Orlando Evening Star from Orlando, Florida (2024)

33 ARTICLES FOR SALE 31 ARTICLES FOR SALE 31 ARTICLES FOR SALE 31 BOATS, Motor Equipment 31 ARTICLES FOR SALE 45 APARTMENT for Rent 46 HOUSES foe Rent 'Page 4 Orlando Evening Star Friday, October 13, 1961 40 F-ET STOCK and Supplies MAYFAIR FET-OTEL Boarding, grooming, pt cemtry. Forsvth Ml 4-4411 CARPETS-SALE First oualltv 100 net. continuous filament nylon, double dual backing, sj to a traction of the many values we have. CY 3-1113 or CY 3-0372. Free estimates.

Visit our showroom, 603 Fairvllla Rd. Location makes II possible for our low. low prices. Customer reference eiadiy given, AAA Carpets. Canvas, Trailer awnings ALS ARMY STORE 444 W.

Church, GA J-4V3I CUT GLASS1, PATTERN glass, lamps pictures, oo irames, Decispreaas, curtains, cherry coffee table, chest of drawers, maple bedstead, vanity, chairs. Clothing, boy's, 16-18, Bins 14; GA 5-6891, CLOTHES-FURNITURE lilTlo to 13; $1 to5: half sizes, 44 lu to'-l, new; (uvom mirof cabinet. 2-door top, J-drawgr base, coffee table, etc. Antiques; ooipnin base, Lilique lamp; Meissen per-fume tray, framed porcelain. Ivory miniature pin; 90? Malone, Wed.

it to eves, otier mi i-jim, VC9MI nma, in vaonw'l. over 200 used office desks and chairs to choose from. The budaet minded buver will come to fie bid discount warehouse for th best buvs, and most complete selection. Ac Office Equipment, 104 W. Amel- IB, in UCCrTNCCC VW'UMUli cnest sue; i yr, pior (xceiieit condition; Ml 4-7807.

DRAPERY New shipment 98 cts, yd, and up. Prints, solids, antique talin, sneers, etc, Cotion Bowl Fabric. CR 7-4832. DINETTE Brand new, tliqhlly damaoed; 3 Pieces $20; 5 Dices. $30; 7 pieces SSO.

pieces, $70. Whifmirg'i, aiu w. toioniat. DOORS 4 French doors, 3x6'5" 3 glass panels each, 19x27'i phone GA 4-8997. DIVER'S OUTFIT-Compiete S.

Diver outtit, never usea. j. Call 277-8819. DRAPERY FABRIC Full bolls, Stephenson's, Discount Fabrics; 3530 S. Orange Ave.

DRAPERY Savinqs on fabric. tl vd. and up; Labor ii.su per width. Bring measurement to Henry's, 314 W. Colonial; CH 1-3H7 DINETTE SET 8-PIECE CY 3-8874.

ELECTRIC RANGE In good 'i Priced for oulck sale. $45. Phone Ml EARLY AMERICAN bedroom suite in frultwood; dresser, mirror, 2 i twin beas; factory rtiect; mi. Andrews, 49 W. Jefferson, open Frl.

'til 9. ELECTRIC RANGE $35-Polaroid camera $40; 4 barrel set uo for Ford or Mercury; 35 mm proiector and screen; GA 4-5908. FURNITURE 3 complete roomt for someone to rax over payments or 1 1 per mo. or $200. cash.

Call owner TE 8-1511. FREEZERS Used upright and chest, repossessed. Mix oner. Chuck Moruon't, 1207 W. Church FURNITURE We can't giva 50 pet.

off. But our prices ar. still the lowest in town. Dixie Village Furniture, 940 $, Oranoe, open Mon. and 'til 9.

Furniture Used CASH OR TERMS Plastic sofo and chair; Gray hideobed; $59.50 Norge electric range; $59.50 30 metol base cabinet; $19.95 Sofo and rocker; $19.95, Oil heaters; $12.50 up Metal beds complete; $15 Walnut finish vanity; $19.95 Chair bed; $9.95 Office chairs; $6 Wicker rocker $4 Reclining chair; $10 Good Bad SELF SERVICE STORE 124 W. Church St. GA 2-3808 UR Mink caoe lacket anrTbTue mink stole, almost new; private party; phone Ml 4-7004. FURNITURE Must be sold bv order of dlretTnrt 3 rooms, take over balance due, joo or jj.ju per wee, can Dealer TE 8-1511, ask for Mr. Gray.

Discount Center If you are definitely Interested In saving money on good furniture, you should positively tee. TOWN COUNTRY FURNITURE "A Little out of th Way, bul so much less to pay" 3410 S. Orange GA 2-4340. We ac cept trade-Ins. Open Mon.

throuoti Fri. til 9-Sat. til FRIGIOAIRE ICE MAKERS New and used, prompt service, terms. F. Vaden Ml 4-1722, FURNITURE Special sale on all floor samples, lowest pices and best service in town.

Shou it and save. Dixie Village Furniture, 940 S. Orange. Open Mon. eno f-ri.

'tin p.m. FRIGERATORS. used; from $39.95, prices are lower. Beilows TV Town. 1229 Mills; or 3103 W.

Colonial: ooen 9 to 9. FOOD MACHINES By Hqbart isar.m, aia'cs, ivircunam Iliauiuiesf McCray refrioeration: ice mathine. cube and flake; bakery equipment, new and used. Georqe T. Barr, 312 W.

Colonial GA 2-9727. FURNITURE 5 rooms ot new homa furniture: will sacrifice. Call GA 5-7068. from I tp 4:30, Mon. throuqh Fri.

I-KICjIDAIKE ICE MAKERS Lowest prices, terms-service, rent 2 all vours. Crane (3A 3-5406. FURNITURE Martin family transferred, 3 complete rooms of furniture, 5 piece dinette set. 9 Piece livinn rnnm suite, 7 piece bedroom suite. A Mr.

King had this furniture in lav--way, but was transferred to Colorado. No down payment. All you have to do is 'ake ud low monthly parmenis. ueaier, ct J-UU2 FRAME BUILDING 10x10 with large overhanging aluminum roof, iju, lueoi tor carporre, etc. CH 1-23 3 GA 2-2660.

FENCES Repossessed and used fences for sale: United Fenc Awning Co. tt j-ovhi. FURNITURE Sacrifice 3 enm. plete rooms; all or part; 6132 Dog- wuuo ur. FREEZER Slightly damaoed, brand new, no cash down, per.

mg call GA 3-7696. Tyree's. FRENCH PROVINCIAL bedroom group, dresser sizes, 4 chest Sizes, 2 niqht table sizes, 3 styles of beds; whole 3 piece suite with mirror only $139.95. J. Andrews, Jefferton, open Frl.

'til 9. FURNITURE Airman Transferred Brand newt Take over for balance due; 3 rooms of furniture, Including bedroom, living room, kitchen. No down payment, $3.25 week. Ask for Credit Adluster, CR 7-4850; 855-5796. dealer.

Furriiture New, Used Convenient terms, repossessed sofa-bed and chair, $49.95 4 piece sectional, 8109.95; 2 upright freezers $229 and $289; 9x12 foam back rug odd co*cktail tables room group $298; Johnson-Williams Furniture Mart 4860 S. Orang Blsm Tr. Pfl. GA 3-1405. FUR COAT Cost $500 sell $100; pink jt-oot coat; man's suit, slacks, Jarman, Adams shoes size 13 and 14; boys lacket; knit dress, skirts, (hlrts; 25 cts.

tains to $'5. cy 4-7134, FURNITURE 3-oiece modern seoroom suite, $139,95. Pine Castle Furniture Co. 432? S. Orange, Fri.

eve, 'til 9. furnTture FALL CLEARANCE' SALP $34,95 Danish foam chairs $734.95 foam so fa bed tultes, $169.95: 1189.95. lOG-in tnt. HXKi 7-piece dinettes, 2-p(ece solid mapi living room tuite, $129.. 95 Woodburn't Discount Center, 3550 S.

Oranoe, GA 4-4103. GUITAR Fender Spanish electric guitsr, all leather case and amplifier, yr. old, excellent condi tion; CT 3-1724. GAS RANGE 40" also GE electric modern, very good con-dition; best offer; CY 3-5744. mmmm Big Deel! 14' rarorback fibreqias runabout, new II H.P.

Johnson, controls. Murrey tilt trailer, complete Clements Boat Co. 2709 N. Orene Ave. GA 3-155 (QUICK 1962 MODELS See It this week at the Parkwood Plaza Barber Shop; th $379.

all new (QUICK) tioreuias runaooui direct from tn factory tor ONLY $295 Bank available. Marine Division Of I ruwmanera lS7 TROJAN, It' off-shore cruis er, twin electric Evlnrudes. or trade tor smaller ounn. 7-574T. 1 ItUlVllie, Special Cruise Specicf Electric Johnson, 16' Overnloht spott tratr, trailer, oniy sova.

nar-wood Marine, 1240 Orange, Winter Park, Ml 71369. Used Motors have a oood selection of ouar- anteed used outboards, from four to seventy P. Come In and take a look. Avanaoie wnn panx nnano ins. eiaqooo oromert, nil Church, GA 4-53.

OPEN 'TIL 8:00 P.M. 14 FT, JACKSON, sieck mahooany runabout, windshield, collapsible too. Padded teats, wheel, running lights, M7S. 5-5750. 14 FT.

BOAT -25 Johnson, frailer, steerino. windshield. Must jell, 1463 Chestnut Winter Park; Ml 7-7J2S; 14' ZIMMEL PLYWOOD Boat wirn cator trailer, jj a mercury motor, can cy s-tra. ie FT. SCOTTI-CRAFT 35 Buccaneer, electric ttarr, xemote control, Hamlon trailer, extras.

$1,175 17M Mollis Dr Azalea Park; CR 7-1841 MV LOSS' YOUR GAIN 695) 15' runeoout, 40 small wheel trailer. A-l; 1704 Hiaieah St. iTWO 1955 H.P. Evinrude Mo tors, each, includes tas tanks. CR 7-0450.

New 1962 14' Critchfield Fibreqlas runabout SPECIAL $695 See the new model boats and Mercury motort Gateway Marine, 1003 S. Orlando Winter Park. BOAT FOR SALE 11' North Amercan hardtop runa bout; fully eouipoed; curtain, 40 h.p. icon, electric starter and generator. Heavy duty tilt trailer.

Ordinal cost S2.40S. will accept best offer. 3504 Rampart Or. 855- 5478. 14' RUNABOUT 3i H.P.

Johnson, trailer; must sell. See and make of ter. CY 3-7194. 12 FT. ALUMINUM RUNABOUT, IS H.P.

Johnson, trailer and extras. $45" Ccccd, CY 3-tji'8. 33 ARTICLES FOR SALE APPLIANCES FREE, If you can find cieaner nd better for the monev. Check other stores first and compart. Special cash discount, apt owners.

Refrigerators, ranges, freezers. Churk Maroan. 1207 Church. Our 14th year. ANTIQUES Massive matching wardrobe and marble top dresser, Mehosanv.

beautiful oain. GA 2-9605 after AUTO CUSTOM EQUIPMENT UJhul ttC DC IhaI. I-ttTJP 1.U' 3 Slf 3tq I UVUJ $15.95 pr. Floor' Matj $7,5, Kandv APDie-ii va, toeiorock, iskv, Moon, Deeo Tone. Mallorv.

Oraa Fxtt. A-l Speed Shoo, .2304 i. Oranae. ACCORDION. Wurlitzer; 120 bass; iirc new, mi or TE 1-5545.

AIR CONDITIONER-10-lon York. Mutt" oe toia, oood condition. Ph. CH 1-9534, to S. A.

B. DICK PHOTO COPIES ut new, vs price, rnone vA 8M0. AUTOMATIC WASHER $40; bunk bed set, $25; 17 E. Grant APPLIANCES USED Good selection of very hioh quality products. Mavteo washer and drver, excellent condition, both for $188; other automatics, $69 up.

Re-fncieraiorj, $49 up, Eiectric tanoes, $77 up. Tested Approved Guaranteed Claude H. Wolfe Warehouse CASH OR TERMS In rear of 4I N. Garland Store 106 Alexander OPEN FRI. EVES TIL Ph.

CH )-36il or CY 3-4124 APPLIANCES Used, oood 34" Kenmore range and 3t" G. E. electric range; also other items; raimer electric Mil -56i. AIR CONDITIONER, 1-ton FrigT-dairet trade for typewriter or piano; TE 8-5832. ANTIQUE occasional chairs, Gov-enor Wlnthrop desk, tofa, ttrllng, other items.

GA 5-2298. AIR CONDITIONER 1-ton; 220, Ml 4-1164. APPLIANCES FURNITURES NEW USED VALUES CONVENIENT TERMS NEW PLATFORM ROCKERS 2 FOR $29.95 Sterchi's Annex i 1.W. AMELIA GA 4-et'O APPLIANCES GE pushbutton ranoe, GE refrlqerator, 1 H.P. Fedders air-conditioner, CR 7-9236.

Used. Refrigerators, ranges, washers, some reoc sessed from S39.M. Mueston's, Mwy. v-asseiperry, ic a-104. BUILDER'S LEVEL and transit.

Table UWft. power fnnls. mitr hny. Baint sprayers. Johnny Gentile't awn Shnn.

1199 UU rhiirh Ct GA 5-4085. BEDROOM SUITES 2 antique white French Provincial; twin blonde tuite; '60 model deluxe Westmq house washer; call after 5 p.m. or nytim Sat or Sun. TE 8-3550. BUILDERS' HARDWARE Central Florida'i most complete ttockt finest national brands.

Harry P. Leu, CH 1-2561. Bicycles Motor Scooters New and used; all tizest terms trade-ins; expert repairing, on all makes. Call GA 5-4504; pick up and delivery service; Jerrv', 3120 Lorrine ur, open 'Til r. BICYCLES Before Christmas clearance sale; biket reduced.

Rolltast $33.95, lay-aways, repairing. Del-Ray Cvcle, 3600 Edoe- water, v.t uoen rfi, 'til I. BUNK BEDS Comolete, $35; crib and mattress complete SIS; oooKcase, ct a-i in BRYANT GAS FLOOR furnace. ow btu. Will trade for small ouiDoarq motor, wi -jsj.

BABY BED $15; Electralui iia. portable typewriter $35; round rhitrrw rfrnnla! fKla new, 1-3 off. Trading Center, 443" vunii winter rark. Ml 4-9255. BED, roilflway, $10; 14 Readers' Digest books, $10; bassinette phone CR7-62H.

BEDROOM SUITE-Oak, foam rubber mattress; large window fan; wall mirror; 3 pair of lovely OfdMCS, jA J-OUO. BABY BEDS, strollers, car hertt buogies, Corner cabinet, qun cab inet, mteai ciosets, oeooma tale. Hoopers', CT BEDROOM SUITE bv Bassett, all white, modern, formicel loo $179; J. Andrews, W. Jeferson, vpen r-ri.

-tn BEDS Skates, rockers, range, rhins rfthinM riintt Mrills. mowers; sofa bedt, chest, tools. crnig-nparyie, vuv coqewflTer. BEDi BED? BEDS 5eaiy Bahama bedt, Holly. wood beds, $19.95.

AM brand new Jt Central Bedding aV Furniture Co. 3301 S. Oranae Ave. GA 2-6743. CLOTHING, clean auelity garments for everyone; coats, sweaters, skirts, etc; Nearly New Shop, 701 vy.

r-fliroflnxs. winter rarx. CITIZENS BAND radios; freezer $50. 8 MM camera complete outfit, 880, Merlin 334 rille, $75, 22 caliber pistol, lawnmower, also 5 P. outboard motor, $50, '51 Plymouth convertible $195 and mis- ceiieanous items.

Ph. 293.5462. CHEST" Blond, oak, bookcsTe headboard and hollywood bed; GA 2-8024. BATHROOM $79 3 Pe. Set With Fttgi, PLASTIC PIPE $3.00 100' ROLL NEW LAVATORIES $6.95 TOILETS $14.95 ItBVKRIE TMP Ajax Plumbing GOLP CLUBS ltt Wilson staff irons, 2 through tn and pitching weaqos; quit priae orips; sacrifice 4-44 GOLF CART Electric, batteries tun cnargea, sit), tan Ml l-m) GUNS Winchester 12-oeue with ventilated barrel, $6Si Winchester model 70; 30-06 Super grade, with scope, jj; nnaca w-jr, aciuxi venilllatf-d rib, poly choke, $85 1 all In ecellent condition, CY 3-1494.

ROC ERY and MarkeFaau iomanf new and us-1! bouoht. sold and traded, F. r. Vaden 10 rormusa nnt 4-in. HOTPOINT restaurant orlil.

18x34 cost $215, tacrlllc tor US. Ph, HEATER Quaker, madium site blower, automatic, fan, oood con- anion, iuu Lrnaai eivd Maltland. HARLEY DAVIDSON '52 "74" good condition. GA 2-4585 after 4 f.m.iMsj a no ve. Heaters Quaker, Duo-Therm, Blu Flam and Boss heaters; trade and finance; Loom is Hardware, 2211 $, HOTPOINT WASHER 2-speed, all porcelin.

Extra value for $193 with trade. Palmer Electric, Ml 4-8541. 87J Jackson, Win- ter rarx. Heaters Sec us first before buying a new heater, our selection ot oil and electric heater it larqe and complete, we ar ture that hav the very one to suit vour purpose. Bumbv Hardware 10 cnurcn st KENMORE Automatic washer slightly used.

Kelvinator refrioera. tor $35, also other Items, CR j-uf6, sot Acaaian ur. KARTS New and used, Bug and others at low at $133. Engines, parts and entras. A-l Speed Shop, a.

uranqe, ux 4-auoi. KENMORE GAS STOVE, 4-burner Plus grill, 460: crib and mattress, sjv; on, LAWN MOWER, spreader, wwest Inghous roll around electric tan; ga LAWN MOWER, blond dresser, metal patio loungers, all in ex, cellent condition, GA 4-0475. LAUNDRY EQUIPMENT One 2-girl Y'Prosperlty" thirt unit; 1 panit "Mushroom" presses. Ivan hoe Laundry, 1630 N. Oranqe.

MIRROR Larq 347ax44' heavy mate glass S-'u. Desk with chair. bjond. $10. 3-8650.

MOTOR SCOOTER Lambretta; TV 1960 model. Perfect condition. tss-azsB, MARIMBA Rent or tell; $100, Before you buy see the new Kinsman home Organ, Atter one try you II want to buy. mc Kinney MUSIC Ml 7-3997, MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS Discount price on trumpets, banlos, mandolins, ouitars. saxophones.

clarinets. Herman's Loan Luggage 8, jewelry, ii w. cnurcn. MODEL TRAINS HO Guage; complete layout. Tracks, twitches, cars, diesel and steam locos; twin power pack.

Numberous other items. Enlarg your layout cheap. CR 7-1210. ORGAN" Private. Call GA M884.

ORGAN -Save $200, 1 month new, Hammond Chord, $5.50 per week; Music Mart, 1238 E. Colonial. ORGAN Spinet, beautiful case; needs a little work; $250. York Mus ic, 1809 fc, colonial. ORGAN, Hammond, 1941 model M-3.

ore-set. oercussiom cost $1,600, sell for GA 3-2043, ORGAN like new. Save $6001 York MutiC, 1809 Colon-Hi, open Mon, and Frl, 'til 9. ORGAN Hammond Chord with music, $495. York Music, ibot E.

Colonial Di ORGAN Used, famous mak Spinet, 3 manuals, pedals, $595. Guaranteed terms. Wesley Prosser Piano 1221 N. Mills. Open Mon.

and Fri, eves. Organ Special Lowrey Holiday Walnut $845. Allen 25 pedalt $1,295. Electric Spinet-Special 1 $395. Strteps, 441 N.

Orang Av. PIANOS Used Steinway grand, refinished and rebuilt, Keller Music Palmetto at Jefferson, GA 5-0505. PLAYER PIANO with rolls, guaranteed. $595. York Music, 1809 E.

Colonial Dr. PIANOS $10 down, $10 mo. Guaranteed. York Music, 1809 Colonial Dr, PIANO Seinway console, like new; Save nearly York Music, 1809 Colonial. PIANO, spinet, electric; only $295; upright piano, $59.

Thompson Music 345 N. Oranoe, GA 5-4577; open 9 "til Plastic Pipe From jv cts. a galvanized and copper pise, sprinkling system, Gould Rumps, grgpleta line of plumbing supplies; bring your pluming problems to us- Loomij Hard-ware. Oranoe. GA J-7766 PRESSURE COOKER toast-er Venetian' shade, perfect condition mangl $15; CH 1-4975.

PIANO From $144 up: Baldwin, Wurlitzer, Knabe; excellent practice; all waranteed; Music Mart, 1238 E. Colonial. PIANO Miller mahogany display model. Save Terms; Streep's. PUNO Winter walnut spinet; Reclaimed; Take up payments.

Streep's; GA 4-2401, PIANOS 4 used Soinets, Wr.rlitz-er, Baldwin, Cable, from $389 Terms. Wesley Prosser Piano Co l-Nii'lOpen PJANOS Beginner's "reTital plan. $10 mo. Wesley Prosser Piano Millt. Open REFRIGERATOR Phiico.

frost free, cross freezer. Excellent. 3 vrs OIO, JIUU. Wl 4-50BS, Restaurant Equipment (Used! Taylor Soft Ice Cream -and shake equipment; 4 ft. salad unit; gas counter fryer; 8 ft, stainless steel hood and 4 ftv stainless steel equipment stand; cash register.

V.BII l.rt -4IBI, REFRIGERATORSC.iwi nrf mlmr. trie refriqerators, $35 up; terms. REFRIGERATORS Kelvinator, brand new '41 model close-outs; best buvs in town. Hampton Maytag, 2010 N. Oranqe.

RANGE-GAS" 115. TE 8-1059 RE FRIGERATO FREEZER Frost tree combination, repossessed, no cash down, $11.50 per wan yj J-0YQ, i yree IGER ATOR Cross too frt-er and 1 fvoe refrigerator; will sacrifice; GA 4-5107 RANGE Kenmor; Friqidalre, too freezer, both in qood condition, $40 each Or S75 both: bnv an0, bike. both In qood wiiumon, eacn; electric train with extra track and accessories, see at 3402 Veradale CH atter noon RUGS 9x12, decorators, washable, slightly damaged, 1-3 reg. ylar price; 50 only. G.ore Furniture, 719 W.

Colonial Dr. RESTAURANT Used booths, Ice cream maker, fountain rhair. Merton, 423 W. Central; GA 2-4337' SOFA BEQ-Brown, condition $40; dinette set; new, yellow tormlca; $40; CY 3 6263 SINGER AND other make used sewing machines may be ourchasM for as little as $9.95. Large tiort Singer Sewing Center, Colonil Plaza, GA2-162.

SINGER SEWING machine po'lable with all attachments, gay last 4 payments at $7.21. Owner will deliver 40 Box 374. S-Star. FURNITURE 3 Complete Roams of Furniture $288. No Down Payment Innerjpring Mottrest or Bo Sprinj $19.95 4 Piece Bedroom Suite Danish Walnut 7PieeDinettet $59.95 4 Piece Sectionol Living Room Suites $149.95 2 Piece Living Room Suit $69.95 WILLIAMS FURNITURE MART Between Orlando and Sanford On Hwy.17-92 Cattelberry, Fla.

TE 8-1511 SEWING MACHINE '41 Whit nq-tag portable. Makes button holes, monoarams and mbroiders. Take Over my pavmentt 7 at $7.49. Ownr. Free delivery within 40 mi's.

Box 375 S-Star, SpTneT PlANO winters, in excellent condition, $395. Call after 5 P.m. and Sat, or Commod chair, like new $2i, QA jsaip, STAIN ED GLASS chapel windows, I' 4'; Italian hand-mad double leaded glass, antiques; excellent condition; $200 ach; Ml 7-2133 tor appointment. STEREO Demonstrations in our sound proof studios. Listen to Zenith, RCA, Phiico.

ana Grundig. Blgeest selection and best deals in town TV Town, 1279 N. Mills St. ga 5-0575, or w. Colonial or open 9 to SHOTGUN Brownlnfl automatic 14 oauet, polychok Ilk new, 428 caxe 5t STEREO 4 speaker, FM radT consol model, Magnovsx, no cash down, only $8 par call GA 4-OVO, yre t.

TELEVISION used; severe! to choose from; 71 men; sv.vi ui Colonial TV, 1101 6. Colonisli Gi TVs 2l'r tattle modal Motorola! Ui; 2V' Zenith Console; $55; CT 5-77111 TRAILER Camp, slngl wheel, amphibian with pontoons, can attach motor, sleeps 4, canvas top, $5, OA 5-9902. TV CBS-Columbia, '54 blond console. Beautiful condition, 17" crosiey, table mooei, plays good, $30. CY 3-8450.

TILE LINOLEUM Vinyl tile 11 asphalt til 4 ctt. and linoleum from ti.su per yo. wni insrait or show how. Art-Co. 114 W.

Robinson: GA J-4321 TV MAPLE. Top shape, $60; port. M. TV, tll, mat slide, mrry-go-round, $35. 149 wrutii, T.V.-21", Blonde, Phiico swivel; $25: cnair mu Illinois Ave.

TYPEWRITERS: Remington, under wood. Corona. Portable and desk models. Priced from $24.95. Mac- kovs Pawn Shoo; 324 w.

TVs. USED SIS and UP. No money down, no carrying charges. Picture tubet $1 per In. on mott tubes; 1-day TV tervice, Frhk 4.

Jerry't, 3601 5 nranae. GA 4-5750. open daily 9 to l. sun. t-e.

TVs. tellino out large selection; max otter; outn urang iv, 1601 5. urange Ave TENT Laro deluxe, 17x9' almost new. tun 1 oor. screened windows, $135, eves.

GA 5 9902. TV STEREO RADIO DISCOUNT HOUSE Guaranteed lowest prices anywhr on Name Biand duality merchan dise. No off brands. No inflated price tags to give the impression of untru discounts. give trade allowance plus discount.

Locally owned and operated where you get service from and py ine dealer. Cash or terms. Lower than bank rate financing. Not open Sunday. Open Mon.

and Frl. 'til 9. 1230 orang winter run, mi 7-6404. Nobody Undersells Certified TV Repossessed, no cash down, new guarantee, assume payment $7.25 per GA 3-7494, Tvree's. TV Used $29.95 TOWN Jt COUNTRY TV 3804 Corrine Drive, OA 4-2417.

WASHER Repossessed, fully automatic, deluxe, no cash down, assume payment $7.80 par GA 3-7696, Tyree's. WALLPAPER SALE: discontinued patterns in stock trom zv cts. oil. Arnold Paint 8, Walloaoer Store. 407 S.

Orange; opposite City Hall. MUST SELL AT ONCE, 10-piec living room group. Tak up payments of $6.50 per mo. and save. Call dealer TE 1-1511.

SUMMER CLEARANCE "Drop samples. Values to $11 for $1. Th Carpet House, 5005 E. Colonial; phone GA Homes To moved to your lots; must be sold no moved now. 1 ana bedrooms, most with hardwood floors: concrete block homes.

Cash or terms. Sales Office, 219 South primrose ur. can 44i-ij4y or i 2-1411. Expressway Homes. Inc.

HOUSE TO BE Demolished, food-arama, dining room tet. Upright piano, automatic fuel oil furnace; and many other items; make offer; 4460 Edoewater Dr. WILL MOVE my nice 2-bedroom house to your lot for $2,995. total price for house and moving; also 3-bedroom house; CY 3-9084. SALE: 10 a.m.-5 P.m., Sat.

only. All household articles, oddt and ends, plus walnut vanity, bench; porch chaise. Cash. 409 Louise between Palmer and Greenwood. REPEAT Anniversary Sale 3 Days Only THANK YOU! FOR MAKING IT A SUCCESS NO GIMMICKS OPEN SUN.


Bedroom FRENCH PROVINCIAL WHITE AND GOLD SINGLE DRESSER and mirror; $43 DOUBLE DRESSER and mirror; $89.50. TRIPLE DRESSER and mirror; $109. 4- DRAWER CHEST; $54. 5- ORAWER CHEST; $42 CHEST-ON-CHEST; $79. BOOKCASE or canopy bed and trame; $69.95.

CHAIR BACK bed; $57. PANEL BED; $35. NITE TABLE; $21.50 POWDER TABLE: $63. New, Slightly Dcm aged Mac's 77 W. Livingston OPEN 'TIL 9 Clearance Sale 3 pc.

Colored Both Seti $79,95 Complete with all chrome Toilets wrvf USE TRAP 8" Deck Faueet $5.00 New Bathroom Lavatories $6.75 C. t. Recessed Tubs $29.95 42" Sink I Cobinet $39.95 Birch Sink Cobinet 404 off CflPMr, pl (oil Pip ft Cut-Rale Plumbing One And Only Store 1 N. Orang llgugm Tr. etween Washington Central OA OA 4-00S1 CRYSTAL LAKE JOOS-Un-furnished, $85; Wlntar Prk, un-furnlthed duplex $70.

Wvan Smltn Really CH, 1-1489; GA 7472. COMO i bedroomt; stove; draperies; patio; near Shopping and tchool; CH 1-5400. COLLEGE PARK: J-bdroom furnlthed, near tchool, shopping; $85; Jennlnqs-Wlllev, GA 3-0467. COLONIAL DR. Are Just past Goldenrod Rd.

Charming and nicely furnished duplex. $60. Also 2-bedroom furnished home, $85. GA i-2434. College PARK-2-bdroom fur- nlshed; air conditioned, near tchoois, shopping.

TE 8-5867. CORNELL AVE. -2-bedroom furnished, utilitiet, child accepted. COLOnIaLTOWN, MODERN, 3-bedroom, kitchen quipped, earaae. $110; 710 Park Lake Ave, CR 7-2728.

CONWAY Clean 3-bdroom, 4-bath masonry; kitchen equipped, CLOSl IN, 2 bedroom-furnished home; attractive, clean; $75 mo. CH 1-4674. Bollnger Realtors. COLONIAL SCHOOL near 2-bed. room, kitchen tVnlthed, $40 mo, 739 Amber Rd.

CR 7-0549, COLLEGE PARK bedroom, 1 bath home; clean; year's lease; $loo per month; Call Altman Realty phone GA 3-2034. fL6p IN Cottas 1-bedroom. kltchpn equipped, 2141 W. South St. $50 mo.

uuvck ai. auo rt. small j-peo-room house, electric stov, mo; will sell, CR 7-1921. DELANEY AREA SOxlO hous trailer. Adult only.

Phon GA 53681 EAST SIDE 3 bedroom, 1 nd I' j-batn, Bumby, 3-bedroom, $70; Kaley, 2-bedroom, $65; Michigan, 1-bedroom furnished $95; two 1-bedroom furnlthed Waoner Realty. CR 7-5782; CR I JV I i ELMWOOD ST. 1020 E. Olf nyeri z-oeoroom furnished house; screened porches, nlc yard; $90 mo, Including utilities; children ac- CCPTDO. a-BTBi.

citT no i lunn 1 1 bath, concrete block home, Ilka new; appliances, $65 2-bdroom 1-bath duplex, built-in stove, very cl an, $75 mo. 3-bedroom, 1-bth, appliances, $80 Gu Miller Real Estate, CR 7-4432, eves. CR 7-0061. EDGE WATER 727; 2-bedroom house or 2-bedroom garagt apt. Also 1-room efficiencies, GA 4-3043 VlXl-lWi.

GLENWOOD AVE. 200 S. i-bedroom furnished bout until Dec. 15; GA 2-7775. GORE AVE.

1314 E. 2-bedroom, nicely furnlthed house; $7S mo. ccepf children. GRANT ST. 214 E.

2-bedroom near tchool and churchett $71 mo. unlurnlshed; CR 7 0097. GOLDENROD -5-room hous. $45 also 1-40x40 block building, on E. 59 at Bithlo.

good for ttorage or garg, Ml 7-2554. HIAWASSA HIGHLANDS 4-bedroom new Medallion horn, unfurnished, I baths, i-car closed garage, paneled Fla. room, equipped kitchen, living room, dining room $140 mo. CY 3-2730: CY 3-0858. JACKSON 2310 Vf7, 1-bedroom, furnished, 1 child accented, reasonably.

For Information, rear nouse. JACKSON ST. 309 laroa house 2-bedroom; unfurnished; kitchen equipped, GA 3-0874. KISSIMMEE 708 Neptun a new home, 3-bedroom, baths. vnnnuo, it ft a-T3i.

KILLARNEY Lake privileges; fur- nisneo; mooern i-peoroom oupiex; terraizo floors; tile bath; carport; utlltv; 885 mo.) Ml 4-2875, KILLARNEY P6lNT-Lakfron7; cxecutlv typ; large, new, modern 4 bedroom horn; kitchn equipped, washer, dryer; st to appreciate. SIB3. Wl -4J, LAKE CONWAY AREA Fur- nisneo 2-bedroom, shady. quier; 85 mo. j-jjuj.

LAKEWOOD SHORES Unfur-nlshed, 2-bedroom, tiled bath, GE even-rang, carporte, utility. TE 8-5570, LAKE KILLARNEY Lakeview with beach and tennis prlvlleges; modern 2 and 3 bedrooms, homes and duplexes; rent from $75 per unfurnished; also brand new waterfront year around, air conditioned, $30,000 home, $175 per 14 Country Club Dr. Ml 4-S333. LONG ST. S.W.

Nicely tur. nished. 2-bedroom hous. $40; GA 4 0844. LAKE KILLARNEY Furnished cpttaje, adult, private beach; 855; CY 3-2208.

MARTIN-McCOY AREA new, '2-bedroom, 2-bath. kitchen furnished or all furnished. Also larg house, 485J W. Pin King, 4-7267. McCOY NEAR-2-bedroom house, 850 mo.

Call CR 7-0334 after 7 p.m. MARTIN-McCOY 1-bedroom duplex nicely furnished, lakeview, clean, city water, 855-Wl. MARTIN McCOY AREA Almost new 3 bedrooms, 1 V'j batht, house with lake privileges. GA 3-0884. MAITLAND AREA Furnlthed 3-bedroom, 5-bath, Fla.

room, central alrcondltlonlng heat. Excep tionally nice, wtvj on yr. leas. Cordeli, Ml 4 0994, Pace Realty. NORTHGATE SHOPPING Near.

Kent or ten. 3 bedrooms, 2 fenced yard. $110 mo. CY 3-3445. OAFB AREA 2-bedroom, nicely furnished, lak privileges, $115.

LAKEFRONT Huqe 3-bedroom, 2- bath, Fla. room, with fireplace and bar, $175. Frank Wamtley, Realtor; GA PINE H1LLS Nice, 4-bedroom, 3- bath, unfurnished, oven and range; $110 mo. DUPLEXES Furnlthed, Evans Vllleqe, and 1 close to Martin, demons, Mld-Fla. Realty, CY 3-635i; eve, ct 3-0401 PUTNAM AVE.

734, Orlando i oearoom furnished house; Ml 4-2773 PINE CASTLE i-bedrooms, city water; near railroad, stores; $45 mo. GA 3-4721; GA 3-8434. PRIMROSE AVE. 18 Attractive 3 room coftaqe. 2 porches, kitchen equipped.

Clean, $55 mo; Ml 4-9768. PINE CASTLE Duplex, "kitchen equipped, 2 bedrooms; water and yard care Included; 855-2384. ROBINSON AVE, 1403 E. Unfurnished $70 mo. C.

R. Emerlck. Realtor; call CH 1-58 1 4. SOUTHEAST 3-bedroom, i-bath furnished. Hardwood floors, fireplace, piano, seperat dining room, exceptional nlc neighborhood, no small children, $175 per mo.

Also, 4-8EDROOM, 2-bath unfurnished laketront, 3 stqry tram house, separate dining room nd Fla. room, kitchen equipped, $150 per call Arlene Walters; John Cook Aqency, 855-1331. SOUTHEAST SECTION-HouS for mother-in-law; $80 for both houses with lease; GA 2-4982. S. ORANGE BLSM.

TR. Furnished 1-bedroom duplex. UNFURNISHED 3-bedroom masonry, 1-block N. of Winter Garden Rd. convenient to Martin; CY 3-0481.

SOUTHEAST Nice 3-bedroom, 2-bath; range, refrigerator, boat porte; larae corner lot; rent, lease option; $100; GA 4-0251. SOUTHWEST SECTION 2-bedroom duplex, furnished, S7S call after 5 p.m. CY 5-2270. TULANE, 1415: Nice, 2 bedrooms, unfurnished; school block; fenced back yard: $75; GA 3-9927. WESTSIDE 2-bedroom furnished, nearly new, near but; also unfurnished 2 and 3-bedroom homes.

MacPherson Realty, CH 1-6677, WINTER PARK Eastgate; 104 Ball PI, 3 bedrooms; 2 baths; $1 50 mo. or will tell; Ml 7-4240. WINTER PARK 1441 Oneca Ave" rooms, clean, kitchen cqulped, nice section, $60 Ml 4-9748. WINTER PARK: Lakemont School area; 3 bedrooms, 2 baths. Hot-point range, oven, refrigerator; $125: CH 1-2794.

WINTER PARK. 903 Formosa St 7-bedroom house, kitchen equipped. See Sat. after 2 p.m.-Sunday until 4 p.m. WINTER PARK Brookshlre Hieqhts, 1 bedroomt, 2 baths, cedar closet, screened patio; Lennox central heat nd air condition.

Ins; well landscaped, nlc thrub-bery, 1'4 block; from school; convenient to OAFB, thnCDlng center and hospital. By owner Sea at 2345 Middleton Ave. WINTER PARK, 3-bedroom, mo. unfurnished, $100 mo. furnished.

Call Ml 4-5784 after 4:80 P.m. WINTER PARK: Modern 2-bath; porch, 2-car orte, kitchen equipped; children; $135. Margie Glover, Realtor. CH $-3041. WINTER PARK AREA J-bedroom, Fla.

room, TIRED OF WE HAVE NtCr; RENTALS! "FREE RENTAL SERVICE" HENRIETTA E. JANKE plto; GA H-r5; 94? (Continue on Neit E0L4-PARK APIS. "Orlando's Finest-Tot Diaerlmlnatlne Adult Beautiful New Baaeieu Hat1 Air Cand. Parking Laundry 4 Itoraa $3fl BROADWAY CH I-47IJ MUST SELL Complet Early Am(lcan living room set; lamps, table, atct alto mahogany cabinet, Zenith console, with TV, AM-FM radio, record player; Ml 7-7971. slier 4 p.m.

MOVING Westinghous range, like nw. Couch and 1 upholstered Chairs; GA 4-48S3. iALf Wodrn bait box; 3814 E. Colonial Dru east of Airport ntrance; GA 1-4813, Plugt and mott all fishing tackle, ii oil; also dairy box, deep-freeze, fish case nd varlou household furniture; big discount. SHOP US For hard to' find article.

Lowett prices always. Burnham't, 1800 S. Orang Blsm. I WW SfcLLINGlvERYTHiNG Fur-nltur, miscellaneous Items; clothing; cheap; S495 $. Orang Bios-torn Tr.

CH 1-4740. FOR SALE New Lumpkin Micrometer Frequency Mater Typ 105-B, never been used, Best offer over $150 will tak this meter. Call GA $-4971 New Smvrn Beach. CHRISTMAS SPECIALS, -Early American, Bars, upright or wall from $39.95. Lay Awavs welcomed.

Hutch Cupboard, 1224 Colonial. BRITT'S 35 N. ORANGE GA J-3551. COCOSPOT-13, cu. ft.

chest typ frzr; $100.80, PHtLCO-17" TV fbl. model; WIZARO-10 cu. ft. cross top iiecxer; tm JUST 6 TO SF1 H1 Inghous full 1 H.P. vacuum clearer, with all attachments, $55, ciuqinq siy.ys storage nassock free, Haverty's Furniture, CH f-53'1 34 BUILDERS SUPPLIES ASPHALT SHINGLES, whit, 3-in-1, 214 lbs.

Cash and carry, $6.89 per square, crus cumber, I6U5 Atlanta Ave. BUILDING SUPPLIES ALBERT JAMERSON I3C0 Brookhaven Dr Ph. GA $-9084, Additions, alterations. Pre estimates. finance GENUINE FORMICA Good stock ot assorted colors, 39c SQ.

FT. SMYTH LUMBER CO. 490 E. Colonial (only! 4-0554 PRATT AND LAMBERT PAINT 96 qal. ea.

Cellu-ton satin enamel 252 at. 89 ta. 154 sal. at $2.49 a Vitrallt enamel Lytall Flat paint 101 saY'at VwVa 143 qt. at .69 ea.

Smyth Lumber Co. Ana rm rMjiai Open 'til p.m. Sat. GA 4-0554. PRE-FINISHED W-lnch 4x8 sheet $5.95 eacti.

nlal, GA 4-0556. 1xl2 SHEATHING $95 Jx4 IturE SlflAf lunhn I nmlu, Co.7 J17 -Spur ST. DAMAGED DOORS $2.00 UP. imi. iiuiii rre- fmlshed sheetrock 4x8 sheet $2.98.

Short lengths moulding Ic lln. Ft. al (only) OA 4-0554. 35 ARTICLES WANTED APPLIANCES ANO FURNITURE 4 babv furnlttir. hnw ami tell.

Phone A 4-9068. Kuhl Av. rurnrture, ajuy j. orang. APPLIANCES Cash paid tor lec- trie refnoarators and rana: freezers; Chuck Morgan, 1207 W.

Church, Ph. GA 2-2087. CASH PAID for all lunk cart, scrap iron, brass and copper. Moore's Junk Yard naua r.l 5-7616; nights GA 2-0430. FURNITURE rh Dairl.

pots, pans, dishes, hardwa'a, and Jpols. McCormirk's, 432-434 Church. CH 1-3823. FURNITURE WANTED We buy and sell used furniture. Sewell Thurmond Furnifur 1015 W.

Church, GA 2-7070 and 1745 S. Orange GA 2-0931 12 stores). FURNITURE at top prices, we need It; Turner Furniture, 1315 Ednewater phone GA 2-4085. FURNITURE WANTED Regardless of now good or bad. Immediate cash for I piece or houseful.

Highest price, no gimmicks. Call me today. Roland, GA 4-2071. GUNsS Revolvers, rifles, shot-guns. Also for sale $10 uo.

Fdaa. wood Sport Center, Ml 4-9447. JUNK WANTED: Cars, trucks, and scrap Iron. Call Jonny Brown at 423-4842, any time. Fr pick up, Highest prices paid.

TVs WANTED, small stes; 17" sman raoie mooeis ano portaoi Highest prices paid. Frank Jer-ryrs, GA 4-5750. PIANOS WANTED Condition not important; CH 1-5687. CASH FOR DIAMONDS Gold and plallnum jewelry, gold coins. Dental gold.

City Jewelry and Luggag 54 N. Orange Ave. IN NEED OF FURNITURE 1-piece or houseful, top prlc paid, GA 37 FERTILIZER SOIL SOD FILL-TOP SOIL-Sand, small crawler loader service. Reasonable rates. Call Mann GA 2-0497.

FRESH WATER yellow sand or black fop soil, 6 yds, $8. Pineloch Nuserlet, GA 5-5675. MUCK Good for gardens. White sand. Fill dirt.

Prompt tervice. AfiSIPiA GA 5-41 60 GA 5-5929. ALL PURPO'SE TOP SOIL Black weedless, fill clay, also jlaa and asphalt. GA 4-4041; Ml 7-2011. COQUINA, snail shells yellow lawn sand, fill dirt.

clav. trash hauled, tractor work, landscaping, CT J-I40fl, Wl 38 PLANTS, Flowers Seeds GIANT PANSY plants and annuals, flowering and foliage Plants. Flower Garden Nursery, Dodd Gold-enrod. Ml 7-2784. ORCHID SALE Sickness forces sale of my collection of Cattleyas, Vandas, Dent, etc.

S. A. Currv. 2021 Delaney. PALMS AND CITRUS On or 1,000 priced right.

Will plant; TE 8-1337 SOD Centipede 4 cts. St. AuousSlne 4 cts. ft. Cacl.

1 to 10 ii. ititi; cuMuum rum ci. to. Everything for the rock garden. We do complete landscaping.

We deliver Hwv. 17-92, Casselberry, 1 1 8-540 or sanrord no 8-4Z39, TROPICANA NURSERY And Lonscoping CR 5-0460 38-1 FARM Equipment-Sup. FOR SALE Garden Tractor A-l condition. Disc Plows, 5' 1 H.P. motor, men? 4-w, 40 PET STOCK and Surtnliet AQUARIUM SUPPLIES (Open 7 days end eves.) Tropical fish; gold fish; turtles.

Colonial Aquarium, vjii c. loioniai; lh -ju6 BOSTON TERRIER PUPPIES -Males female 3 mo 412 N. Laxemonr, winter parx. BIRDDOGS 3 well trained from call CY 3-3002 or GA Mynahs, Others; caies; supplies; Rare living yjins- nwv. casseioerry.

BOXER PUPPIES (Haiti: males and females; $5 and $10; M1 il 4-UH5; Kissman's, co*ckER SPANIEL Pupoic-s (half) very reasonable; Ml 4-1285. Rlss- CHIHUAHUAS: Beatiful registered puppies, the tiny typ. Ristman, pnuie mi a-iB 3 CHIHUAHUA PUPPIES Registered, 4 wks. old. 5625 Palomlna way, Ki-Mar idge Section; CHIHUAHUA PUPPIES AKC; beautiful toy malet; $50.

2' pounq stud service. CR 70738 DEER HOUNDS-1 Blue Tick and 1 Kea Bone, itar 3, 51. Cloud; Ph, 892-7531. DACHSHUND Registered, red male. 2 yrs.

old $25 to th right home. Call TE 8-2848. DACHSHUND 4 wks. ol, black and tan, registered, call CY 5-2540, DACHSHUNDS, chihuahuas, fox Boston terrlert, toy white poodle; Petland, 2414 I. Orange; GA 4-9794.

DACHSHUND PUPS 7 weeks old, AKC registered, males. Phon GA 4-4255. GERMAN SHORT HAIRED Pointer puppies, AKC Champion and hunting blood line. P. O.

Box 365, Orlando or phone Apopk a 889-2192. TriSH Purebred, male, 13 mos. old, ready to be trained. Ii00- GA 3-1426; GA 44783; MINIATURE POODLls 4 wkt, AKC: wormed and shots; cell MINIATURE POODLES Wealthy; 4 wkt. old, AKC registered, reasonable.

Call Ml 7-7895. MINIATURE Poodles AKC registered; whit; male; call Sin-ford AJ-3442. MYNAH BIRDS, parrots, baby parakeets, co*cketlet, wire fox terriers, pekes, beagles, hamjtert, turtles, tropical and oold fish, complete supplies Turf kennel Supplies. 474 N. Orange.

Horned toads. MARTIN-McCOY Oupiex, 2-bed. room, furnished, nice grounds, i children accepted, GA 4.4780- NEW SMYRNA BEACH Dellohtlul country horn. Ownr perlenced In car of elderly wo men, Cn provide conforlable aur-ters for 4. Write Mrs.

W. smith, Mission Rt. 2. GA 12 ORANGE MEMORIAL" AREA; 2. bedroom unfurnished; kllcttn 2 tturtevsnt, ua ORANGE 2703 N.

-Nicely furnished. Small torn utlllllai, GA 4- ORANGE 3862 S. Jumished aeraBepanmni. ORANGE BLOSSOM 2 bedroom qaran or duplex; furnished; $60 mo.t Ml 4-3433. OSCEOLA $.

103 Furnished $40: unfurnished $55; adults, GA 2-7875, OA im, ORANGE MEMORIAL 2 blockt south, 3 rooms furnished, attractive, quiet, 55 a mo. Alto efficiency $45 a mo GA 5-1189, PUTNAM 435; $40; 4 roomt, neatly furnished; private bath, porch, laundry facilities! Ml 7-6044. PRINTETON, 308 D'uPlex furnished, (-bedroom. Near shopping center. 850 mo.

GA 5-3495, PRINCETON OAKS APTS. Nice 2-bedroom furnished apt. GA 5-1789 or ja hki, ju4 c. frinceton. REJ.M APTS.

and 2-bedroom furnished apts. Orang Blossom 1 at oivens. 5-UB04. ROBINSON AVE 1511 E.i 3 large room; utilities; heat; parking) 5 large ciosers; near out; SUMMERLIN S19 $. Fur-nished duplex $65; efficiency $45; unturnisneq apt.

OA 2-2r7q. VIRGINIA-PORTLAND New bau tlfully furnished; 2-bedroom, air. conditioned; adult; $125; ph, 855-5473, CH 1-5434, WINTER PARK 1250 Penn Ave, very clan, modern, furnished 3-room, alr-condltloned, reasonable. Ml 4-1044. WINTER PARK Modern, oot- STanding, spacious 2-bedroom, furnished, Fla.

room, patio; $125 3rd bedroom available; Ml 7-1330. WINTER PARK Furnished maple; centrali clean, comfortable; $850 season; adults. Ml 4-1747. WINTER PARK Lake Klllarnev area. 3-room furnished duplex.

440 uaxeview mi 4-952. TRAILERS -1 or 2-bedroom; rent or buy ilk rent; awnlnot, beach, bargain. Regal't, 4410 N. Orang Blsm. CY 3-3944.

Ml 7 1485. APARTMENTS Furnlshd, bedrooms. Including utilities. Reasonable. Children accepted.

2009 W. Washhotont GA 3-9198. KITCHENETTES $13 ooms $10 and no. Pin Grova Untnl vl ana rnrtaaes. a nn him i.

rnrn r'arx. 1 i-j26. On Lake Killarney Quality residence, without purchase obligation, available now at Lake Klllarnay Apartment Homes. Gold Medallion, air condlt 1 0 kitchen (quipped on, two and three bedroom apart-fnents many wllfi view of th lake. RENT OR LEASE TERMS FURNITURE IF DESIRED For Information phon: Ml 4-0444 151 North Orlando Avenue Wlntar Park, Florida NEWCOMERS: Maitland, new air-conditioned furnished 2-bedroom duplex; Fla.

room, porch, lake; washer, TV; adults; 838-5861. FURNISHED, alrconditioned lake- iue pt. iuu mo. rnona un 3-7884. DESIRABLE upper and lower room, also upper duplex very close in.

206 fcjcnurcn. MODERN UNFURNISHED duplex, close In, air conditioned. Insulated, hardwood floors, all large rooms, 1-bedroom, Westlnohouso kitchen equipment carporte, storage space, references, no pets, GA 3-4294. CLEAN FURNISHED APTS. $45 and 865: Ml 4-0004, 2-3-ROOM furnlthed apts, 1-oaraqe furnished apt.

Also 4-room unfurnished house; centrally located. very reasonaoie. GA z-4850. EFFICIENCY Utilities furnished. Private bath and entrnnce.Near Colonlaltown.

$60 mo. Parking. Call uaj-M3, GARAGE APT. 3 rooms, shower U0111. neon, very ivnirei, Apply 410 6.

Livingston. CLOSE TO Martin-McCoy, fur nished garage $65, utilities inciuaed, pus, 55-4 1 ui. 2-BEDROOM furnished up stairs; $61 714 n. Mint GA 2-5244 days or GA 5-3678 nltes. BEAUTIFULLY FURNISHED I- bedroom electric kitchen; bus line; adults; 441 Livingston, DUPLEX-14 S.

Primrose, 4 roomt, u-oeoroomt; rurmtneo, can ia 3-0145. DUPLEX Lake Lorna Doone near, furnished, electric kitchen; $55 GA 5-1975. FURNISHED DUPLEX, 2 bedroom; $85. bedroom hous $100, Parris Realtor; 118 N. Bumbv; CH 1-3867, DUPLEX Lovely 2-bedroom.

un furnished, kitchen (quipped, ia lou sier) porcn, 20 5. uawsona Blvd. TRAILER 1 or 2 persons; convenient to Martin Co. and down- town urianqo; pn, ck 7-5183. FOR MEN ONLY Completely rurnisneo air-conoinonea, linen and maid service, centrally located, 1 min, to lake, swimming, boating and fishing, suitable for 1 or 2, Ml 4-1164.

MOSTLY FURNISHED, clean cot-taqe, near Eastgate, Shopping Center, hospital, ph. Ml 7-1 150. NICE, clean, comfortable, 1 and 2-bedroom furnished apts. or duplex with ceil heat; from $65. Off Colonial, near bus.

mi 7-1795. NEWLY. DECORATED 2-room efficienjy, utilities furnlthed: Lake privileges; reasonable. 4127 N. Oranqe Blsm, Tr.

FURNISHED -2-room up-stalrt, $30 utilities furnished. 1 prson preferred. 514 Putnam St, 46 HOUSES for Rent ALTAMONTE Nice 3-bedroom masonry home, will rent to desirable party for $75 mo. GA 4-8080, Ml 4-7708. AIRBASE McCOY-MARTIN, near House party furnished, $50 mo.

Call 855-1590. AIRBASE Plate, (near); 3. bedroom, J-bath unfurnished; kltch- equipped; vo mo. OA 3-4607, AUDUBON PARK 3 bedroom, 3 bath, has space heat, fenced yard, close to bus, schools, Churches, shopping centers and air bas. 8115 mo, Evans, Ml 4-4414.

AOPKA AREA 3-bedroorri; lakeview, masonry, range, excel-lent fishing, 870; CY 3-5624. AZALEA PARK Rent or sell 3-bedroom, bath, kitchen eoulpped, partly air conditioned. Owner on premises Oct. 14th. N.

Linden Ave. ALJAMONTE SPRINGS area, fur-nished, 3-bcdroom, 2-bath nous py owner, rn. 1 a-i4i 1 ALTAMONTE SPRINGS Several attractively furnished homes available, one lake front. Homer Sewell, Associate, Hal Huckel, Realtors, TE 8-5497, AZALEA PARK AREA -308 Dillon Circle, 3-bedroom, fenced back yard, kitchen equipped, CR 7-2982. ALTAMONTE SPRINGS 3-bedroom, l'j-bath, equipped kitchen, or apes.

i 13 mo. call I t-4IJ6. BOONE HIGH area; 3 bedrooms, 3 baths; convenient location; Ml 4-4734 or TE 8-5545. BRISTOL CT. 4910 4 bedrooms, 3 baths, 8110 mo.

Call GA 4-9541 BUMBY AND ROBINSON; walking distance Colonial Plaza; bedrooms, kitchen equipped; $85 see 21S N. Glenwood; GA $-1528. Howard F. Shaffer, Realtor; 1200 a. oumpy.

BEAR LAKE 4-bedroom new masonry home. For rent, or sale. All modern conveniences; lake prlv- llan. R.l, chnnl. ntt 0 center, ct -vva, CT J-5305.

BERKSHIRE AVE. Beautiful spa- rintit hne. i.kArAAma aaHiiilaU 1 v- 1 Tv.ui WtllSI VVHrftC'C- IV rH aVrtf a tH lamas aK.tu on auiet residential ttreet, con-venlefit to bus. schools, shopping. BLISS AVE 3616, 2 mo GA 5-8064.

CONWAY AREA 3-bedroom, GA'I-Vjoi KM'lT AV- COLONIAL TOWN Furnished 3 bedrooms, buses, schools. 1 chU- dren; apply 1424 Mt. COLONIAL PLAZA OAFB, spacious 3-bedroom, J-bath, unfurnished, oak floors, fenced, $110 with option to buy at bargain; McCreary Realtor, Ml 7-2841; na answer Ml 4-7809. CLOSE IN Near Oranqe Memorial Hospital, available Immediately. 3-bedroom furnished home, screen oorch, shady yard, garage, 8110 GA 4-8365.

COLLEGE PARK On Dubs-dread eolf murtar haatitifiil. laraa unfurnished i-bedroom. I bath house; kitchen eauiooed. tun. draoet.

$5 rfrnces re- vuirea; couio turntsn; owner CY 5-0154. evenlnes. COLLEGE PARK 105 E. Orlando 3-bedroem, S-bath. kltch.

en ou Ipped, family room; 855-5040. mi i cr.E aimi 1-bedroom, furnished, $75 Mri Glevar. Realtors, CH 1-304). POOOLE Mlnlatur silver-grey, good around children; $50; call CR 7-c093. POODLES Small mlnlsturts, 8 silver.

$100 up Provn wnit ttud-tee $100. 422-1478. PUREBRED DOGS- Dalmatians, I Polntrt I King Oak nennwt, yroveiangj 47V-44ZI. POODLE Mai puppy; btautlful wnit miniature; sir international Champion Rissman's; Ml 4-1265 PUPPIE5 WANTED Will buy entire litters of young, healthy. Rissman's) Ml 4-1285.

SHETLAND PONY vrs. old, 8175. 2480 Versailles Av Winter Park. TERRIER PUPPIES Small, cut. nn Rissmnn's Ml 4-17M A APARTMENT tn- tts AIR BASE AREA (OAKBll 1834 Lake Su furnished 2-bedroom apt, near bus and shopping center.

"AGNES COURT Townhouse Apts Spacious, new, 1, 2. bedrooms fur- nisneo a no uniurnisneo FULLY AIR-CONDITIONED SWIMMING POOL CH 1-4228 or GA 3 2554 AGNES APT. Alrcondltloned, close Jn, GA 4-0432, AIR BASE, near. 5 room fur. nished apt.

4225 Oambert St. ai jaiTtaio, ANDERSON 721-3-room fur- nisneo apt; also ftlcincy; phon j-iur. AIR BASE AREA Furnished 1- uourogm, oaoy accCPred, Call 2-5622. AIRBASE, NEAR Unfurnished 2-bedroom. air conditioned, child accepted Reasonable.

Owner cm i-ism. AIRBASE Near OAFB, 1 bedroom oupiex, turnisneo, $65; 50JO Bypty XZALEA PARK AREA Furnished CR i 6212 oroscn Kd AIRBASE. OAFB; clean, imdir. nished 2-bedroom duplex; kitchen equippcq; soa mo. Ml 4-9436.

ADMAC APTS. Newly decorated, furnished 1-bedroom close to cvcryimnu. UK r-tWYI, BERKWELLE APTS. 325 E. NEW HAMPSHIRE New heat and air-i-ondltlomng, GA J-BOllJH J-4028.

BIG LAKE FAIRVIEW Trailer. $60 and up. Swimming, boating, fishing. Adults; no pets. El Punto 1 rauer rarx; ct j-iuii.

BEN WHITE RACEWAY Area2. bedroom duplex, partly furnished, iicaii, mwicrn, ct 5-5U6. CLOSE IN-Attrictiv new 3-room turnisneo apts. .431 S. Osceola Owner, CH 1-1193.

CLOSE TO downtown; new, 2-brd-room nicely furnished, built-in ranse, oven; air conditioned; sua, mo; IjA 3-154. COLONIALTOWN Furnished, 3 rooms, newly decorated, adults, some utilities, sau; (ja 4-4274. COLLEGE PARK 3-bedroom apt turnisned or unfurnished, near take Ada ir. cy 3-8005, after CLOSE IN Walking distance downtown, 1-bedroom furnished apartments. $65 mo.

M. J. Moss, Broker, GA 5-4674. CONCORD 315 EAST, nicely fur nished, roomy oarage electric xncnen; anuits. weatcq.

CLOSE IN furnished 3 rooms, bath. utilities tn-Cluded. GA 3-9412. CONCORD 811 E. $55 and $60; furnished garage $50; Beck, GA 5-2173 CLOSE IN Well furnished, clean, roomy apt; nicely arranged, Inviting rooms; large closets; carporte; truly an apt.

find; adults. 808 N. Westmoreland; call GA 3-5317, or GA 4-0151. CENTRAL LOCATION, 2 bedrooms, $50 mo. Knowlet Realty, phon CH 1-5368.

COLLEGE PARK Bachelor nicely furnished, $65 104 B. Vanderbilt; GA 4-0497 CENTRAL 817 W. 3 1, 5-room; 1, 3-room; and 2-1-room, Call GA 2-9209. CENTRAL AVE. 522 near Cherry Plaza, newly decorated and furnished, $45 mo.

no pels, clhldren welcome. NEWLY DECORATED, near Cherry Plaza; 3-bedroom horn, I'j baths, unfurnished, children welcome, Walking distance to town. Inquire at 522 E. Central, Apt. No.

1. CHURCH ST. 431 EAST St. Paul 1-room efflclences with utilities, linens, clean; private tn-trance; 812 wk. GA 2-9408.

CLOSE IN Furnished 3 rooms, $45-555, 2-bedroom unfurnished $65; GA 2-9699, CY 5-0720. CENTRAL, west of 441. Modern 2-bedroom duplex, unfurnished $85. reach facilities. 7 Kent.

GA 7937. COLLEGE PARK Efficiency for newly decorated and furnished; hot water and heat furnished; 50; GA 2-3595. COLLEGE PARK 3 rooms, kitchen equipped, all electric, clean, adults; $50; GA 4-4274. CLOSE-IN, walk id downtown; Efficiency torn air conditioned, S17.50-S22.50 wk. Includlnq llnent and utilities; adults; GA 5-6259.

CATHCART ST. 430 Unfurnished 5-room. Must teen to be appreciated. CHURCH 3i E. St.

Regit Hotel Aptt. Downtown. 3 rooms and bath; linens, utilities, steam heat furnished: GA 4-8745. DOWNTOWN Wellborn," rent Includes utilities, linens, heat, weekly maid service. GA 4-8444.

DOWNTOWN Furnished efficiencies. Adults; no pets. $50. 510 E. Jackson.

CH 1-1287; GA 4-0149. DUBSDREAD Nicely furnished, 2-bedroom apt. 401 Nlblic. Call UA J-U5I6, DELANEY ST. 507 Nicely fur-nished, clean, 3-room adults, no pets.

Us of washer, GA 5-2594. DOWNTOWN 1 and 2-room efficiencies, $7. and $10 per wk, quiis, can ua J-nz DOWNTOWN Apt. hotel, alrcon-ditioned, newly furnished; 4 rooms, bath; 2 bath; adults, no 7c I hi cij, 0,1 m. monue.

PACT If AI CV furnished, kitchen equipped, 2-bedroom, living rcom, children permissible, near all tchoois, $85 per month $80 with first and last montn. can z4i-jct. EOLA, 433 S. $70; 4 rooms, nicely furnished, pnvat bath, porch, beautiful yard; Ml 7-6046. EOLA, 439 S.

$50; bachelor apt. Neatly furnished, electric kitchen, private bath and entranc. Ml 7-4740. EDGE WATER DR. 4521 Taste-fully, furnished, 1 and 2-bedroom apts.

wk or season. EDGEWATER 1126 4 rooms, turn shed; attractive location; on bus line; adults; no pets. EDGEWATER DR. 3 rooms, mod- clen' utilities, heat; $20 GA 5-1942. FAIRBANKS-EDGEWATER Lovely 1-bedroom duplex, furnished, 1 block to bus and shopping.

Mc- imosn rteany, ct 3-stjZO. GEROA TER. Upstairs unfurnished, clean, 2-bedroom, kitchen equipped; $65 GA 3-iay GORE AVE. 131 E. il-bedroom, nicely furnished; $65 mo.i water furnished.

GOLFVIEW BLVD. 3424 at Dubs-dreM 3 nlcs furnished rooms, $75; GA 3-3298; GA 3-9411. Grace lerrace Motel rooms and efficiencies; day, mo, Also duplex, GA 3-7870. GURTLFR APTC. I and 3-bedroom furnished or or, yearly; air conditioned: lake; Pool; GA HILIr5RET', 7P -E- '5' south 0 fColonlal Rout No.50.

Garaqe apt. Private. Nice neioh-borhood. 2 rooms, bath, furnished. Reasonable rent; GA 5-6153.

HOLDEN Du- plex, furnished, $60 utilitiet GA 3-8585; GA 3-6455. HILLMAN ST nished 3 and 4 rooms, 2-bed-ro7 desired, clean, reduced rent, ut 1 llties furnished, adult KIRKMONT TRAILER PARK 2-bedroom, alrconditioned, $60 mo. vfliiuaj-wr LAKEFRONT: 3-room cottage, fur-nished, utilities; $18.50 wk. private mt-oti, tt ib tt. aouin; aouits.

LAKE IVANHOE 2 bedroom niteiy Turnisneo apt. cax view. Adults.no pets. GA 2-4174. LAKE LUCERNE 2-rodi furnished ground floor $50.

14 Ernestine St. CY 3-5290, MICHIGAN 9CI -Court dean, quiet, kitchenettes; utilitiet tree; $15 week; MAITLANO 323 Circle Dr upper duplex, 3-rooms, dinette, turnisned, clean. I btxk stores, bus, $10 Ml 4-9748; MUSSELWHITE ST. 2503 Furnished 1-bedroom $70; GA 5-9853. MARTINMCCOY Duplex; clean; 2 bedrooms: furnished: $78 mo.

Palms Restaurant; call 855-9801. MARTIN-MCCOY Well furnished 3-room duplex; adults; $0 mo. Call 855-2247. MARLBORO ST. new J-oed-room duo'ex, furnished; lake privileges; CR 7-141, 275-1455.

(Cont'd from preceding pg.) 19 SERVICES OFFERED PLUMBING REPAIR It ft It. I can, by rtird xlumbtr, no too tra small. Ml 47713. PAINTING Interior, exterior; free vry reasonable. neat work; licensed; CY 3-7157.

PAINTING ChapestJob In town; OA 3'W. PAINT ANY ROOM $14.95 In or outside war. Anderson Doc orators, call GA 3-7173: OA $-131 7 PAINTING Sand blasiinq, steam commercial, residential, Industrial, licensed, bonded and In- roof uv, in oct. oft during licensed, bonded. Coot- aorey xoortng, la 4-uj.

ROOFING, LEAKS, repaired, gutter repairs; 31 vrs. experience; Insured, bonded, free es timates; easy terms; ROOFING ALL TYPES, Renew or reoair. I do me too mvseir, Call GA 4-8163; ROOF LEAKS REPAIRED Any type. Phone GA 3-5777. RE ROOFING, siding, leaks repaired Bonded and insureo.

rri. pmence Also small repairs. Call 6 SWIMMING POOL maintenance and service. Alga removal. Interior surface refinishing.

Filter and Pump reofiir. Chemical delivery and pool suoPllet. No lob too large, or too small. Meridian Pools Service de partment, day or SUNSHINE SEPTIC TANK Free Insoection anywhere. Bonded, cleaning.

470-S2S. '5 vrs. expert- encc, it I tea, anytime. TV SERVICE CALL Between Pine Castle and Church St. Pictua tube K4 9S; We service all makes end mod! GA S-8704.

Bills TV. TREE5 Trimmed, drmossed. removed. Insured and Bonaed. ft.

L. Hu9htonGA 3-4670. ilPHOLSTERING, drapes, slip cover. For good service call us at GA 4-749J, Flynt Furniture 2600 N. Orange, CANDID Wedding Photos Complete coverage by experts, fcudatl plan.

For full picture studio Passport Photos and Identification Fast, courteous service try experts Call tor appointment today. SENTINEL-STAR PICTURE STUDIO M. MAGNOLIA AVE. GA 3-4411 EXT. 553 UPHOLSTERING CMAIK5 A1MU Ot-5 re estimates; GA 5-1717 Upholstering Sofa, tabor and material, $80; matching chair, comolete, $40; HeTly's, 314 W.

Colonial, CH 1-3112. JACK OF ALL TRADES Call beore 7 or after R. E. fjy Tvpr, 20 PERSONALIZED Service) DIAL-A-SCORE-CH 1-1V eTst sports and scores 54 noun a Day. Courtesy Ford PRESCRIPTIONS of oualtty since 1917.

Quick delivery. Your credit is qood on prescriptions at the San Juan Pharmacy. 25 W. Central Have your doctor call GA 5-8693. PRAYER OFFERED FOR THE PRAYER OF THS DAY OlftL OA (h 31 ARTICLES foe RENT AIRCOMPRESSORS 125 tfm heavy OUTV concrete nreaxers; air tools, toray.

equipment, electric generators. Air Compressor! i Sr-rytfc, Iff?) fiA 32 BOATS, Motort Equipment ALUMINUM BOATS $70, wood So. Sails, $97. Glass $139. H.P.

motort $114. All new. Ooen Ray's, 11 mi. out E. Rt B.

Bud Madison Marine Gale mo'ors. Sales and service. 5927 S. Orange Bios. 155-0350.

BOATS-MOTORS-TRAILERS Selling Out Ail 1961 models and trade-ins at money saving prices. Col'eoe Park Outboard Motors, 2605 Edgewaler, GA 5-8122. BOAT AND EVINRUDE MOTOR SALE, all sizes, popular makes. $541, 40 H.P. Evinrude.

$395, and other sizes. Tilt trailers, $13t up. $1,695 18' Feather Craft cabin cruiser, $995. 1995 14' open utility, $695. S895 Scottie Craft stylish new finish.

16'. $595. and many others. Selection of used boats and motors at dealer wholesale during rnis saie. Example; '57 Mark 55.

only $225 Ooen Friday niaht and all day Saturday. Bank financing. "Gateway of the Robson Sporting, Goods. Downtown Sanlord. FA BOAT INSURANCE 1'i PCt.

No. deductible; OrellAsency 305 S. Orange eisffi, Tr, GA 4-0836, BORUM 14' Corsair sleeper with tilt trailer and '51 Super electric start Johnson motor. Weekend special. $795 Killorney Marine Center 1234 W.

Fairbanks Ml 4-WtS. Open 1:30 to 6 Mon. thru Sat. CRUISER 18' Troian, 1958; s-leept 2, head, twin '57 Johnson electric 3S's; heavy tilt trailer, 500. Ml 4-2548.

CRESTLINER, aluminum. II H.P. Mercury; controls, steering, windshield and trailer; $325. Phone CRITCHFIELD 17' overmohter cruiser, Mark 50 motor and trailer; cushions, bumpers, curtains to close-in completely Too many extras to list, must see tor boat buy of the year. $695 es, only $495! Carland of Orlando, across from downtown post office.

GA 3-0i 1 1. CHRIS CRAFT CAVALIER, '60, V4-, yynn naiier, oeotn nnaer, sleeps 4, 185 H.P. $3,900. Wise Boat worns, mt. Dors, tv 3-4j0 OUOCRAFT 16' aluinum boat, 40 H.P.

Scott-Atwater electric start motor, trailer; flood condition; $585. 801 W. Seminole aantoro, i-orai, FIBREGLAS SUPPLIES, attractive prices, cloth, matt, resins. Brlna vour own container. Orlando Boat Municipal Alroort FISHING ROWBOATS 4 wooden with fish wells; $30 and $35; foot ot worse winter park.

GLASSPAR BOAT, 15'; windshield and top; 35 H.P. Johnson motor; Rocket trailer; oood shape; 1320 Edoewater CI. GA 5-0696. Orlando Marine Co. See the new 1t62 tint of Evinrude Motort, 2421 S.

flrgno A- ORLANDO CLIPPER Aluminum and fibreqlas boats; 10' pram to 19' cruisers and Orlando trailers are manufactured at qur p.ant, Municipal Airport. We can quote you most attractive price on a complete outfit ready to go. Open 'til 5 weekdays, noon Sat. Complete stock, all sizes and brands, new and used motors. We service what we sell.

Orlando Boat Co. SAFE HARBOR Boat Motel Ga! motort; bo-tts, motor end boat reoai', painting. Open 2.4 hrt. GA 4-4828, H. 44i IS WORK BOAT, stronfl construct- ed.

Universal 22 H.P. engine, outboard bracket; $2S0 for quid saie. wise Boat Works. Mount Dora, EV 3-4330. SAVE 10 PCT.

AH reconditioned used motort Ransom says 'They aotte go!" Stul set 30 day guarantee and standard Installation, too. RANSOM DOWNES till $. Oranoe GA 3-2593. Open Fri. eves, til SAILERS, new $79 up; used? repairs, Parts; South-ern Metal Fabricating; 855-443 1 16' RUNABOUT, 1op7 side curtain, 30 H.P eiec'ric Evinrude end trailer $55, Used fishing boats, cheap.

Mai-in City TE t-2876. OPPORTUNITY Now you can own a Larson Boat by Brunswick at a tremendous tevtnq. open -til p.m. SHIP AHOY MARINE Cay 8, Fairbanks. Winter Park BARGAIN If.

fitwaiat rtiruihnirf. 1ft S4 nuoe and trailer ell tor J39S; I Fla. marine, Ji04 H. Mills. 162 14' Dura Craft aluminum Sl Flash boa's, omv 859J; Bob I kefs Marine, yy.

hwv. 5d, Winter i amden 456-2244. r44il.

Orlando Evening Star from Orlando, Florida (2024)


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Name: Rueben Jacobs

Birthday: 1999-03-14

Address: 951 Caterina Walk, Schambergerside, CA 67667-0896

Phone: +6881806848632

Job: Internal Education Planner

Hobby: Candle making, Cabaret, Poi, Gambling, Rock climbing, Wood carving, Computer programming

Introduction: My name is Rueben Jacobs, I am a cooperative, beautiful, kind, comfortable, glamorous, open, magnificent person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.