that’s only partially true. Not all doggos are built the same. As they come in different shapes and sizes, and with different coat lengths, it means that they will experience winter and cold temperatures in different ways. But even so, no dog’s paw should be left to endure the snow, the ice, and the  rock salt on the asphalt streets. That means that dog boots in winter are far more than a simple piece of the outfit. They protect, keep warm, and ensure that your dog’s paws are safe from injuries, irritations, and dangerous substances. Of course, some dogs need winter boots more than others. Small and toy dogs are much more vulnerable to cold and low temperatures, and they will need protection from the elements without a doubt – that means both a winter jacket and boots. The same goes for senior dogs, whose aching joints and paw pads are much more vulnerable to the elements than they were when they were young.Ultimately, however, dogs of all ages and sizes should be accustomed to wearing dog boots. They protect your pet’s paws in any weather, and come with a range of other advantages, too – these are the main five benefits of dog boots:#1 TractionThanks to dog boots, your pet will no longer have trouble walking on icy or slick surfaces. Boots provide grip and traction, and your next wintery outing will be much safer and faster thanks to them. This is especially important to seniors, who can seriously injure themselves and endanger their mobility due to slips and falls on icy surfaces.#2 InsulationThe boots are there to protect from extreme temperatures. This goes for both winter and summer. So whether it’s ice and cold, or the hot summer asphalt, the boots are there to provide safety – no frostbite on the paw pads, no burns on their delicate little beans.#3 HygieneCleaning your dog’s paws after every walk can quickly become a tiring chore – kudos to you if it doesn’t. Winter brings mud and slush with it, and without the boots, all that mess remains on the paws and gets inside your house, so you need to  clean your pet’s paws every single time you come in from outside. `thanks to dog boots, this can be a thing of the past.#4 Comfort and careDogs can have very sensitive paw pads, especially if they are older and cracked. Thanks to dog boots, winter doesn’t have to exacerbate these issues. Padded and comfy, dog boots ensure that walking on various surfaces is smooth and pain-free.#5 Prevention of injuriesWhen it comes to the protection of paw pads, nothing beats dog boots. In winter, there are a lot of hazards on the walking surface. Ice shards, frozen rocks, icy puddles, and rock salt – the list is endless. Thanks to the protection of the boots, your pet will be safe from abrasions, cuts, and frostbite.

Felix Cat Insurance Will Pay Your Engagement Ring – On One Condition

If you're ready to tie the knot, you should know that there’s a way to make this special occasion even more memorable – by including your furball in the proposal. Not only is it an adorable way to ask for someone’s hand in  marriage, but thanks to Felix Cat Insurance, it can also be a way to get a gorgeous ring for free! This company is launching “A Purr-fect Proposal” campaign, aiming to help one couple of cat lovers celebrate that special moment in their lives. The aim of the campaign is to cover the costs of an engagement ring and the only requirement is to include your cat in the proposal!December is truly a magical month, so it doesn’t surprise that it’s also the most popular month to get engaged – which is why Felix Cat Insurance chose this month to bring their plan to fruition. The contest is open until December 19th, and the company will choose one lucky winner whose kitty-centered proposal plan sounds the best three days after that, on December 22nd. The winner will be gifted $4,750 or have the cost of an engagement ring covered. Not only that, but they will also receive a package of cat treats, festive toys, and even elegant cat clothes for their furry helper – to wear on the special occasion, of course. "Our felines are family members and just like your closest friends and family, we want to include them in celebrating meaningful moments like this," said Jamie Maxfield, Marketing Director and Brand Expert at Felix Cat Insurance. "Planning for the future can also bring challenges, which is why we're spreading holiday cheer by easing the expense of this life milestone as you, your partner, and your furry friend embark on your new life together. Not only is Felix here to ease the expense of this core life event, but we can also be there every step of the way afterwards."Here are the contest details as laid out by the company:Prize:$4,750 to put toward an engagement ring. A curated kit of treats and surprises so your furry friend can join in on the celebration. Dates: The contest opens on November 28th, 2023 at 12:01 a.m. EST and ends at 11:59 p.m. EST on December 19, 2023. The winner will be selected on December 22, 2023. Eligibility & Rules: You must live in the United States.You must be 18+ in age. The proposal must take place within the month of December. This contest is not available in Washington or Puerto Rico. For more information on the "Purr-fect Proposal" contest, including terms and conditions, visit  FelixPurrfectProposal.com. Good luck – and congrats on the engagement to be!

World’s Oldest Dog Posthumously Stripped of His Title

Last year, the world’s oldest dog was thought to be Bobi – who was reportedly  31 years old. However, a recent investigation into this claim led to him being posthumously stripped of the title by none other than Guinness World Records. The lofty title was suspended this January, as doubts rose about the dog’s reported age. Bobi lived in Portugal and sadly passed away last fall, and according to his owner, at a grand age of 31 years. However, a recent review by Guinness World Records revealed that they didn’t have the necessary evidence to support that claim."Without any conclusive evidence available to us right now, we simply can't retain Bobi as the record holder and honestly claim to maintain the high standards we set ourselves," Guinness Director of Records Mark McKinley said. "Of course, as with any record, we'll gladly assess any new evidence should we receive any."Before Guinness World Records actually grants a world record, they require ample evidence of a claim. Pictures, videos, statements from witnesses, documents, and anything similar are all required. And when pets are concerned, microchip data can also be examined. "Central to Bobi's evidence was microchip data sourced from the Portuguese government database, the SIAC, which it transpires, when chipped in 2022, did not require proof of age for dogs born before 2008," McKinley said. "With the additional veterinary statement provided as evidence for Bobi's age also citing this microchip data, we're left with no conclusive evidence which can definitively prove Bobi's date of birth."So, who is the real oldest dog in the world? Well, before Bobi’s lofty claim, there was the famous Bluey, an Australian cattle dog who held the record, being 29 years and 5 months old. But with these recent events, the future of this record will certainly change. McKinley claims that microchips need to be widely adopted around the world for serious claims to be made."Until that time, we'll require documentary evidence for all years of a pet's life, we'll continue to ask for vet and witness statements and we'll also consider microchip data as well where available," he added. "It's for this reason that we're not yet in a position to confirm a new holder for the record, although we certainly hope that the publicity around the record title encourages pet owners from around the world to get in touch."Sadly, Bobi died in October 2023, just months after celebrating what was reportedly his 31st birthday. He was a purebred Rafeiro do Alentejo, a native Portuguese dog breed that is known for its ability to protect livestock. These magnificent dogs have an average life expectancy of 12 to 14 years, and it was thought that Bobbi managed to live twice the time expected – but we’ll never know if that’s actually true or not.

Vet School Aims to Dispel Misinformation About Mysterious Illness

News about a mysterious illness has been making dog parents across the country nervous as they seek out available information. While there have been reported advances made in understanding the cause of the illness, many of the details are still vague, and a lot of “data” being shared by the mainstream media seems to be contradicting. How do you know what to believe?To help clarify the sea of information, Louisiana State University School of Veterinary Medicine has published an educational hub on their website with information about the illness, Atypical Canine Infectious Respiratory Disease Complex (aCIRDC).This hub is divided into several categories: Prevalence, Clinical Signs, Pathogenesis, Screening, Treatment, Prevention, Travel, and News. The goal is to share reliable and actionable information for pet parents that will help them make smart, knowledge-driven decisions about their pet’s health, especially as we head into a busy time of travel during the holiday season.Reported Cases of IllnessAccording to the hub, there are currently reported cases of “a chronic respiratory disease with characteristics of aCIRDC” in 16 different states, including:CaliforniaColoradoFloridaGeorgiaIdahoIllinoisIndianaMaineMarylandMassachusettsNew HampshireNevadaOregonPennsylvaniaRhode IslandVermontWashingtonOne of the most important things to note is the wording used by LSU Vet Med. This list is based on reported respiratory illnesses that have characteristics of the mystery illness, but it does not mean that the disease itself has been confirmed. Many respiratory infections and ailments present with very similar symptoms, including Canine Influenza and Bordatella.How to Prevent Illness in Your Dog This Holiday SeasonWhile there is no guarantee that the above states pose a higher risk of aCIRDC, veterinarians and other professionals recommend that pet parents take precautions to keep their pets safe. This is especially important as many of us plan to travel and visit family for the holidays. The following recommendations (as outlined by LSU Vet Med) will help to prevent your dog(s) from getting sick from any respiratory ailment, not just aCIRDC.Ensure Vaccinations are Up to DateWe currently don’t have enough understanding of aCIRDC for a preventative vaccination, but there are vaccinations for some respiratory illnesses. Check with your veterinarian that your dog is current on all routine vaccinations.Limit Exposure (Where Possible)If possible, avoid or limit bringing your dog to areas that put them at a higher risk of contracting a respiratory illness. This includes dog parks or shelter environments. Have a conversation with boarding and training facilities where dogs socialize to better understand their preventative measures, including cleaning and sanitization efforts. You should also ask about the vaccine requirements for dogs in their care and their plan for handling animals that show signs of being ill.Isolate Dogs with Signs of IllnessIs your dog showing signs that they may be ill? If so, isolation is critical. Don’t bring a potentially sick dog to public spaces, and do your best to keep them safely isolated from any other unaffected dogs in your home.

Wake Up! Your Morning Ritual Needs to Include Your Fur Kid

Let’s be honest. When that morning alarm sounds the first thing we do is reach for our device of choice to see which celebrity rules the headlines, what team made the playoffs, or what our friends have planned for the weekend. Right?Well, according to former lawyer turned animal communicator and TikTok contributor Nikki Vasconez, those crack-of-dawn moments should really be shared with your furry little sidekick rather than an electronic device. And it’s a sentiment echoed by the American Kennel Club’s Canine Good Citizen Director, Doctor Mary Burch. She suggests spending an extra five minutes in bed (or your location of choice if your pet doesn’t snuggle in with you at night) for a little cuddle to start the day. For those of us with multiple pets, we’re not talking about group hugs here. She means quality one-on-one time with each of our critters to help them feel connected, loved, and appreciated by that VIP in their lives - you.Now, before you roll your eyes and declare your pet already feels those loving vibes each time you feed him, walk him, toss him a treat… there’s actually a lot more to this approach. Not only does taking these few minutes set your own day off in a positive trajectory but according to the American Psychological Association, research shows that “Overall, interacting with one’s own pet dog reduced owners’ distress. Such interactions, which occur commonly in daily life, may have the potential to alleviate distress on a large scale. Precisely how this works and for whom it is especially well suited remain intriguing open questions.”So, this a.m.-in-the-moment connection is not just beneficial to our pet’s emotional health but to ours as well. And while most studies refer specifically to dogs, other studies show that cats and even rabbits or other small pets can have a similar stress-relieving benefit. And it’s as easy as wishing your best buddy a simple good morning with a little hug or head scratch.For me, I have a dog dealing with PTSD who needs to be lifted off my bed each morning. We go down the stairs and stop at a picture of my grandmother to wish her a good morning, open the front door to wish our front yard a good morning, then a little cuddle and I let her down at the back door to run out for her morning constitutional. It’s a small ritual that helps build her connection with me and prevents her from disengaging with the world.How big a conversation is this for pet owners? Vasconez recently shared this philosophy on her TikTok account with a video that immediately went viral amassing more than 814,000 views and 56,000 likes. So, it seems pillow talk will soon trump last night’s celebrity gossip.

Spinach And Carrot Dog Treat Recipe (2024)


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